^It's kind of expensive to do this, which is why it never took off. You guys should design a logo, then just buy the special printer paper they make that you can iron on to t-shirts. Cheaper, and more fun =]
^It's kind of expensive to do this, which is why it never took off. You guys should design a logo, then just buy the special printer paper they make that you can iron on to t-shirts. Cheaper, and more fun =]
and profitable if you sell on to other GSBians at a small mark up lol
^It's kind of expensive to do this, which is why it never took off. You guys should design a logo, then just buy the special printer paper they make that you can iron on to t-shirts. Cheaper, and more fun =]
and profitable if you sell on to other GSBians at a small mark up lol
It's not a small mark up though, when we have to ship these all over the world. It's like expensive to ship a single item to different places. Like, 15-20 in addition to the cost of the shirt. We don't want to profit off you xD If might be feasible if multiple people in the same country placed an order of shirts, but GSbians are diverse!
I don't know if you guys would be interested, but I can get 1" buttons and maybe vinyl stickers made pretty cheap. I can order them in small quantities to, so there wouldn't be 1,000 GSB buttons going to waste. You guys could get GSB stuff with Whatsername on them like the original shirts, or GSB can have a button/sticker design contest and then sell the top ones. Shipping would cost less than selling shirts because you just mail them as letters.
I don't know if you guys would be interested, but I can get 1" buttons and maybe vinyl stickers made pretty cheap. I can order them in small quantities to, so there wouldn't be 1,000 GSB buttons going to waste. You guys could get GSB stuff with Whatsername on them like the original shirts, or GSB can have a button/sticker design contest and then sell the top ones. Shipping would cost less than selling shirts because you just mail them as letters.
Has anyone considered using cafepress? You can agree on a few designs, and then people can put it on the style shirt they want and order it with no mark up.
I could make some T-shirts with iron ons and ship them in the US
You guys could just make iron on's and mail those, then people get to put them on whatever kind of shirt they want. And it would cost less to ship an iron on than a shirt, because of weight.