A Year In Review.

Well, idk where to start, so here goes...

2007 wasn't the best of years for me. Nothing horrible happened but it wasn't as good as '06.
I started high school in '07. And upon starting in a new school I figured myself out, well I think that's what I did.
You see, I used to think I was very confident and outgoing. But that was only because in primary school I knew everyone and they knew me.
And then I came to high school and thought I would make friends easily. Well, that wasn't the case. No one wanted to become my new best friend; they had their own. It took me ages to fit in and settle down. Until the last term, to be exact.
In the end, I worked out that I'm not the bright, bubbly, confident person that I thought I was. Especially around people I don't know.

I'd better stop now otherwise I'll never stop. Coolio

Highlight of the year? Winning a bet over a football match against a year 5 kid. He didn't give me my dollar until 4 months after the bet had been placed. And then, it still had to be traded for a bag of Shapes.

Lowlight of the year? There's been a few. The times where I came home from school and cried because I felt so alone.

But enough of that. Here's to 2008, let's hope it's a great year! Con
Posted on January 1st, 2008 at 01:03am


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