Another day in paradise

The Doctor
Falling In Love With The Board
The Doctor
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8786

Mibba Blog
May 17th, 2006 at 06:26pm
blah... this is just some venting shit. rip it to shreds if you want

Tears crystalise and never fall from your face
Words rot and decompose in the air
Acute paranoia and a irrepentant liar holds me down
The arguement is just begun
Yet no one has made a sound
Unspoken frustration smarts our tongues
The silence says everything about us and
Yet none of what we want to say is resonated
Bite the bullet and tell me why
I'm such a digrace to you
Disappointed and left to stew on your cold shoulder
I am what I am and just because I love someone
Makes you feel anxious and vexed
Am I beyond your forgiveness?
That dead foetus hangs in the air
It's not just going to fade away you know
That could have been me
I envy it.