More Bali attacks?

Falling In Love With The Board
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October 2nd, 2005 at 04:02am
I am listeningto the news and I think they had more Bali attacks last night Confused more bombs. 3 Australians have died and 17 injured. don't know about other coutries.

has anybody else heard about this?
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 32
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Posts: 4675
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:36am
Yeah.... 'Tis horrible, but... *sigh* There is always more than one reason for something to happen, wich means that there's a reason... and... well... This is just messed up.
Pretty Like Drugs
King For A Couple Of Days
Pretty Like Drugs
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October 2nd, 2005 at 07:47am
i have absolutely no idea what's going on, except there's been bombings and people are hurt
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
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Posts: 8334
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:51am
Yeah.... 'Tis horrible, but... *sigh* There is always more than one reason for something to happen, wich means that there's a reason... and... well... This is just messed up.

You always put things in a confusing way, but I always seem to understand what you say!
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 32
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Posts: 4675
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:53am
Yeah.... 'Tis horrible, but... *sigh* There is always more than one reason for something to happen, which means that there's a reason... and... well... This is just messed up.

You always put things in a confusing way, but I always seem to understand what you say!
Yeah, I think it's because if I were going to try to write every singe bit of what I'm thinking it would take hours and several pages, so everything I write is kinda like just notes, you have to fill in the blanks. And your brain hasn't got trouble doing that.

Oh dear. That came out just as confuddling...
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
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Posts: 8334
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:54am
Yeah.... 'Tis horrible, but... *sigh* There is always more than one reason for something to happen, which means that there's a reason... and... well... This is just messed up.

You always put things in a confusing way, but I always seem to understand what you say!
Yeah, I think it's because if I were going to try to write every singe bit of what I'm thinking it would take hours and several pages, so everything I write is kinda like just notes, you have to fill in the blanks. And your brain hasn't got trouble doing that.

Oh dear. That came out just as confuddling...

It did...but guess what...I understood every word Cool
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 32
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Posts: 4675
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:59am
Yeah.... 'Tis horrible, but... *sigh* There is always more than one reason for something to happen, which means that there's a reason... and... well... This is just messed up.

You always put things in a confusing way, but I always seem to understand what you say!
Yeah, I think it's because if I were going to try to write every singe bit of what I'm thinking it would take hours and several pages, so everything I write is kinda like just notes, you have to fill in the blanks. And your brain hasn't got trouble doing that.

Oh dear. That came out just as confuddling...

It did...but guess what...I understood every word Cool
I knoooooow Cool And I understand the stuff that YOU say Cool I bet it's the famous (atleast amont the people I've started talking about it with) chaos theory, atleast a bit of it, that builds on some weird (weird link, weird people, who are to define weird, by the way) link. Somethink like my spider and metal objects thing, but still very different...

If you got that one, you're gooooood Cool
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 8334
October 2nd, 2005 at 08:03am
Yeah.... 'Tis horrible, but... *sigh* There is always more than one reason for something to happen, which means that there's a reason... and... well... This is just messed up.

You always put things in a confusing way, but I always seem to understand what you say!
Yeah, I think it's because if I were going to try to write every singe bit of what I'm thinking it would take hours and several pages, so everything I write is kinda like just notes, you have to fill in the blanks. And your brain hasn't got trouble doing that.

Oh dear. That came out just as confuddling...

It did...but guess what...I understood every word Cool
I knoooooow Cool And I understand the stuff that YOU say Cool I bet it's the famous (atleast amont the people I've started talking about it with) chaos theory, atleast a bit of it, that builds on some weird (weird link, weird people, who are to define weird, by the way) link. Somethink like my spider and metal objects thing, but still very different...

If you got that one, you're gooooood Cool

I GOT IT I GOT IT!! Not completly but I got the gist!! OH I'M GOOD!
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 4675
October 2nd, 2005 at 08:08am
Yeah.... 'Tis horrible, but... *sigh* There is always more than one reason for something to happen, which means that there's a reason... and... well... This is just messed up.

You always put things in a confusing way, but I always seem to understand what you say!
Yeah, I think it's because if I were going to try to write every singe bit of what I'm thinking it would take hours and several pages, so everything I write is kinda like just notes, you have to fill in the blanks. And your brain hasn't got trouble doing that.

Oh dear. That came out just as confuddling...

