Frost and Fire.

The Doctor
Falling In Love With The Board
The Doctor
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8786

Mibba Blog
June 5th, 2007 at 01:19pm
Fresh, light air cascades
around my airy head. Oh,
I cannot breathe in enough of these

new carbon monoxides. Retching
corpse, the stench of life
I reside in.

Fire, capsulated in a glass
vial for whatever vile purposes,
extinguished in a strike

of lightening. Electricity
is gloriously soft on this
human skin of mine.

Let me drink this
elixir of forgetfulness.
How I want his

touch again, the soft
caress of his
hazel twig hair.

But he will not touch me again,
he sees my shame.
The hands black with sin.

Cardinal blessings in a bundle
of sackcloth. I dare not open it.
The coldness of absolution.

No bishop or nun can
sweet-talk me into hanging. The
fornicators in abstainful clothing.

I listen to no God in his pearly Heaven.
He dances with Lucifer,
the hypocrite.

His bastard son is no better.
He can no longer ignore the red plush
velvet scoring on his skin.

Ash upon my head, a baptism of fire.
Not the ashes of palm leaves but of
a French heretic, in the shape of her heart.

Oh how my heat astounds science. I am
an inferno of angst and boredom.
My vitriol tongue greases the

wings of angels, singed to charcoal.
Do not touch me,
you are like ice and you will melt.

Oh, burn with me,
burn with me mortal.
There is beauty in corruption.

I worship one man, The Lord of Time.
He lives in his dimensionally
transcendent Heaven

beyond tangibility. Only his
soft words can cool this
supernova in distress.
Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 1170

June 6th, 2007 at 07:21am
I loved it very good
a great use of vocabulary
and had detail making it easy to picture it
keep up the good work!!
Peter Petrelli
King For A Couple Of Days
Peter Petrelli
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 4161
June 10th, 2007 at 10:21am
The reason I like this so much, is because it was inspired by Doctor Who, it means that there's going to be a little background behind it, and there will be a good few people who appreciate it as something different to conventional poetry, if that makes sense. I love your imagery.
Was Here Two Weeks Ago
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 42495

June 10th, 2007 at 05:34pm

I absolutely love this. I thought that by reading on i'd eventually get bored because it's so long but it got better and better with every word.
Your selection of words is unbelievable. I would choose a favourite part but it's impossible.
A fine piece of poetry indeed. Keep up the good work!