H1N1 Flu

Had A Life Before GSB
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Posts: 26847
November 6th, 2009 at 01:01pm
It's not deadly,
If so, EVEEYTHING is deadly.
Because EVERYTHING kills.
Equal to the swine, and more.
So, now everythings deadly,
And if everything is deadly...then nothing is.

It's not deadly.
Not it doesn't kill people.
It's just not deadly.
It's easy to take care of, get rid of, Rolling Eyes

H1N1 is not deadly? Confused
Allo? It killed people therefore it's deadly. The thing is, it's like any flu. And flu does kill, even the most common one. So it may not affect you, 'cause you're young and healthy, but it can affect babies, old people, or also people which immune system is already low.

I love how you all think you're making a point.
And you're not.
Rolling Eyes

You're not either.

You just don't get what I am saying,
And think you're right.

I could care less.
I'll just let you all think you're getting a point through ;].

To finish this post, your lack of tact and debatable arguments and your excess of condescension aren't welcome here. It's a debate. Not a school playground. The "you're wrong Rolling Eyes I'm right Rolling Eyes " won't work here but get you in trouble.

Also. Yes, we probably didn't get your point of view (insofar as there might be one), for the reasons I've explained: you have no arguments. So leave this thread or change your behavior before I introduce you MY excess of tact. Thanks.
Age: -
Gender: -
Posts: 192

November 7th, 2009 at 04:29pm
Intimidating much
