gay laws from a atraight point of view.
I find it diffivult to understand how all these laws are being made to hold back gays from everything.I mean-love is love;it shouldn't matter what sex you are as long as you love each other.It's so stupid how everyone tries so hard to keep gays from getting married-it doesn't concern them so why must they take the rights away from these people who,actually,are the same as them?It's rediculous.And the other day I heard on the news how gays are no longer being allowed into the military,even if they wanted to be in it.What does being gay have to do with fighting wars?We're just doing everything we can to stop them from doing anything-and pretty soon they'll have no rights at all,it just isn't fair.
What do YOU think of the way gays are treated&gays in general?Homophobia is gay..
What do YOU think of the way gays are treated&gays in general?Homophobia is gay..
Look at what Hitler did, killing millions of innoccent people because they were different and he didn't like it, thats the basic description of it and I used that in an essay.
People don't like what they don't understand and hate people if they don't fit their own criteria of existence. People who are gay should be given the same chance as everyone else whether those toffs in London like it or not. So many people judge books by its covers and its the same with Gay People. Because some of them walk hand in hand with their partner, because some of them like to wear drag. Does that mean their aliens?
Hell no it means that they are willing to take the risks and show that they don't care about what every day a$'s think, I'm straight and my friend ( unnamed) was bulled by pupils at school because he is gay, he was even bullied by teachers until I spoke up for him,.
missand, June 25th, 2007 at 09:38:50am
People are scared.
For generations, the population has believed that if you're gay, you're going to Hell, you're a sinner, nobody should like you.
While it is a lot less common these days, it is still around.
Usually, homophobia goes hand-in-hand religion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the more popular religions strongly disagree with it. Naturally, most of the religious people are going to believe the same thing (not all, I said).
Then, there are other people who, while they might not be religious, they were raised to believe that homosexuality is wrong.
Our generation is started to be more open-minded towards homosexuality; but unfortunately, we're not old enough to make the laws. That's probably why back then, everywhere you went, homosexuality was completely taboo. But now, there are some places that permit it. We're doing progress, right?
It's frustrating, yeah, but it's hard to change a person's opinion when they strongly believe in it.
Hello, My Name Is Asshole, June 7th, 2007 at 04:29:46pm
f*cking hell, thats f*cked up... its not even something like a disabilty, WTF has it got to do with the army?
*that burning anger* f*cking hell *deep breath* im not even talking about it. f*cking fascist small minded anti freedom c*nts....
okay im sorry. i just so f*cking mad when this kinda sh*t happens >.<
Lyddy r teh Snaily, June 7th, 2007 at 04:27:17am
Lesbian sex has no laws/age limit as it doesn;'t count as 'penetrative sex'
We're Outlaws, Yeah!, June 6th, 2007 at 03:47:10pm
Well gay people don't have a disease.... yet.
OK, bad joke, bad joke.
I support gay marrige and everything.
nimrodidiot, June 6th, 2007 at 02:34:31pm
I know. Gay people aren't different, it's not like they have some disease, it's like they have glasses or something. You can't change it, so why are you so worried? Gay people are treated like sh*t, and I find that wrong and horrible.
TO BE DELETED, June 6th, 2007 at 02:28:42pm