This is a rant. You don't have to read or comment, I just really need to get these things out.
So, school started again last week and I hate it. I have the worst teachers/the worst classes. If they're starting our course on our School Certificate for year 10, why on earth would they give us teachers who don't know anything?
My maths teacher, for instance, its completely oblivious to everything. I promised myself this year that I'd strive to do my homework/work in class. Being a naturally talkitive person, it's hard. I sit next to a complete robot who agrees with everything you say/do. She has no personality and she's quite boring so I get the temptations to turn around and talk to the people behind me, which I end up doing.
It doesn't help that my maths teacher doesn't check our homework. If she doesn't check our homework/get angry at us for not completing homework, what will make me do it? I can easily lie to my parents and tell them I've done it. I did it all of last year, what's to stop me this year? I have no self control.
My music teacher is a complete prick who cracks lame jokes every lesson. It's not just my teacher who turns me off of my favourite subject, its the fact that I can never get onto the piano. Joseph hogs the piano. I could play the piano in the other room but there's amps/drums being played in there all the time. I can't hear myself playing on that piano. I just want to change electives now, I really hate not being able to play music in the subject.
In Geography, my teacher has an awful voice and what makes it worse is that she speaks loudly. I'm next to this girl who speaks to the people on the other side of her, leaving me with nothing to do but eavesdrop on the 'popular's' conversations. Those conversations can be interesting, actually...
In History, I have another annoying voiced teacher. She speaks quite loudly, too, but she always emphasizes the word 'but'. Being immature, I have to stop myself from laughing almost everytime. Also, we're learning about Australian history, not something I'm particularly interested in. I'd rather learn about World War 2, I'm fascinated by that sort of information. Oh, and I used to sit next to this really nice girl but she moved to a different school so now I'm next to nobody. I wish she would come back, she was really nice...
Science. Jeez, where do I start. My teacher is the worst teacher. He has no personality, I don't think I've ever seen him smile and he is the most boring person alive. We haven't done one experiment since we started. In my science class last year, we did an experiment every day! I also have the most annoying people in my class. The type who talk and laugh really loudly, then deny it when the teacher calls them up to move. So annoying. At least Tiff's in my class.
For English, I was glad that I'd gone up a class. I was so happy that I had excelled in my learning. Well, anyway, I sat next to Claire on the first lesson but she said she "didn't want to reject edwina" so she'd have to swap between us. So, the lesson after that I sat next to Sophie because Emma was away. So, now I'm basically alone. Maybe a few lessons sitting with Claire but apart from that...I'm alone.
Then there's my old English teacher. She keeps stopping me in the hallway to tell me that I'd "better work my butt off this year or you'll go down a class" so basically, that just put more stress on my shoulders.
Oh, then she called me a snob for not saying hi to her when she came into our class. Thanks Miss Vergos.
French. Ah, the only subject I like at the moment. <3
Don't even get me started on PE. I got the same teacher as I got last year, the horrible, horrible, horrible Miss Stubbs. I hate her...a lot. She's horrible to every student then does her little smile when she's proved someone wrong. I hate her.
Oh, and for health I got the same old witch I had in year 7. I suppose being in an all girls sports class will make it a bit better, but she's still almost as horrible as Miss Stubbs... :/
So, I'm sorry if you read all of that, I just needed to get it all out. Surprisingly, there's more but they're more personal issues then school issues so I'll just leave them for now.
Be positive, and if you're alone in some classes, then maybe you could get your work done quicker since you have no one to talk to. And you could ask your maths teacher to check homework. Mine does all the time. -_-
Skippy., April 27th, 2008 at 10:31:17am
OH I know how you feel, out of all my classes, I only keep my head above water in one of them and that's english. As much as I love music, I don't care about the concepts of music i don't like and don't listen to... it's like pfftt when one of my music teachers constantly bring me down. But my other music teacher encourages me, not just about music but about being who I am and says that I shouldn't let anyone put me down.
Biology- The teacher bullies me, apparantly it's all in my head. Wouldn't be that if I recorded what he did on my phone, but I'd end up getting into trouble for havin my phone on and apparantly editing it. Plus if I hear anymare about his insect, stamp, bird watching etc collections. I'll slap him right over his shiny bald head.
I've learned some valuable lessons in school, don't trust anyone, don't tell anyone anythin and don't expect anything off everyone. lol sounds random, but it's true.
missand, February 8th, 2008 at 01:48:25pm
My girls PE teacher is a right b*tch! She picks on me and I'm not kidding. Everyone comes up to me after the lesson and goes 'Are you okay? She really hates you.'
I'm sorry, Emma. Is there anyone in your classes you'd want to get to know and just casually shuffle next to them?
germma margaret!, February 5th, 2008 at 06:29:29am
i hear ya! Im sorry to say, but for me, year 10 had to be the worst year for me. But what you have to realise is, that school does not exactly equal an 'education', not entirely, this is because you do not learn what you want to learn as the curriculum is set for you, and everybody else, therefore the subjects provided will most likely fit to the majorities likings.
I know what you mean about being put alone in classes, in English class for me, the teacher made us sit in alphabetical order because, get this, "she was trying to learn our names", and you know who im sitting next to?
No one...
And especially being at a new school and hardly knowing anyone, that just makes life a little harder, but nothing to worry about, im sure, and i seriously hope, that someone will sit next to me.
If your maths teacher doesnt check your homework, i say just take it as a good thing. This doesnt mean that you shouldnt do your homework, it just means that if you understand it already, and know exactly what you are doing, then i guess you should bother doing it because those excercises were made to help you learn them, otherwise, if you dont know how to do them, i say do them until you can, so maybe you still wont have to do them all, this is depending on how well you are with mathsXD
Teachers with no personalities, yeah, its hard to say why teachers with no personalities are boring, i was trying to explain this to my family, i guess its just hard to keep concenration when things are so boring huh?
As for year 10, from my experience, i felt that it wasnt all it cracked up to be, i mean, i felt that i didnt actually need to feel like i should be doing good, i just felt like i should just pass year 10 because it didnt mean anything to my life.
Ive learnt a few things, ive learnt that VCE (years 11 & 12) are important, and not really much of year 11, just year 12, and that if you put your focus on that year, then i guess thats a good thing to do.
I feel as tohugh there is just so much hype about school, and school has lost hte plot with a lot of things, like the whole spectrum of some schools, schools like all girls schools. (thankgod i dont go to one anymore yay!!!!)
I also feel as though this comment may seem a little pessomistic, i would jsut like to say that you shouldnt worry about the school year because things usually get better and sometimes you make friends with different people. As bad as year 10 was for me, i made so many friends through classes, and i know that soudns weird, but the fact that last year i was completely isolated from anyone i knew made it a challenge to beat the teachers into making friends so i could still be the same person.
I know things will work out eventually, just keep doing what you are doing, have fun with it too.
Vegemite, February 5th, 2008 at 04:06:00am
Aww that sucks MAJORLY D:
Year 10 so far for me has actually been great.
But Year 9 was terrible for me so...
That old English teacher of yours sounds like a real b*tch.
ZootSuitRiot, February 5th, 2008 at 03:12:15am