Banning skinny models.

Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 1110
September 20th, 2006 at 01:42pm
There is talk that skinny models will be banned from the catwalk. Just wondering what your opinions on it are. I agree that skinny models are setting the wrong examples for young girls and that it would be nicer to see curvier women modelling. I wouldn't say that all skinny women are wrong though because some people are naturally slim. I think that girls should be discouraged from wanting to be tiny sizes but if that is natural to them then thats not their fault. I'm definately not skinny, wish I was slimmer, but I guess thats not going to happen any time soon!

Sorry if this is a duplicate.
Basket Case
Age: 36
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Mibba Blog
September 20th, 2006 at 01:49pm
They were already banned from the catwalk in Milan

In london most agencies followed suit but somehow lilly cole squeezed through Rolling Eyes purely because she's fronting a major label.

I think it's good. And i will be moving this to the specific section. cause it's a worthy debate, woop.
Age: 32
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Posts: 1110
September 20th, 2006 at 01:54pm
I think its good too. Its funny really, 'cause a lot of the girls I know wish that they were skinnier, yet we all know that it's wrong for models to be tiny. When I see really skinny celebs on the front of magazines, I feel like I'm the one in the wrong, who looks terrible. (even if I don't like the celeb!)

Thanks for moving it, trust me to put it in the wrong place! Rolling Eyes
Basket Case
Age: 36
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Mibba Blog
September 20th, 2006 at 01:59pm
whats being banned is the size zero models, a craze started in Asia but adopted by europeans and America.

I believe that models and the media that focuses so much attention on them causes teenagers ot have un-reachable goals for their appearance, we don't all have personal trainers, this leads to anorexia and bulimea, A cause of depression.
so I welcome this ban.
Basket Case
Age: 36
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Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
September 20th, 2006 at 02:04pm
I think its good too. Its funny really, 'cause a lot of the girls I know wish that they were skinnier, yet we all know that it's wrong for models to be tiny. When I see really skinny celebs on the front of magazines, I feel like I'm the one in the wrong, who looks terrible. (even if I don't like the celeb!)

Thanks for moving it, trust me to put it in the wrong place! Rolling Eyes

I also hate that mags criticise skiiny models so they look like their not pushing the skinny celeb trend then you turn the page and their havign a go at charlotte church for wearing big underwear, it's completely hypocritical.
Age: 33
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Posts: 1400

September 20th, 2006 at 02:07pm
I hadn't heard anything on this subject (but mind me if I live in a III World Country), but I think it's great news. Every year the models get skinnier and skinnier and skinnier and you see no curvier women modeling anythinng, basically, and that just adds big pressure for women to be slimmer. The worst part is that most of these models haven't got their slim figures on a healthy way, and that's the example lots of girls seem to follow.

Diversity rocks. There are so many people that are slim naturally, yes. Those shouldn't be banned, as you said, it's not hteir fault to have genes that make them naturally skinny. Neither should be excluded the ones with more weight.

As long as they look healthy, they all should be on the catwalk.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 1110
September 20th, 2006 at 02:08pm
I also hate that mags criticise skiiny models so they look like their not pushing the skinny celeb trend then you turn the page and their havign a go at charlotte church for wearing big underwear, it's completely hypocritical.[/quote]

Yeah, On one page they have a picture of a skinny model and they say that it's not good, then there will be a pic of a curvy woman in a bikini and they will say, 'Look at that fat!'
Age: 32
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Posts: 1110
September 20th, 2006 at 02:11pm
I hadn't heard anything on this subject (but mind me if I live in a III World Country), but I think it's great news. Every year the models get skinnier and skinnier and skinnier and you see no curvier women modeling anythinng, basically, and that just adds big pressure for women to be slimmer. The worst part is that most of these models haven't got their slim figures on a healthy way, and that's the example lots of girls seem to follow.

Diversity rocks. There are so many people that are slim naturally, yes. Those shouldn't be banned, as you said, it's not hteir fault to have genes that make them naturally skinny. Neither should be excluded the ones with more weight.

As long as they look healthy, they all should be on the catwalk.