It did...but guess what...I understood every word Cool
I knoooooow Cool And I understand the stuff that YOU say Cool I bet it's the famous (atleast amont the people I've started talking about it with) chaos theory, atleast a bit of it, that builds on some weird (weird link, weird people, who are to define weird, by the way) link. Somethink like my spider and metal objects thing, but still very different...

If you got that one, you're gooooood Cool

I GOT IT I GOT IT!! Not completly but I got the gist!! OH I'M GOOD!
Of cource you got it, even if you haven't talked to me about the theory. It was probably a bit because of the placebo effect i tried to put in there, that made you understand. Chaos theory and placebo effects. If you know how to control them, you can do some quite funny and extraordinary stuff. And because of my brains private solution, it is only going to work even more in the coming times... Hey, go read what I wrote in the "gays" section!
Falling In Love With The Board
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October 2nd, 2005 at 01:07pm
I was there in the summer, and my grandparents live there.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
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October 2nd, 2005 at 07:52pm
I was there in the summer, and my grandparents live there.
are they alright!
wake the dead.
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wake the dead.
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October 2nd, 2005 at 08:22pm
The Living End = xcore.:
I am listeningto the news and I think they had more Bali attacks last night Confused more bombs. 3 Australians have died and 17 injured. don't know about other coutries.

has anybody else heard about this?

I know, my mum's been talking about it since she heard, she keeps saying 'we're next', which is a great thing to hear 20 times an hour.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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October 3rd, 2005 at 05:23am
I know! My friends and their families went to Bali for the holidays and were only 600 meters away from the bomb when it went off. Luckily they are alright and they are back home now.
Falling In Love With The Board
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October 3rd, 2005 at 12:51pm
I was there in the summer, and my grandparents live there.
are they alright!
yeah, but a couple of the bombs where not that far away from the area where they live

I've been to the mall where one of the bombs went off
Basket Case
Age: 33
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October 3rd, 2005 at 04:30pm
i've heard it.i don't know why they attact tourists cause tourists=money and then their country would be richer but i suppose if they don't want tourist,but bombs are too far to get rid of them in my oppinion.
King For A Couple Of Days
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October 3rd, 2005 at 05:32pm
The Living End = xcore.:
I am listeningto the news and I think they had more Bali attacks last night Confused more bombs. 3 Australians have died and 17 injured. don't know about other coutries.

has anybody else heard about this?

I know, my mum's been talking about it since she heard, she keeps saying 'we're next', which is a great thing to hear 20 times an hour.
I thought it was because the terrorists didn't want forgieners in Bali.. Confused Therefor why would they attack Australia? This is one of the subjects i don't know too much about....
wake the dead.
This Board Is My Home
wake the dead.
Age: 36
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Posts: 30440
October 3rd, 2005 at 11:02pm
The Living End = xcore.:
I am listeningto the news and I think they had more Bali attacks last night Confused more bombs. 3 Australians have died and 17 injured. don't know about other coutries.

has anybody else heard about this?

I know, my mum's been talking about it since she heard, she keeps saying 'we're next', which is a great thing to hear 20 times an hour.
I thought it was because the terrorists didn't want forgieners in Bali.. Confused Therefor why would they attack Australia? This is one of the subjects i don't know too much about....

I remember hearing (after the first Bali bombings a couple years ago) that they did it as a warning to Australians because they bombed a place where Aussies frequented. Or was that Indonesia? I can't really remember, but my mum's all freaked out, she's like that.
Elegantly Wasted
King For A Couple Of Days
Elegantly Wasted
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October 4th, 2005 at 11:37am
who knows what the terrorists think? besides the terrorists of course... but people shouldnt worry themselves silly about it, coz if you do, you will never live. the attacks on oasis compound were just down the road from me, but im not paranoid about going out to the mall or travelling. i dont even think about it. im not gonna have no life! im gonna go out and enjoy myself and not think about how i could die in a terrorist attack coz that would really ruin my day.
walk,don't run
walk,don't run
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October 5th, 2005 at 05:04am
it was kind of predictable that something like this would happen again.. i think they should have tried to stop ppl from entering the restaurant with a backpack, because that was where the bombs were. i witnessed a bomb blast when i was 8, horrible thing, it was in kenya, some ppl were trying to bomb the american embassy.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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October 5th, 2005 at 09:01am
i know! omg im australian n one of my cousins was surfin ther with friends.. n they CONSIDERED EATIN AT THE RESTAURANT where the blast was! omg they came back on a mercy flight which is so relievin tho. they said on the news that they detonated them with mobiles!!! isnt it scary to think ppl can do such things?