
Pokémon is the story of a young boy named Ash Ketchum. Finally having reached the age of 10, he receives his first Pokémon from Professor Oak and sets out on his Pokémon Journey. Along for the ride are his best friends: Misty, Brock, Tracey, May, Max, and Dawn. Together, they journey through the Kanto, Orange, Johto, Hoenn, Battle Frontier and Sinnoh Leagues. Ash takes every opportunity to capture a Pokémon, Misty trains Pokémon of the Water type while Brock prefers Rock types. Tracey travels around sketching Pokémon. May started her journey for the sights and not the Pokémon but then decided to enter Pokémon Contests. Although Max has no Pokémon, he helps the group out with his handy PokéNav skills so as not to get lost but they still do from time to time. Dawn travels around to compete in contests like her mother did years ago.

Story Arcs:

Kanto arc (Season 1): Ash begins his journey to become a pokémon master. He starts his journey with his at first reluctant Pikachu, but the two quickly become friends. As his journey starts he is joined by Cerulean City and Pewter City gym leaders Misty and Brock. Together the travel throughout the Kanto region so that Ash can collect gym badges so that he can compete in the Pokémon League, while fending off the attacks of the villainous Team Rocket.

Orange Islands arc (Season 2): After losing in the pokémon league, Ash, Misty, and Brock head to the Orange Islands to retrieve the mysterious GS Ball. After obtaining it, Brock decides to stay and work with Professor Ivy to help him with his dream. As Ash decides to compete in the Orange League, they are joined by Pokémon Watcher Tracey. Together they set out on Ash's new Lapras' back and travel around the tropical islands, while still fending off Team Rocket.

Johto arc (Season 3/The Johto Journeys, Season 4/Johto League Champions, Season 5/Master Quest): After delivering the GS Ball to Professor Oak, he can't figure out the secrets of the ball. He sends Ash off to Azalea Town in Johto in order to deliver the ball to the pokéball expert Kurt. Reunited with Brock, the trio once again heads off for adventure in a new land so that Ash can compete in the Johto League, and prove that he is better then his old rival Gary. Not to mention Team Rocket continues in their quest to capture Pikachu.

Hoenn arc (Season 6/Advanced, Season 7/Advanced Challenge, Season 8/Advanced Battle): After settling his rivalry with Gary and ultimately losing in the Johto League, Ash takes Harrison's advice and heads to the Hoenn region. With Misty and Brock back at their gyms, he is all alone, until he encounters an upcoming trainer named May. The two decide to travel together and eventually are joined by May's brother Max, and Brock even returns. Together the four of them traverse the Hoenn region so that Ash can compete in the Hoenn League and so that May can become a great Coordinator and compete in the Hoenn Grand Festival, and don't forget the ever persistent Team Rocket, as well as new foes Team Magma and Team Aqua.

Battle Frontier arc (Season 8/Advanced Battle, Season 9/Battle Frontier): After losing in the Hoenn League and Grand Festival, Ash and May return home. However, the two of them, as well as Max and Brock quickly reunite when Ash is told about the Battle Frontier in Kanto, and May finds out about Pokémon Contests in Kanto. The group of four continue to travel together in the Kanto region so that Ash and May can continue on in their dreams of being champions, with Team Rocket still in tow.

Sinnoh arc (Season 10/Diamond and Pearl, Season 11/Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension-present): After losing in the Kanto Grand Festival, May heads off to Johto to compete in more contests while Max returns home to Petalburg City. After witnessing the awesome power of Gary's Electivire, Ash heads off to the Sinnoh region to once again find adventure. He soon reunites with Brock and they join up with Dawn, a pokémon coordinator just beginning her journey to become a contest champion like her mother. Together the trio travels through the Sinnoh region so Ash can compete in the Sinnoh League, and Dawn in the Sinnoh Grand Festival, as well as fighting off the evil Team Rocket, Team Galactic, and Pokémon Hunter J.
Posted on June 1st, 2008 at 07:53pm


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