Why I Wanted To Die.
I Was Emo Because....
Kids Did Not Like Me...
I Had No Friends...
I Was Beaten Up Again And Again...
My Parents Were Physically Fighting...
My Parents Are Currently In The Process Of Getting A Divorce...
My Grandfather DIED....
I Felt Like No One Could Understand Me....
No One Did Understand Me...
I Found Out That My Dad Was Not Really My Dad...
Every one Hated Me...
I Hated Myself...
Those feelings died when I met Gerard Way
He Told Me Something That Helped Me.
I Can't Tell You.
He Gave Me A Hug And Told Me To Not Take Anyones Sh*t.
After I Met Him, I Stopped Being Emo.
When I Went To School This Boy Called My Weird And He Said Some Other Mean Things I can't Mention So As I Was Walking Away, I Turned Around And Takled Him.
I Punched Him So Much.
After I Was Taken To The Principals office I explained Waht Happened And I got 1 Week Detention.
They Told Me I Fractured His Arm, I Broke His Nose, And I made His Lip Bleed.
I Just Smiled.
After That I had Alot Of Friends And That Guy Changed Schools.
Violence Is NEVER The Answer.
I just Used It Because I Needed To.
I am not stupid, in elementary school I did have a guidance councelor and I did tell the teachers what happened they could'nt do anything because it was after school. and they just gave those boys and girls warnings.
im glad you are better to. life is hard. really hard. bad things happen to good ppl. im sorry for you. i kno how hard it can be. Just remember anyone here is willing to help you. if you need a friend :D
IKnowTheEnemy, September 17th, 2009 at 07:43:31pm
Woah you met Gerard way, and I kinda had to laugh that you beat up that kid cause that's what I also would have done, and it sucks that your teachers couldn't do anything. And i'm glad you didn't kill yourself.
underscore, December 22nd, 2007 at 10:51:53pm
Wow, you met Gerard Way.
Glad you don't want to die anymore.
Ay, I have some of the same problems/issues that you had.
Glad things are getting brighter for you.
Ten Speed, November 28th, 2007 at 02:25:07am
f*ck yeah! i was teased for being emo to, but i was never alone. i had people to realte to on gsb. you have the same. all you need to do if find a frendly peron and tlel them your story. eventually, if you PM them, they'll respond and you'll make a friends who's standing though thinks with you.
Umberto, November 27th, 2007 at 08:10:24am
I admire you for standing up for yourself like that. I could never do that. =[
:] I'm am also glad that' you're better now.
Dobbemort_8thHorcrux, November 26th, 2007 at 11:18:22am
so pleased for you
Yay!, November 25th, 2007 at 06:51:25am
Hmm.....Iam glad to know that you are now happy BUT I've been in the same situation where something goes wrong and then you think everyone is againist you...
You should have made yourself feel better, point out all the good things about yourself maybe make a list?? (and don't tell me that there are no good pointsbecause they will be) then you can keep adding to the list and reading it and slowly but surely it SHOULD make you happy - it shouldn't take someone famous to show you that.
Keep smiling!
Sherlock Holmes, November 25th, 2007 at 02:00:19am
good for you! XD im happy for ya.
Jacob Black, November 24th, 2007 at 04:45:14pm
well im glad your better now :)
and thats AWESOME that you met Gerard
Ood, November 24th, 2007 at 09:14:46am
i think you mean to say voilence is "sometimes" the answer
Blarg!, November 24th, 2007 at 03:48:26am
Kickass! I wish I could beat up people who f*cked with me like that. And yer right, violence ain't the answer but use it when it's needed.
MikeIsMine!!!, November 24th, 2007 at 03:35:07am