Daddy doesn't want me.

Honestly, I would like to have that one person in my life that I could be best friends with. Someone to teach me how to drive, tell me those "when I was your age" stories, or just playfully pull some wrestling moves on me while I'm outside and he comes home from work. I want a father who will take the time to know me. Someone I can go to for advice that will be extremely terrible, but full of effort. Someone who cares. Who loves me.

My father, Shawn or Sean, I'm not exactly sure (which is definitely not good), barely even knows who I am. He knows I exist, here on this planet. He knows that I live close to him, but he doesn't take the time to see me. I have seen him.. maybe once or twice in my life. When I was seven, I met him for the first time. All that I remember from this night was that I looked exactly like him, he didn't say a word to me, and he definitely didn't show me that he cared at all that I was his child. Being young, you can't take the feeling of being unloved that well. Hell, you can't stand that feeling whatever age you are.

I was born when my mom was nineteen and barely ready to have a child. Especially since HE left her. But my grandma decided to support her and help take care of me. I grew up being well taken care of for the most part, but my mom was still young and hot-tempered. So I got hit. A lot. The reasons, I didn't remember well. But around the time I started going to kindergarten, it stopped. So, my mom met a guy named Carlos. My current dad who adopted me and I now share a last name with. I'm pretty sure he is almost 30 now, but he treated me like I was his own. But of course, he ended up cheating on my mother and got thrown out of the house.

So who was my daddy now? What was I supposed to do with the lack of testosterone in the family? A few years went by until my mom met my stepdad, Paul. My best friend in the entire world. He would play video games with me and I would always drag him to the pool to go swimming with my sister and I. He was one of the most friendly, funny human beings you could come in contact with. His sisters too, who are around my age. But of course, with my luck, he also ended up cheating on my mom and he got thrown out as well.

The next male up to bat? Art. He happens to be dating my mother at this very moment. I severely hate this man. This is the kind of person who is just rude, disgusting, and downright annoying. All he does is watch movies all day, burp and fart in my presence, and yell in my ear when I am right next to him. Not only this, but he calls me "Kid" as if I were born without a name. How long as he been here? Since August. I'm sure that's about long enough to know I have a damn name, wouldn't you think so? And the jokes he makes. I don't even want to discuss them. I didn't think someone like this could ever invade my life, and I really hope he doesn't marry my mom, or else I will go completely insane.

Anyways, to sum up this long blog, I am currently fatherless and wishing someone could care for me as my father should have. My mom is amazing and I love her, but of course, I need someone of the male species to guide me through my life, teach me new things and stay with me through my downfalls.
Posted on May 24th, 2007 at 07:30pm


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