I agree, I read that they don't have curvy women as models because it doesn't show the clothes at their best. Shocked
Considering the average dress size in England is 14, these clothes arn't going to look good on many women if they are designed for a size 0. Most of these skinny models have strict exersize plans and hardly eat anything. Apparently a lot of them are vegans. Then the media stresses how important it is to eat a balanced diet, then they will show a picture of a celeb eating a decent meal and will say that they are pigging out!
cabot gal
cabot gal
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September 20th, 2006 at 02:25pm
It's good if it tells Models just when to stop. Their health is affected by what they think people want to see. If they get banned for being too skinny then it will help them to get their eating back on track.
Age: 32
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Posts: 1110
September 20th, 2006 at 02:28pm
It's good if it tells Models just when to stop. Their health is affected by what they think people want to see. If they get banned for being too skinny then it will help them to get their eating back on track.

Yup, and then we can have healthy role models.
Brendon Urie..
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September 20th, 2006 at 02:44pm
If their bones are sticking out, ban them.
Otherwise let them do it. I mean, fuck, it's their job. Would you like to be fired because of the way you look?
Age: 32
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Posts: 1110
September 20th, 2006 at 02:49pm
If their bones are sticking out, ban them.
Otherwise let them do it. I mean, fuck, it's their job. Would you like to be fired because of the way you look?

I see your point, but most of the time, they are pressurized into being that skinny. If they wern't skinny they wouldn't have gotten the job in the first place.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
September 20th, 2006 at 04:53pm
I disagree with this strongly and think it's ignorant. Why should models have to put their carrer on hold so that someone elses kids can have a proper example set for them? The world should not, and in most cases doesnt, have to bend to be a child friendly enviorment in every aspect. There are these amazing things called parents! They are responsiable for their kids, no one else. They need to monitor what their kid watches, eats, reads, what games they play, the TV they watch, ect. I know alot of places that didn't want Dita to perform at and you have to be over 18 to get in to her shows because of the image she promotes, and thats insanely unfair. Models are not the mothers of every kid in the entire world and shouldnt have to bend who they are to fit others needs. They do what makes them happy.

Modeling is an industry centered on image, thats how it is. It isnt shallow or horrible, but if you have dreams or aspirations of becoming a model, you need to take care of yourself and stay fit, for alot of modeling anyways. There are models of other size, are they as popular, of course not. Designers want models who look good to sell their clothes, thats the whole point. Thats a job requirement, you have to have a look that sets you apart from others. Alot of models misunderstand this and it can lead to unhealthy habbits, such as eating disorders, ect. But what on earth is banning them from a runway going to solve? Give them even more things to be self concious about?

I think this is seriously insane and unfair to models, and those that enjoy the fashion industry.
fancy pants
Post Whore
fancy pants
Age: 36
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September 20th, 2006 at 04:55pm
If their bones are sticking out, ban them.
Otherwise let them do it. I mean, fuck, it's their job. Would you like to be fired because of the way you look?
Well if you're a model, it's ALL about how you look. It's not like it's someone working at an office and being fired because they have a lazy eye. Models are supposed to be beautiful. It's just that beautiful doesn't have to mean skin and bones.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
September 20th, 2006 at 05:10pm
And to those saying being thin is unhealthy, that isnt true. Whats unhealthy is eating disorders, having or developing an eating disorder is completely different from being thin. Models with eating disorders have no business being models until they get the help the need to overcome their illness and to cope with the stress of the fashion world. It takes a strong person to deal with the critiscm they recieve and I have alot of respect for them.

Being thin, when done correctly, is great. You feel good about yourself, your eating correctly and exercising, which is great for you. You cannot tell me that those are bad things and that skinny models are all sick and ill. Being overweight can result in serious health issues as well. Different people gain and lose weight differently, so you can't say "anyone who is size x is way to skinny and can not walk in this show."
davey jones.
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Mibba Blog
September 20th, 2006 at 05:22pm
And to those saying being thin is unhealthy, that isnt true. Whats unhealthy is eating disorders, having or developing an eating disorder is completely different from being thin. Models with eating disorders have no business being models until they get the help the need to overcome their illness and to cope with the stress of the fashion world. It takes a strong person to deal with the critiscm they recieve and I have alot of respect for them.

Being thin, when done correctly, is great. You feel good about yourself, your eating correctly and exercising, which is great for you. You cannot tell me that those are bad things and that skinny models are all sick and ill. Being overweight can result in serious health issues as well. Different people gain and lose weight differently, so you can't say "anyone who is size x is way to skinny and can not walk in this show."

