Self Harm - Not About Me Specificaly.
This is something I drew on my arm for the express intention of art. I took a series of photographs, closer and closer to my wrist. The writing scrawled over the "cuts" say 'WHO CARES ANYWAY?'. Dont worry, I drew the cuts with red pen.
The three are edited (in paint) to be one picture. It will either be called Get Closer or Who Cares Anyway? when I can make up my mind.
The purpose of this is to shock you, foremost. Thats why I warned you first...

Now, I'll explain the picture. The first one is far away. The next is closer. The last one is pretty close. Hence Get Closer. I'm sorry if this offends or sickens. It's art. It's for a reason.
The reason is you have to get closer to the person who is self harming to understand. The nearer you get, the more obvious it is what the problem is. You can't help if you dont know why they're doing it.
The writing asks who even cares? I know from experience of self harm and a few friends who self harm, if you know someone cares, you stop. It's all you need, the knowledge that someone loves you and understands, and that they are there for you.
I know I go on a lot about self harm and BID but I know how damaging they are, and I know how to help. Which is something that really does give you that fuzzy feeling inside. I've been a failure for so long, it gives me a sense of worth.
If you know someone who self harms in any way, be kind. Never, never lecture. Being made to feel like a naughty child or a lost cause reinforces that self hate that needs punishment or pain that needs rebalance. Tell them that you are they're friend, that you care, that you'll always be there for them. Find out what the problem is and see if you can't help, even if you can't fix it, you can make them feel less swamped by it.
If you self harm, I promise you it will be okay. The person who knows and has a go is really only trying to help. They care about you and aren't sure the best way to go about helping. The best friends and family who haven't even noticed, only haven't noticed because you're doing so well to hide it. Someone cares, and if they knew, they would drop everything to make you feel better.
And if you don't dare tell them, tell me. I'm always up to listening and helping. That warm fuzzy feeling I get. And if I care, your friends must care too.
The three are edited (in paint) to be one picture. It will either be called Get Closer or Who Cares Anyway? when I can make up my mind.
The purpose of this is to shock you, foremost. Thats why I warned you first...

Now, I'll explain the picture. The first one is far away. The next is closer. The last one is pretty close. Hence Get Closer. I'm sorry if this offends or sickens. It's art. It's for a reason.
The reason is you have to get closer to the person who is self harming to understand. The nearer you get, the more obvious it is what the problem is. You can't help if you dont know why they're doing it.
The writing asks who even cares? I know from experience of self harm and a few friends who self harm, if you know someone cares, you stop. It's all you need, the knowledge that someone loves you and understands, and that they are there for you.
I know I go on a lot about self harm and BID but I know how damaging they are, and I know how to help. Which is something that really does give you that fuzzy feeling inside. I've been a failure for so long, it gives me a sense of worth.
If you know someone who self harms in any way, be kind. Never, never lecture. Being made to feel like a naughty child or a lost cause reinforces that self hate that needs punishment or pain that needs rebalance. Tell them that you are they're friend, that you care, that you'll always be there for them. Find out what the problem is and see if you can't help, even if you can't fix it, you can make them feel less swamped by it.
If you self harm, I promise you it will be okay. The person who knows and has a go is really only trying to help. They care about you and aren't sure the best way to go about helping. The best friends and family who haven't even noticed, only haven't noticed because you're doing so well to hide it. Someone cares, and if they knew, they would drop everything to make you feel better.
And if you don't dare tell them, tell me. I'm always up to listening and helping. That warm fuzzy feeling I get. And if I care, your friends must care too.
Good Lyddy! You wanna help people. Da dookie is very proud of you. :hug:
just_call_me_dookie, June 12th, 2007 at 08:45:03am
i did! its on my myspace, and the caption is "Get Closer (drawing on skin and photography)"
TY for all so many comments!
Lyddy r teh Snaily, June 11th, 2007 at 08:06:54am
I really like this. And I agree with Take me to Christie Road about the "Get Closer" one.
Billie's Willie, June 11th, 2007 at 02:48:44am
This is really good.
Call it 'Get Closer'.
TMTCR, June 10th, 2007 at 08:56:55pm
This blog is amazing. It really made me feel a bit better. I like the pictures too.
Scotty Doesn't Know., June 10th, 2007 at 06:30:05pm
That was awesome!
And I loved how you said art is for a reason. Cause it is! It's not just a bunch of lines or colours. It's for a reason!
I Rule: End Off!, June 10th, 2007 at 05:49:41pm
Great blog. It makes a lot of sense and I'm sure a lot of people can relate to it. =]
threeam., June 10th, 2007 at 04:26:47pm
amazing blog!
*relates to it*
brompton cocktail., June 10th, 2007 at 03:02:33pm
I love this blog.
Seriously it's brilliant.
lili, June 10th, 2007 at 01:53:51pm
thank you =D
Lyddy r teh Snaily, June 10th, 2007 at 01:49:43pm
this is an amazing blog.
Love, June 10th, 2007 at 01:47:36pm