Congratulations, Gerard Way!
So yeah...
Gerard Way is engaged. ( So now we just have to plug our ears while that certain girl at school screams "I'm gonna kill her! Gerard is mine!" I'm not gonna do that, and most of us won't.
I would really love to be able to congratulate Gerard in person, but he's on tour, and hopefully not leaving anytime soon. And he probably won't see this, but I thought it would be fun to write a letter to him here:
Dear Gerard,
You're music has inspired so many people. Before I'd heard of you and your band, I never thought it was possible for music to save lives. You've helped me through so much, and even though I have never met you, I can tell you're a good person just from listening to an MCR song. Your fans owe you so much, you wouldn't even know.
So really, no one pays any attention to your personal lives. You probably don't want people to know everything about you. But recently you announced to everyone that you're engaged. So, for starters, congratulations. It's really weird for fans to sit on the sidelines, watching all this happen. But I can safely say that your fiancée will be very happy with you. You've helped so many people, saved so many lives, and made such great music, that you really do deserve to get married and (hopefully) have kids.
Obviously, there are going to be a lot of people saying "I'm gonna kill that lady!" but you don't need to listen to them. They probably have much better things to do anyway.
Yours Truly,
*Name deleted*
Even though there's only two single guys in MCR (Ray and Bob), I don't really mind all the guys getting hitched. They make CDs, and tour. They might as well find love.
Gerard Way is engaged. ( So now we just have to plug our ears while that certain girl at school screams "I'm gonna kill her! Gerard is mine!" I'm not gonna do that, and most of us won't.
I would really love to be able to congratulate Gerard in person, but he's on tour, and hopefully not leaving anytime soon. And he probably won't see this, but I thought it would be fun to write a letter to him here:
Dear Gerard,
You're music has inspired so many people. Before I'd heard of you and your band, I never thought it was possible for music to save lives. You've helped me through so much, and even though I have never met you, I can tell you're a good person just from listening to an MCR song. Your fans owe you so much, you wouldn't even know.
So really, no one pays any attention to your personal lives. You probably don't want people to know everything about you. But recently you announced to everyone that you're engaged. So, for starters, congratulations. It's really weird for fans to sit on the sidelines, watching all this happen. But I can safely say that your fiancée will be very happy with you. You've helped so many people, saved so many lives, and made such great music, that you really do deserve to get married and (hopefully) have kids.
Obviously, there are going to be a lot of people saying "I'm gonna kill that lady!" but you don't need to listen to them. They probably have much better things to do anyway.
Yours Truly,
*Name deleted*
Even though there's only two single guys in MCR (Ray and Bob), I don't really mind all the guys getting hitched. They make CDs, and tour. They might as well find love.
very well done
i just hope that if they do make more albums
they are just as good as the last ones
Fallop!an Cwac Cwac., June 4th, 2007 at 08:22:02pm
There's a thread on INO where you can leave a message and somebody is going to give a card to them will all of our messages
Mike Dirnt., June 4th, 2007 at 03:23:49pm
wooo, congrats to gerard.
Vegemite, June 4th, 2007 at 06:53:09am
Okay, newflash...Ray and Bob arent single. Theyve been in relationships longer than Gerard.
Infact, rumour has it that Ray is already married to Krista. And Bob is an enigma. He has been with someone for a long time, but all anyone knows is that her name may be Kaitlin/Caitlin.
If you dont belive me, go to Youtube and watch the Rock AM Ring interview. They all confirm that they have girlfriends.
And to end, I dont agree with Gerard's choice of bride (Im not a teenie, its based on other things), but if he's happy, Im happy. So congratulations to Gerard and Eliza.
AndTheCowSaidMoo, June 4th, 2007 at 05:27:52am
Not a big MCR fan but still, congrats Gerard. :]
dramamine;, June 4th, 2007 at 03:13:27am
Congrats Gerard. ^_^
My friend met Gerard. She thought that he was downright rude.
Stef., June 3rd, 2007 at 05:48:32pm
Congratulations Gerard!!!
Having A Green Day, June 3rd, 2007 at 01:21:12pm
Even though I'm not a fan of MCR, still, congrats to him!
Funky Platypus, June 3rd, 2007 at 11:33:58am
true, i'm happy for Gerard :)
PaNcAkEs, June 3rd, 2007 at 11:19:33am