
- Name
- salla
- Age
- 30
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- tampere, finland
Member since March 21st, 2010
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Hey guys! So as you may guess; I love Green Day. Their music has affected me alot. They really changed my life. Seriously. I am what I am because of them and I'm not afraid to show it. There are no words to describe my love for their music. My life is in their songs. I feel like their lyrics and songs are the soundtrack of my life.

11th of October 2009 my dream came true and I finally saw them live. It was unbelievable. Everything I've been waiting for the last 5 years and more. I felt so alive. I seriously thought that I could fly. Me and my friend travelled all the way from Finland to Stockholm, Sweden so we could see them. It was the best day of my life.

I've been strangely addicted to Mr. Tré Cool for the last 4 years. I dont think he's ' omg soooo perfect', instead I think he's a f*cking great guy with basic human being flaws like the rest of us. He always says something witty and smart... well not always, but you get the point.
He's a great drummer, and as Mike has said, with way too much energy. He's really funny, smart, damn sexy and the best thing; his shoes are so friggen cool!
I do really do admire him a lot.

I also love Bruce Springsteen. His music is so honest and it really speaks out to me. I was in his concert in June 2009 and it was purely amazing. I got to hold his hand twice and he smiled at me 3 times. Eventually when the show ended i sent him blowing kisses and he sent me one back

Music generally is really important to me, it goes through every vain in my body leading up to my heart

to live and not to breath
me and my friend at green day's gig in stockholm.
yeah i cried and screamed my lungs out... the best day of my life
I love getting to meet new people, so feel free to talk me about anything.
I like cookies, so we can talk about them!

11th of October 2009 my dream came true and I finally saw them live. It was unbelievable. Everything I've been waiting for the last 5 years and more. I felt so alive. I seriously thought that I could fly. Me and my friend travelled all the way from Finland to Stockholm, Sweden so we could see them. It was the best day of my life.

I've been strangely addicted to Mr. Tré Cool for the last 4 years. I dont think he's ' omg soooo perfect', instead I think he's a f*cking great guy with basic human being flaws like the rest of us. He always says something witty and smart... well not always, but you get the point.

I do really do admire him a lot.

I also love Bruce Springsteen. His music is so honest and it really speaks out to me. I was in his concert in June 2009 and it was purely amazing. I got to hold his hand twice and he smiled at me 3 times. Eventually when the show ended i sent him blowing kisses and he sent me one back

Music generally is really important to me, it goes through every vain in my body leading up to my heart

to live and not to breath
me and my friend at green day's gig in stockholm.
yeah i cried and screamed my lungs out... the best day of my life
I love getting to meet new people, so feel free to talk me about anything.
I like cookies, so we can talk about them!
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Hello, I like your profile!!! =]
That's pretty cool that you got to hold Springsteen's hand man!!!
Brainstew!, May 2nd, 2010 at 12:12:32pm
no hei me asutaan suomessa eli todennäköisesti on paska keli!! viime kesänä kävin kattoon social distortionia ja sato ja oli hiton kylmä koko päivän. mutta toisaalta jos on tosi kuuma ei jaksa tehä mitään.
princess consuela, April 20th, 2010 at 11:36:56am
no melkein kaikkihan siellä muutenkin tunkee xD kuuluu asiaan. vaikka kyllä välillä ottaa päähän ku joku korsto työntää pienempiä sivuun. ite kun oon aika kirppu.
kiitti vaan tarjouksesta, mut kattoo ny. =) oon aika huono tutustuun ihmisiin. ja saattaa olla että saanki sinne jonkun mukaan.
princess consuela, April 19th, 2010 at 03:02:19pm
haha, well im glad the weather is getting better for you. & of course you wont bring me down, i'll be fine (: i definitely know green day came here last year on their tour and in 2004 or 2005 when they toured after releasing american idiot. im not sure if theyve been here before, but possibly. what about over there?
Skippy., April 19th, 2010 at 05:22:31am
jee jee :D
Slipper, April 15th, 2010 at 12:12:49pm
jee jee. aika hyvä tuuri. mut onneks suhteellisen eteen pääsee yleensä muutenkin aika helposti jos saapuu ennen keikan alkua. vaikka ihan keskelle eteen on vaikeempi päästä ku reunaan. ja mää en yleensä kehtaa tunkee jos on tosi ahdasta. se on ehkä enemmänkin kiinni siitä kuinka motivoinut on pääsen siihen eturiviin xD jos kehtaa vaan työntää kaikki muut sivuun niin mikäs siinä.
ai niin ja mä oon myös menossa sinne niitten ens kesän lontoon keikalle xD ostin lipun jo ennen kun tiesin et ne on tulossa tänne. tuplasti green day kivaa siis.
princess consuela, April 14th, 2010 at 08:44:43am
yeah, australia! (: you should visit here if ever you get the chance. its really is the best country ever, aha. i love it. aw that must suck, especially if it rains everyday. im so glad its not like that here or i would die because that makes everything so so miserable :\ glad its getting warm for you now though.
Skippy., April 13th, 2010 at 02:56:21am
fifteen years ago? that has got to suck! D: lol @ acdc! another reason why im proud to be australian. you know, theres a guy at my school called angus young. its quite freaky |: you get seasonal depression? i swear i do. its getting cold here & im not really enjoying it.
Skippy., April 12th, 2010 at 03:46:22am
green hair is epicness. :]
gaming4pizza, April 8th, 2010 at 11:46:27pm
theyre playing there again? when? & nope, ive never seen snow. i wouldnt care if everything got wet, i bet it'd be totally worth it. (: i would hate living in a dark place! i swear i'd get depressed haha. i need the sunshine.
Skippy., April 4th, 2010 at 02:05:37am
i'm fine thanks :D and i looove your tre' stuff. i like the 90's gd too much lol.
gaming4pizza, March 30th, 2010 at 03:08:48pm
millä paikalla olit ruotsissa? lattialla vai istumassa? mää olin sie tosi takana istumassa, mut lontoossa olin edessä.
apua en oo ees ajatellu. mää vihaan jonottamista xD yksin vielä. varmaan tosi kiva istua sielä koko päivä. kyllä sielä pääse melko eteen tunkemallakin jos menee vähän ennen keikan alkua.
eihän sitä lämppäriä oo julkistettu vielä? toivottavasti ei saada mitään paramorea kun se on kai niitten lämpparinä jossain muualla euroopassa. amerikkalaiset saa aina kaikki parhaat lämppärit. viimeks niillä oli franz ferdinand ja seuraavaks afi. :(
princess consuela, March 30th, 2010 at 11:30:51am
hey! welcome to GSB. i totally agree with what you say about tre'. we are totally one and the same on that. :D
- Spreezy
gaming4pizza, March 29th, 2010 at 04:14:39pm
dont all places have four seasons? XD i dont know. our summer here is nice too, but as im sure youve probably heard, theyre really hot. & yeah, we all get sick of where we live at some stage and want something completely new. ive never been to the snow, but hopefully i'll go this year (: im guessing finland is one of those places thats kind of always dark during winter? ..
Skippy., March 29th, 2010 at 02:49:41am
jep jep
olit ilmeisesti muuten myös tukholmassa viime syksynä? xD sielä oli kyllä aivan pirusti suomalaisia. varmaan puolet yleisöstä. on jo aikakin meidän saada oma keikka hitto vie.
princess consuela, March 26th, 2010 at 07:03:09pm