Shibblebutt - My website

I've made a website! It's just to store all of my creations and such. Well, they're all pretty much hosted by Photobucket, but I wanted to have somewhere where there is links to them all. So it's easy access.

Thus the creation of Shibblebutt. What's with the name? You ask. You'll have to read the About page for that information. So..go look!

I'm super proud of the layout. It's my best layout yet if you compare it to dodgy websites I made two years ago. *shudders* Dujo helped me with the html. 'cause he's cool like that.

I'm still adding stuff to it. I have to round up all of the things that are worthy enough to be put on there. So yes, there's only a few things on there at the moment.

I hope you like it. And I hope you like my stuff.
Posted on September 11th, 2007 at 07:33am


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