Todays One Year Since...
..My guinea pig died:

Simba/Bimbi R.I.P my love- 12/12-00 - 16/9-06
wasnt he a cute one
God i remember when he past away
I saw signs off it, so i pickt him up
*i dident want him to die infront of my other guinea pig*
We went in my room, i made it cosey for him on the bed
and i put Good Riddance on repeat, and just was close to him.
I pet him alot and told him that:
"its okey, everything is gonna get better soon. it hurts now but, soon its over "
i cryd all the time.
*oh god, hers the tears again*
I can never get that day out of my head
I think about it all the time
Specialy that last moment with him.
He lookt at me...
And it was like he said : "Thanks mom"
and then he was gone..
Lost forever...
you see, i cant let go, i have so hard to do that
i just cant move on, i never can
you can say that i live in the past, i do
i just dont know why
i think "My Immortal" by Evanescence is a good way to say how i feel.
like it was writen for me and him
and "Like you" by Evanescence too
i just wanna say:
I love you Bimbi, i remember the good times with you
and i hope you dont ever forget me
wait for me, .... promise?

Simba/Bimbi R.I.P my love- 12/12-00 - 16/9-06
wasnt he a cute one
God i remember when he past away
I saw signs off it, so i pickt him up
*i dident want him to die infront of my other guinea pig*
We went in my room, i made it cosey for him on the bed
and i put Good Riddance on repeat, and just was close to him.
I pet him alot and told him that:
"its okey, everything is gonna get better soon. it hurts now but, soon its over "
i cryd all the time.
*oh god, hers the tears again*
I can never get that day out of my head
I think about it all the time
Specialy that last moment with him.
He lookt at me...
And it was like he said : "Thanks mom"
and then he was gone..
Lost forever...
you see, i cant let go, i have so hard to do that
i just cant move on, i never can
you can say that i live in the past, i do
i just dont know why
i think "My Immortal" by Evanescence is a good way to say how i feel.
like it was writen for me and him
and "Like you" by Evanescence too
i just wanna say:
I love you Bimbi, i remember the good times with you
and i hope you dont ever forget me
wait for me, .... promise?
that was the most depressing thing ever!
you must have really liked that guinnypig
i had one but i had to give him away....
now i have horses. when my old man (my horse) dies i will be soo upset!
he was my first and he was the best thing i've ever had
i've learned everyrhing on him... well everything that conserns horses
wright back ok?
fruit_baskets, February 27th, 2008 at 02:49:30pm
oh, i had many piggies. they all died. :((
igotsosickofcrying, December 21st, 2007 at 01:18:01pm
thats so sad, i had to move 1 of my dogs to ireland because she wouldnt get on with our other dog, and we had had her for ages, she had moved around all over the place with us, and i hated saying good bye
thats so sad when you said about saying goodbye because i can relate, i also lost 2 dogs ages ago now
allhailtrecool, October 7th, 2007 at 08:11:24pm
I bet he was awesome.
Skippy., September 17th, 2007 at 10:17:07am
*hugs* I'm sorry..
I felt the same way when my fish died.. He was a goldfish named Robert and he lived for at least 2 years. You'll meet him again one day.. Don't worry. I'm sure he misses you too. <3
threeam., September 16th, 2007 at 09:14:59pm
awwww Tessie
*hugs you*
im sorry
Samsam, September 16th, 2007 at 08:14:24pm
aww *huggles* this is so sweet
RIP <3
I wrote a Blog about my guinea pig a while back. he died too. I feel your pain *hugs tight*
Love, September 16th, 2007 at 06:05:00pm
*huggles* im sorry
he wasa cute one
ANYTHING-ANYONE! IDK, September 16th, 2007 at 03:24:35pm
*hugs* Tess
Losing a pet is just like losing a member of your family, because they are a member of your family. Bimbi has a special place in your heart and always will. And I do believe that the last thing he saw was your face, and I also believe that eye contact was his way of saying thanks. He didn't die alone and that is important even for a pet.
My own dog died a little while ago, and it still hurts. I have put a photo of him on my desktop, and although it hurts, it makes me smile too.
Grandma, September 16th, 2007 at 12:34:01pm
I kinda felt the same when my first cat died, Basil but I was younger then.
And when my other cat died, Sali. MAN! I wouldn't stop crying!
So I know how you feel.
You can get really attached to some animals *snuggles*
I'll_Be_Back, September 16th, 2007 at 12:23:27pm
It's sad. I know how you get close to pets. I had gotten close to all of my dogs. When one of them died, I was crying all day.
brompton cocktail., September 16th, 2007 at 12:23:08pm
R.I.P Bimbi.
He was a cute guinea pig.
Its almost been 2 years since my dog died and honest to god, I've thought about her every day since. It was the first big death that was close to me. I cried for ages and took a day off school because I was so sad. : [
dramamine;, September 16th, 2007 at 12:22:28pm