How To Do A Mohawk.
I felt like making a blog, so I thought I'd do one on mohawk-ing. Most of you probably already know how to do it, but for those that don't, well, here you go.
It's actually a lot easier than most people think.
Things you'll need:
Hair-spray (This stuff is my favourite. You can make your hair do ANYTHING with this stuff)
Alright, step one... Seperate the hair! You can make it thicker, or thin if you like (I usually do it thin because I'm lazy and it's faster)
Yeah, take your comb and seperate the hair like this:

(Don't mind my face. End of day, make-up smudge etc...)
You can leave your bangs out if you like.
I usually seperate the hair all the way to the back for what is going to be my mohawk, then clip the sides to keep other hair from interfering.
Next, you basically hold that piece up and saturate it in hair spray. Yeah, use lots =]
After that, you take your hair-dryer and, while still holding it upright, blow-dry until it's dry, hard and crunchy and whatnot.
Then give it a final quick spray of hair-spray.
Soo.... That's pretty much it. All you do now is repeat those steps one piece after another until you have completed your mohawk.
You can use a small mirror to check your progress and fix things along the way, too.
Now what you do with the rest of your hair... Well, that's up to you. Most people I've done mohawks on put it in pigtails or something XD As for me, my hairs already short, so I just tuck it behind my ears.
Here's what I did quickly for this tut to show you roughly what it will look like. (It's unfinished cause I'm too lazy right now to do the whole thing lawl.)

But here's another one from a while ago where I have a full one:

Btw, this probably won't work if you have super long hair... so.. yeah.
Here's another tip: Some people replace the hairspray with gelatin. You can do this, or you can just use it on the tips if they're splitting =] I personally don't use it because it's made of ground of pig bones, but some people don't mind that.
So there you go. Now you can mohawk-ify your hair. Yay!
It's actually a lot easier than most people think.
Things you'll need:
Hair-spray (This stuff is my favourite. You can make your hair do ANYTHING with this stuff)
Alright, step one... Seperate the hair! You can make it thicker, or thin if you like (I usually do it thin because I'm lazy and it's faster)
Yeah, take your comb and seperate the hair like this:

(Don't mind my face. End of day, make-up smudge etc...)
You can leave your bangs out if you like.
I usually seperate the hair all the way to the back for what is going to be my mohawk, then clip the sides to keep other hair from interfering.
Next, you basically hold that piece up and saturate it in hair spray. Yeah, use lots =]
After that, you take your hair-dryer and, while still holding it upright, blow-dry until it's dry, hard and crunchy and whatnot.
Then give it a final quick spray of hair-spray.
Soo.... That's pretty much it. All you do now is repeat those steps one piece after another until you have completed your mohawk.
You can use a small mirror to check your progress and fix things along the way, too.
Now what you do with the rest of your hair... Well, that's up to you. Most people I've done mohawks on put it in pigtails or something XD As for me, my hairs already short, so I just tuck it behind my ears.
Here's what I did quickly for this tut to show you roughly what it will look like. (It's unfinished cause I'm too lazy right now to do the whole thing lawl.)

But here's another one from a while ago where I have a full one:

Btw, this probably won't work if you have super long hair... so.. yeah.
Here's another tip: Some people replace the hairspray with gelatin. You can do this, or you can just use it on the tips if they're splitting =] I personally don't use it because it's made of ground of pig bones, but some people don't mind that.
So there you go. Now you can mohawk-ify your hair. Yay!
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I love your instructional blogs. :D
I'll be sure to try this one out.
padfoot, November 6th, 2009 at 03:07:48pm
i moehawked my hair. didnt have a camera then, but m hair is roughly to my sholders, it looked coo.but i did all of my hair. from the sides too...
unlivingdead666, June 28th, 2008 at 03:36:47am
time for a mohawk :D

that stuff you said was your fav.......i actually have some of that in my bathroom
freshavocado, April 23rd, 2008 at 08:17:20pm
thanks. really cool blog!
CanYouFeelIt, April 21st, 2008 at 07:40:33am
Great blog.
I don't miss putting up my mohawk every morning X_X
Bone Machine, April 11th, 2008 at 10:05:56am
i have totally tried that before...cept my hair was way too long lol.
Vegemite, April 11th, 2008 at 06:59:49am
ima try it. =]
get famous, April 11th, 2008 at 02:46:52am
ok for starters...your hair is awesome lol
ive always wanted to try to do a mohawk even just for fun one night...and now i just may do it :D
OMG c_x_c, April 10th, 2008 at 05:32:06pm
My hair still goes into a faux-hawk if I actually attempt it.
But I got my hair cut really short. :D
Now it's sort of not short..
captain america, April 10th, 2008 at 03:59:59pm
I just tried this. I failed miserably and now I look like Elvis.
Woodrow Derenberger, April 10th, 2008 at 12:58:27pm
wfougoafoihqfe, April 10th, 2008 at 12:16:14pm
I love your hair Jaime. Awesome Awesome.
I think I may try this, :]] I like doing cool stuff with my hair.
Totally cool blog
Sunshine., April 10th, 2008 at 11:54:52am
My hair is so easy to put in a mohawk. (:
Cool hair colour btw!
Skippy., April 10th, 2008 at 07:20:25am
lmfao, yesterday i was asking someone how to do this
this is a really good blog,
i might try this
garrett nickelsen., April 10th, 2008 at 06:59:43am
I love mohawks, but i'd never try one tbh.
is that you with purple hair? I love it, great blog.
Riot on the Radio, April 10th, 2008 at 06:21:57am