
Ok so, I think there have been blogs about it before and the meaning of Anarchy. This blog however, isn't really to discuss anarchy itself.
I guess anarchy has been popular for some time amoung teenagers, probably since the punk movement of the late 70's. I think that was when it first came about that people were wearing t-shirts with anarchy symbols on, drawing them on things, spraying them on walls. Thanks to such songs as the Sex Pistols Anarchy in the UK, it became "cool" to want anarchy.
Anarchy is when there is no government, no rules, no leader. Any one can live how they want to and do what ever they like without having to suffer consequences or punishment. It is a total state of chaos in a country or state etc.
Now this is all fine, but the thing that annoys me is how many people go around drawing these symbols or wearing them on clothes when they quite obviously have no understanding of its definition. Take for example, the kids at my school. They will draw them on their work, on tables, walls. The amount of kids I see with circled A's on their shirts gets on my nerves. If there ever was an anarchy then these kids wouldn't know what to do. You see, these are the type of people who live in the system. They are part of the consumist society and full suporters of capitalism. You can just tell really, that their parents probably all vote Conservative and they all live these terribly commercial lives.
I just think it's wrong to go around saying you want an anarchy and graffiting symbols when 1) you don't know what it means and 2) if their was an anarchy, your entire world would fall apart and it's really the last thing you want.
It seems like these kids are just rebeling without a cause. To me, that's just wrong. Perhaps it's to do with the fact that we live in a small suburban town where nothing much goes on and maybe, I dunno, our lives are just too comfortable. Perhaps it's just human nature to want to feel alienated and victimised.
My personal view is, although I don't agree with our government, Britain does not need an anarchy. I mean think about it, if your house is on fire who's gonna put it out? A fire brigade? If someone breaks into your house steals your belongings and attacks you or someone you love, the police won't be around to help you. Chaos is not the way forward.
That aside, it's just the use of this symbol that really annoys me. People say, well it's just a picture that makes my clothes look cool, it doesn't mean any thing to me. But if I were to start wearing a Swastika on my clothes it would be a different story even if I were to say, well it's just a funny cross it doesn't mean anything.
By all means listen to the Sex Pistols and enjoy songs such as Anarchy in the UK and others, but please, don't go around using symbols you don't understand.

[Thanks for reading that strange and impulsive rant]
Posted on July 2nd, 2007 at 01:44pm


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