I couldn't have said it better.
Basket Case
Age: 36
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Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
September 20th, 2006 at 06:03pm
I disagree with this strongly and think it's ignorant. Why should models have to put their carrer on hold so that someone elses kids can have a proper example set for them? The world should not, and in most cases doesnt, have to bend to be a child friendly enviorment in every aspect. There are these amazing things called parents! They are responsiable for their kids, no one else. They need to monitor what their kid watches, eats, reads, what games they play, the TV they watch, ect. I know alot of places that didn't want Dita to perform at and you have to be over 18 to get in to her shows because of the image she promotes, and thats insanely unfair. Models are not the mothers of every kid in the entire world and shouldnt have to bend who they are to fit others needs. They do what makes them happy.

Modeling is an industry centered on image, thats how it is. It isnt shallow or horrible, but if you have dreams or aspirations of becoming a model, you need to take care of yourself and stay fit, for alot of modeling anyways. There are models of other size, are they as popular, of course not. Designers want models who look good to sell their clothes, thats the whole point. Thats a job requirement, you have to have a look that sets you apart from others. Alot of models misunderstand this and it can lead to unhealthy habbits, such as eating disorders, ect. But what on earth is banning them from a runway going to solve? Give them even more things to be self concious about?

I think this is seriously insane and unfair to models, and those that enjoy the fashion industry.

I don't want to live in a tolitarian society. A parent is the primary care giver for any child, but as a secondary it's is soceity's job to bring up a generation. That means that people who have been 'fortunate' enough to find themselves in the celebrity dome, have a responcibility as part of their 'job' to secure that they are setting a positive role model for their audience. On average it is teenage girls who buy glossy magazines, where picture after pciture is promoting a skinny lifestyle. Which in the majority of cases can only be achieved by extreme dieting or eating disorders. Yes some girls are naturally skinny, but the average size of uk women is 16. So promoting szie 0's leads to depression and angst for a large portion of teenage society.

This is not about models feeling self-conscious because they have to put on a few pounds, this is about the message given to millions and millions of young girls all over the world, that to look good you have to be skinny, which is not true.

The models in question were told months in advance of fashion week that this is what will happen, if they refused to gain a couple of pounds then they obviously care to much about their own image, and before you argue that it could put their career in jepordy, fashion week is the biggest time of the year for all industry's involved, it is also where the top super-models are claimed by large chains. so it would have been in their favour to gain a couple.

Furthermore. being thin whether done correctly is never great. Thin means you are underweight for your body mass, meaning you are eating yourself. causing corrosion in your bones and muscles. Also no one seems to poitn out that within the modelling industry because of the need to be thin certain lifestyles are envoked, for example cocaine abuse which as a drug subdues appetite. everyone know Kate moss' fall from grace, well she was just unlucky to be caught out.
Basket Case
Age: 36
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Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
September 20th, 2006 at 06:08pm
Also if a parent was to try and shield a child from that culture. they can'[t hid magazines stands, billboards, tv ad's. This culture is everywhere.
Age: 33
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Posts: 1400

September 20th, 2006 at 06:33pm
I disagree with this strongly and think it's ignorant. Why should models have to put their carrer on hold so that someone elses kids can have a proper example set for them? The world should not, and in most cases doesnt, have to bend to be a child friendly enviorment in every aspect. There are these amazing things called parents! They are responsiable for their kids, no one else. They need to monitor what their kid watches, eats, reads, what games they play, the TV they watch, ect. I know alot of places that didn't want Dita to perform at and you have to be over 18 to get in to her shows because of the image she promotes, and thats insanely unfair. Models are not the mothers of every kid in the entire world and shouldnt have to bend who they are to fit others needs. They do what makes them happy.

Modeling is an industry centered on image, thats how it is. It isnt shallow or horrible, but if you have dreams or aspirations of becoming a model, you need to take care of yourself and stay fit, for alot of modeling anyways. There are models of other size, are they as popular, of course not. Designers want models who look good to sell their clothes, thats the whole point. Thats a job requirement, you have to have a look that sets you apart from others. Alot of models misunderstand this and it can lead to unhealthy habbits, such as eating disorders, ect. But what on earth is banning them from a runway going to solve? Give them even more things to be self concious about?

