Change Happens

A lot of people are quitting GSB. Most of these people are GSB veterans, who have been here since the beginning. They've seen GSB change, and I guess it's gotten to the point where they long for the old GSB. I don't remember the "old" GSB, since I've only been here since February. The incident with the Blahs and censorship have only affected my perception of GSB for a few days.

I personally intend to stay on GSB to the end. I find that some of the people who quit GSB complained that no one talks about Green Day anymore, and that only the "populars" get attention. I don't think people who said that had to quit. It's not something they couldn't affect. As Gandhi said, "Be the change". Discuss Green Day more often. Give people a reason to listen to "unpopulars" like me.

We've recently lost possibly our most beloved GSBian, Sarah (Funky Platypus). Now we need a new Best Blogger, but things still won't be the same when we get one. Here's the email I wrote to FP after she quit:

It's Demonic. from GSB. I wanted to keep in touch since you're leaving. GSB will miss you a lot. You are probably the most kind, helpful, and intelligent non-mod on GSB. I've always thought that change is inevitable, whether in real life, or GSB.

I haven't been on GSB nearly as long as you, so I haven't seen it change as much as you. I guess the whole censorship thing with the Blahs was my first experience with change on GSB. And I guess that's part of what sparked all the newly deactivated accounts. Lemony Snicket said something which I forgot, but it pretty much meant this: when you leave home, you may never return again, and if you don't leave, it might change so much you long for the time when the walls were white and the TV was smaller. I guess that's what it's like for the people who recently quit GSB.

I suppose that whatever good effect GSB had on you, you will carry for the rest of your life. I speak for every member of GSB when I say that you are destined for success in life. It's pretty obvious when I read your blogs that you're full of intelligence and kindness. So go on, and start that next chapter in your life.

I don't see myself leaving GSB in the near future. That's a good sign, since I've only been on for 5 months. I've decided to stick to GSB to the end, but that could change in two years time. Up until the change becomes too much for me to handle, I'll be the change.

Hopefully we can keep in touch to a certain extent. I'm so attached to my buds on GSB, losing one is a disaster.

And yes, I do realize I just wrote 5 overly sentimental paragraphs about a website. But you'd understand, I suppose.


Change happens, people quit GSB. I guess everyone will quit at some point. But there's always newbs, and I'm certain there will be more members than quitters.
Posted on July 5th, 2007 at 08:40pm


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