dear green day

just coz all my entries are in the life catergory:

dear green day as a whole:
you are amazing. i have all your albums, i know all your songs. you helped me through some bad times. and your my inspiration to be in a band, it doesnt seem to be about fame. i dont care if i get famous. unless being famous means i get to meet you! id love to meet you, to see what your like in real life... ive only seen you on a screen or far away on the stage at milton keynes. my only problem is your new song. only available on itunes? great for all your fans who arent isheep. isnt is just. im hoping coz you want us to buy the charity album, not that you dont care whether or not we get to here it. coz i havent heard it yet. please bring out another album. i love you all!

dear billie joe:
your a great frontman. you can sing and play guitar and be sexy and have a normalish family life. inspiration to all. my ex boyfrend fancys you. he says its great that theres famous people who are bi. much love on your hair! we all love the curlyness... keep it wild rawr

dear tré:
i love you. i measured how much i was in love by who i would pick over my boyf and you. you make the drums look easy, you make smex look easy. your the definition of cool, how do you keep you hair up like that?? did you ever get the valentines i sent you? i sent it to you c/o reprise records. with the adress off american idiot. when i was at milton keynes i had a banner that said TRÉ COOL IS but i was so far away from the stage i put it back in my bag. my sister said we shouldnt go in the mosh pit up front. please please please release a cd of your songs, id buy it for myself and my sister and best frend and ex boyf and then buy another when i wore it out. much love, lyddy

dear mike:
your brians inspiration, and the bass goes dirnt dirnt dirnt. its like your the sensible one. haha... so funny. i dont know anyone sensible. not really. how can you stay sensible around tré? actually, how can you stay straight around tré? its all cool hehehe! you should write more songs. dont just let bj and tré take the wheel!

i know they wont get them. unless i send them c/o reprise records... nah this is just a blog.
Posted on May 24th, 2007 at 05:29am


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