Some of The Many Points Never Made In The 3,000 GSB Blogs About Labeling
Labeling is an overused topic on GSB. It's annoying to see ten blogs about how the author is sick of being called "emo", "prep", "goth", etc.... Of course, I've done my fair share of labeling blogs, and have learned a thing or two about posting these blogs. I thought that, as long as the blog trend keeps up, I might as well write some talking points for labeling blogs:
•We all label. Boy and girl are technically labels, no? We use these labels to identify each other, but when it gets to be an offense, that's when you get an eruption of blogs about how you're tired of being called a [insert label here]. You'd be angry, too if someone said "Go cut yourself, stupid emo."
•You can't always ignore labels. They can get to you, especially if even your best friends (like mine), call you "goth" or whatever.
•A lot of us contradict ourselves. I've noticed a lot of fellow MCR fans on INO complain about being called "emo" all the time, but are relentless in their "teenie" bashing. Have you done this?
And if you're going to comment on one of the many GSB blogs about labeling, please do not say the following:
•"Ignore all labeling." Read point #2 a little more carefully next time, okay? Okay.
•"You're so selfish. Think of the starving children in [insert country here]. Quit complaining, and get a real problem." No one, in all the ten million labeling blogs I have seen, has said that they have it worse than the starving kids in [insert country here]. This is a real problem, especially in middle school/high school years. So we're not starving to death withour a home. Labeling can make people miserable,
and we have no intention of disrespecting anyone.
•"Most overused topic ever." It doesn't take a genious to figure that out.
•"Will it matter in 20 years?" Maybe not, but it matters now. And it could matter in 20 years, anyway. I repeat, labeling can make people miserable.
Hopefully this blog is helpful in some way.
And one last tip: Please say something that hasn't already been said, in addition to the above.
•We all label. Boy and girl are technically labels, no? We use these labels to identify each other, but when it gets to be an offense, that's when you get an eruption of blogs about how you're tired of being called a [insert label here]. You'd be angry, too if someone said "Go cut yourself, stupid emo."
•You can't always ignore labels. They can get to you, especially if even your best friends (like mine), call you "goth" or whatever.
•A lot of us contradict ourselves. I've noticed a lot of fellow MCR fans on INO complain about being called "emo" all the time, but are relentless in their "teenie" bashing. Have you done this?
And if you're going to comment on one of the many GSB blogs about labeling, please do not say the following:
•"Ignore all labeling." Read point #2 a little more carefully next time, okay? Okay.
•"You're so selfish. Think of the starving children in [insert country here]. Quit complaining, and get a real problem." No one, in all the ten million labeling blogs I have seen, has said that they have it worse than the starving kids in [insert country here]. This is a real problem, especially in middle school/high school years. So we're not starving to death withour a home. Labeling can make people miserable,
and we have no intention of disrespecting anyone.
•"Most overused topic ever." It doesn't take a genious to figure that out.
•"Will it matter in 20 years?" Maybe not, but it matters now. And it could matter in 20 years, anyway. I repeat, labeling can make people miserable.
Hopefully this blog is helpful in some way.

And one last tip: Please say something that hasn't already been said, in addition to the above.
i dont think labels are a bad thing.
idk why people make such a big deal out of it
NiMrOd_1995, June 14th, 2007 at 02:52:45pm
i just get sick of the fact people at school ask me what i am. and i say "human, what are you?" they want a label for me but wont hae one for themselves.
i dont think i fit any particular label. so i use whichever one i feel like at the time. so i get "you said your goth, how are you pop-punk too??"
i go by waht i wear and music i listn to =]
teenies a label of fandom. theyre the fans who are coz its "cool" and they dont know much about the famous person. id say i was megafan/obsessed. im in a green day teesh now XD
Lyddy r teh Snaily, June 11th, 2007 at 09:25:08am
That was awesome dude! =D
I Rule: End Off!, June 9th, 2007 at 11:14:19am
i dont mind labels actually, well, it depends on how you use them, i dont mind the 'emo' thing, i dont call people emo, but i just dont judge them because they fit in and hang around with this emo subculture. thats the thing i hate, when people judge, its discrimination. Well, sort of.
I heard today by a friend that one of their friends who fits into the emo subculture, got taken out to a park, and got beaten by 5 or 6 'muzza's', and they beat him up just because he was 'emo'.
Thats what i dont like, i f*cking hate it, i want to kill people who do that, literally!
Vegemite, June 9th, 2007 at 04:25:59am
*agrees with Iceboxx and Skippy*
Riot on the Radio, June 9th, 2007 at 12:23:36am
*Agrees with Skippy* This is awesome :D
lishaaaaa, June 8th, 2007 at 07:45:04pm
I love this blog. =D
Skippy., June 8th, 2007 at 06:39:47pm