
Gaara Owns Your Soul
King For A Couple Of Days
Gaara Owns Your Soul
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Posts: 4370
April 26th, 2007 at 10:26am

The voices the voices they are every were cant here them they are coming coming to get us. closer and closer they come breathing breathing.....
creeping creeping coming from under the sheet. you hear breathing breathing. the voices the voices dont your her them . they are coming to get us. to take us away. under the bed breathing breathing breathing , banging banging. driving you mad . driving you to isanity.The voices the voices they are every were cant here them they are coming coming to get us. closer and closer they come breathing breathing.....

running there the mad , breathing breathing the night getting darker darker.The voices the voices they are every were cant here them they are coming coming to get us. closer and closer they come breathing breathing..... you cant get away , they are coming coming. breathing breathing down the neck blowing on the hairs upon it.

The voices the voices they are every were cant here them they are coming coming to get us. closer and closer they come breathing breathing..... attacking your every step your every move breathing breathe ing on your legs pulling you toward the end of the bed.

The voices the voices they are every were cant here them they are coming coming to get us. closer and closer they come breathing breathing.....
bringing you closer to the darkness below.

(So what you guys think????)
Gaara Owns Your Soul
King For A Couple Of Days
Gaara Owns Your Soul
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Posts: 4370
May 4th, 2007 at 01:52pm
thanks. i thouight it came out rather good.