Prom, and Boys Are Confusing

I went to prom! Yesterday! I'm glad I actually went, I think! I wasn't going too, see. They played 'bashment' a lot, whatever the hell it is, it's crap music. But, they did play some good stuff mixed in. Like Wham and House of Pain...

Anyway, I had a tartan dress and tartan brothel creepers, everyone told me I looked wicked! But damnit! Boys are so confusing! Girls are nowhere near as confusing!

Okay firstly, I'll fill you in. There's a guy I like called Joe. He's into it-people music and rock too, he's someone I'd say is a friend of mine. He's going the same college as me next year. He likes to embarress people, ie "Emma, would you like to come for a kebab with me?" or some other innuendo and denies it's innuendo. Doesn't sound it, but he has a voice that pulls it off. He's cute. I don't know why I like him, but he reduces me to a 12yr old girl with a silly crush...

And then theres Malachi, hes a mate, always telling me us rock fans are better than everyone else, they (it-people) think we don.t get any but we prolly get more than them. He's rastafarian, so he has a hat. I think its a cool hat, and I tell him so. Lots. I always wanted to be allowed to wear hats in school! It's just not fair... Hee hee.

Back to prom, and my story. So I'm attempting to dance with my friends, and hey, I'd accepted that NOONE was gonna dance with me, like in a guy dance with me way. So I'm trying to dance (I can't dance well) and I feel someone dance behind me, I think for a split second they just dancing there, its a packed floor, but Oh My Cheese there is someone dancing with me! I see that it's Joe, and i'm about to dance with him...but wait...

He stops dancing and laughs to Rudie, a friend of his. Shes laughing. I mean, it's so funny that noone would actually want to dance with me then? I tried to ignore him and he did the exact same thing again....

I told my friend who I was dancing with that I needed a drink, and headed to the bathroom... I mean, is it so bad that I'm not that pretty and I cant dance? Everyone who found out what happened, which is 4 of my friends, told me he's not worth the hassle, that I'm so beautiful and it's my night... my friend who's also his friend said I proberly misjudged it or something, he does like me... (as a friend, she meant). Still made me cry.

So eventually I go to dance again, when I've stopped crying. I managed not to mess up my make up (I had red eyeliner, it was so cool!) and danced with my friends again... This is where the "guys are so confusing" bit comes in.

Okay, my skirt was short for a prom dress, but normal for me. Above knee length, but decent. You'll never guess what happened. Joe took a picture up my skirt with his camera! I only know because I felt it, in the same way you can feel when someone walks past behind you. And he was the only guy near me, and he had his camera. Looking away, so discrete... hahaha... now I dont mind, iI had girl-boxers on and black tights, and I'm a little uncaring about stuff like that, but the thing that gets me is the mixed messages...

Does he like me like that? Or does he think I'm a loser? Maybe he laughed when he went to dance with me coz he was embarressed? Or did he take the picture as a joke? Guys are so confusing... He spent the rest of the time dancing with Rudie, though he did dance with my friend Shayma, she was dancing with all the boys XD and she's meant to be a good muslim!

But hey, guess what? SOMEONE ACTUALLY WANTED TO DANCE WITH ME! Yeah, me! I was dancing when Malachi tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to dance! Somebody likes me anyway... I dont like him like that, but it was cool to dance with someone. He cant dance really either, but hey, we tried! Hahaha... And we bitched about the music and he said my shoes were cool. I said they weighed a ton and were killing me. Which is true.

So yeah... it was kinda cool. There was prom king and queen and best dressed guy and girl. And the king and queen danced, and then we had the stuff for best smile, miss shorty, mr clever clogs and all that stuff we voted for at school... I didnt win anything, but hey I didnt fit any of the catergories. XD

I had fun though, its meant to be something you remember, and I really think I will. I danced with all my friends and went in a tartan shortish dress and dyed my hair an outrageous colour!

For reference:

My Old Hair Colour

My New Hair Colour

My Shoes
Posted on June 21st, 2007 at 10:00am


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