Gay marriages/adoption.

Okay, this started in my trait of though about ... 10 minutes ago whilst i was watching the news..

There had been a report on how 2 gay men had adopted a child. That started conversation between me and my mum. It kind of went like this;

Me: "I think gay people should be allowed to adopt, if this world is full of equal-ness then they should be treated like straight people."

Mum: "But they shouldn't be allowed to adopt, because heterosexual partners may not be able to naturaly have kids, so they rely on adoption, if gay people want kids, there's surrogacy."

Me: "Mum, it doesn't matter if we're gay or straight, if heterosexual people want kids sooo badly, they can also turn to surrogacy, your being a homophobe, They should be allowed to get married too."

Mum: "No. I'm not being a homophobe, im just saying gay peo--.."

Me: "No, you ARE being a homophobe mum, because gay people should be allowed to adopt and get married, your being discriminitive against them."

Mum: "But when an overweight person tries to adopt, they say no because they 'couldnt care for a baby.'"

Me: "well, that's also discriminitive..."

It kinda went on from there, back and fowards, but i do really think gay people should have equal rights to straight people. If our government says they want everyone to be treated equally, then our bastard of a PM should change the laws.
Posted on June 13th, 2007 at 06:39am


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