Show: Psych

Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 41
March 15th, 2007 at 11:04pm
I looked but I couldnlt find a thread for this.
I love this show. Any other Psych fans out there?
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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Posts: 8632

March 20th, 2007 at 12:00am
Cassie omg that show is hilarious.
only thing is that the seasons are really short. wtf. .__.
Kelly Khaos
Kelly Khaos
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 962

Mibba Blog
March 23rd, 2007 at 11:23pm
i only watched it once, but i thought it was pretty funny Mr. Green
Princess of Punk
King For A Couple Of Days
Princess of Punk
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 3305
July 16th, 2007 at 12:19am
I looked but I couldnlt find a thread for this.
I love this show. Any other Psych fans out there?

Love the show.
I love the guy that plays Shawn.
He is so cute.
Princess of Punk
King For A Couple Of Days
Princess of Punk
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 3305
July 21st, 2007 at 06:24am
I love the show!
I luv James Roday A.K.A. Shawn Spencer.
He is so cute.
Princess of Punk
King For A Couple Of Days
Princess of Punk
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 3305
July 22nd, 2007 at 08:09pm
Here's a banner I made for the show.
Hope you like it.

King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 2350
March 5th, 2010 at 06:03pm
okay, I've watched Psych pretty casually from season 1. I liked it a lot and I knew it had the potential to be one of my favorite shows if I ever got the chance to catch up. I just got Seasons 1 and 2 and holy freaking crap. this is my second favorite show EVER. (Supernatural will forever remain number one). I LOVE shawn and gus. this show is hilarious and interesting and has great references. especially '80s references. and I just love it. I can't wait to get season 3, and then 4 when that comes out. *FIST BUMP*

next wednesday they're having a Psych marathon before the season 4 finale. AWESOMENESS! I'm going to eat some pineapple during it so I can taste the delicious flavor while watching Psych Smile
John Entwistle
Great Success!
John Entwistle
Age: 35
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Posts: 55036
March 6th, 2010 at 12:51am
Love love love this show! I just watched it tonight. (:
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 3707

March 15th, 2010 at 03:23pm
This thread (and show, in general) needs more love.

I just watched the season finale, and omg, when McNabb was putting Abigail in the car and made his "I MIGHT BE A PSYCHO KILLER" face I almost cried. Thank god he wasn't the culprit...he's too awesome to be a bad guy.

Any theories on who Mr. Yin is?
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 2350
March 15th, 2010 at 05:03pm
This thread (and show, in general) needs more love.

I just watched the season finale, and omg, when McNabb was putting Abigail in the car and made his "I MIGHT BE A PSYCHO KILLER" face I almost cried. Thank god he wasn't the culprit...he's too awesome to be a bad guy.

Any theories on who Mr. Yin is?

I know! I was worried because McNabb was acting weird and then I freaked out because I thought Mr. Yin killed McNabb and that is SO not cool because he's awesome. and I like Abigail and I'm glad she didn't die and everything...but I'm kind of happy that Shawn and Abigail broke up. because Shawn and Jules totally belong together. the season finale was just fantastic. I loved it.

My theory on Mr. Yin... well I heard one that I am prone to agree with. Someone pointed out that it could be the new coroner. I'm not sure if I'm ready to accept that because the actor is the same one who plays an asshole angel in Supernatural or what, but I could definitely support that. but what's weird is that when Mr. Yin was talking to them from Abigail's phone it sounded a bit like Shawn's dad. but Henry was with Shawn. and Mr. Yin's definitely a guy, seeing him at the pier proved that. unless that guy is just working for Yang. there has also been a theory that Yin is Yang's son. but the picture at the end really confuses me. because people are debating whether that it was Little Shawn or Mary, I even heard it might be a little McNabb. I'm not sure. I thought it was Little Shawn at first. which gave way to speculations about Twins. I just can't wait for Psych to come back! lol
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 3707

March 16th, 2010 at 08:27pm

I know! I was worried because McNabb was acting weird and then I freaked out because I thought Mr. Yin killed McNabb and that is SO not cool because he's awesome. and I like Abigail and I'm glad she didn't die and everything...but I'm kind of happy that Shawn and Abigail broke up. because Shawn and Jules totally belong together. the season finale was just fantastic. I loved it.

My theory on Mr. Yin... well I heard one that I am prone to agree with. Someone pointed out that it could be the new coroner. I'm not sure if I'm ready to accept that because the actor is the same one who plays an asshole angel in Supernatural or what, but I could definitely support that. but what's weird is that when Mr. Yin was talking to them from Abigail's phone it sounded a bit like Shawn's dad. but Henry was with Shawn. and Mr. Yin's definitely a guy, seeing him at the pier proved that. unless that guy is just working for Yang. there has also been a theory that Yin is Yang's son. but the picture at the end really confuses me. because people are debating whether that it was Little Shawn or Mary, I even heard it might be a little McNabb. I'm not sure. I thought it was Little Shawn at first. which gave way to speculations about Twins. I just can't wait for Psych to come back! lol

McNabb needs more screen time Mr. Green

I want Shawn and Jules to end up together at some point, but I'm afraid that a relationship will ruin the show and it'll end up all soap opera-like. All of the good shows went downhill after the ~sexual tension~ pairs got together =/ I didn't really care too much for Abigail though, so ah, well.

Haha, I wasn't confused about the last scene with the picture until I started talking about it with people. I had thought that it was little Shawn (or at least the kid in the picture looks a LOT like the kid actor)...but maybe it IS someone else. If Mr. Yin is secretly Shawn's twin...

*brain implodes*

I doubt it's Mary though, since he's a blonde...and he's dead...=(
(On a side note, I totally fell for the 'OMG MARY IS THE KILLER' red herring. I guess I'm not a very analytical TV watcher, after all. haha)