I think this is seriously insane and unfair to models, and those that enjoy the fashion industry.

And to those saying being thin is unhealthy, that isnt true. Whats unhealthy is eating disorders, having or developing an eating disorder is completely different from being thin. Models with eating disorders have no business being models until they get the help the need to overcome their illness and to cope with the stress of the fashion world. It takes a strong person to deal with the critiscm they recieve and I have alot of respect for them.

Being thin, when done correctly, is great. You feel good about yourself, your eating correctly and exercising, which is great for you. You cannot tell me that those are bad things and that skinny models are all sick and ill. Being overweight can result in serious health issues as well. Different people gain and lose weight differently, so you can't say "anyone who is size x is way to skinny and can not walk in this show."

I agree with you there, that's why I'm saying that as long as they look healthy they should be on the catwalk. Whether they are skinny or curvier.

I would hate to see a woman for a severe overwight issue on the catwalk, just as muich as I hate to see the bones of a model wlaking on a catwalk.

In my family there's a hug stigma with weight issues. My older sister is size 0, if my memory serves me right, but she's healthy looking...she dosn't look like she's so week she'll faintany time, neither she looks like a skeleton (and trust me that she eat whatever she wants, it's just her organism), meaning that being a size 0 isn't the same as being anorexic/bulimic/whatever.

My other sister though is a size 5, I think, and she is pretty healthy looking too. Not over wighted, but cerainly neither she looks like any model, but she could, becuase she is healthy.

And where does that lead? Simple: I'm nowhere near to being as skinny as that model, so I could probably drop some more weight.

One thing I disagree with. If you thin that starving herself can make a model happy, you must be wrong. Eating disorders are highly related with depression. so being a size 0 because of spending endless hours without eating a thing won't make any model happy, and that is the model that should be banned.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
September 20th, 2006 at 07:58pm

I don't want to live in a tolitarian society. A parent is the primary care giver for any child, but as a secondary it's is soceity's job to bring up a generation. That means that people who have been 'fortunate' enough to find themselves in the celebrity dome, have a responcibility as part of their 'job' to secure that they are setting a positive role model for their audience. On average it is teenage girls who buy glossy magazines, where picture after pciture is promoting a skinny lifestyle. Which in the majority of cases can only be achieved by extreme dieting or eating disorders. Yes some girls are naturally skinny, but the average size of uk women is 16. So promoting szie 0's leads to depression and angst for a large portion of teenage society.

This is not about models feeling self-conscious because they have to put on a few pounds, this is about the message given to millions and millions of young girls all over the world, that to look good you have to be skinny, which is not true.

The models in question were told months in advance of fashion week that this is what will happen, if they refused to gain a couple of pounds then they obviously care to much about their own image, and before you argue that it could put their career in jepordy, fashion week is the biggest time of the year for all industry's involved, it is also where the top super-models are claimed by large chains. so it would have been in their favour to gain a couple.

Furthermore. being thin whether done correctly is never great. Thin means you are underweight for your body mass, meaning you are eating yourself. causing corrosion in your bones and muscles. Also no one seems to poitn out that within the modelling industry because of the need to be thin certain lifestyles are envoked, for example cocaine abuse which as a drug subdues appetite. everyone know Kate moss' fall from grace, well she was just unlucky to be caught out.

If you're a celebrity, it isnt your responsability to change yourself, thats unfair. It's your life, no one elses, and nothing gives another person to decide a correct weight for you. It doesnt even matter if you're famous or not, that applies to everyone. Society isnt the best mentor for any kid with all the violence and negative things it contains. I disagree that anyone should rely on society to raise their kids, and help them develop morals.

Being thin can to be very healthy when done correctly... are you seriously telling me that a proper diet and exercise are unhealthy? Of course not, those are absolutely needed for being healthy, and when I say being thin correctly, that's what I mean. Being overweight can be just as bad with that it can do to your heart, alot of times people tend to neglect that. Neither are good, you want a balance in the middle.

The Fashion idustry relies on looks, fashion is the way you look and dress. When a designer puts their clothes, they should have the right to choose who models them, its their clothes they are trying to sell, and I dont think anyone should tell them how to do it.