What do you consider 'home'?
This blog is solely based on opinion.
a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.
- Definition taken from Dictionary.com
A few nights ago, I had a conversation with my girlfriend that really made me think. We were discussing our feelings for each other. The thing is that this wasn't one of those "I love you more than anything" type of discussions. This conversation had much more depth, and the detail of it all was so amazing to me. It made me realize that a house and a home can be very similar, but they can be two completely different things as well.
A house is a place that you live. It can give you relief and make you feel safe. But what if your house gives you the feeling of dread, and holds nothing but painful arguments and memories? The contents of a house cannot always be suitable enough to create the essence of a home. A home to me is very much like the general idea of a house, but with a slightly different touch.
Home can be anywhere; not just in your house. Home makes you feel comfortable, calm, relaxed, safe, loved, and happy. It doesn't have to be contained within four walls. Home can be in a childhood toy, music, a person, a hangout area; anything. It can be in more than one object, place or person.
My girlfriend told me that she doesn't feel at home where she is. She said to me, "when I'm with you, I'm home." That caused me to realize that though I do feel at home in my house, I don't feel as at home as I could. The saying home is where the heart is is more true to me now than it was before I had that conversation. My heart is my girlfriend, and my girlfriend is my home. Before, I probably couldn't tell you what love was, because I had no way to explain it. I finally know now.
When my girlfriend and I are 18 and graduate high school, we will finally get the chance to close the six hundred mile gap between us and be home for the rest of our lives.
This is another blog inspired by Stevie.
a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.
- Definition taken from Dictionary.com
A few nights ago, I had a conversation with my girlfriend that really made me think. We were discussing our feelings for each other. The thing is that this wasn't one of those "I love you more than anything" type of discussions. This conversation had much more depth, and the detail of it all was so amazing to me. It made me realize that a house and a home can be very similar, but they can be two completely different things as well.
A house is a place that you live. It can give you relief and make you feel safe. But what if your house gives you the feeling of dread, and holds nothing but painful arguments and memories? The contents of a house cannot always be suitable enough to create the essence of a home. A home to me is very much like the general idea of a house, but with a slightly different touch.
Home can be anywhere; not just in your house. Home makes you feel comfortable, calm, relaxed, safe, loved, and happy. It doesn't have to be contained within four walls. Home can be in a childhood toy, music, a person, a hangout area; anything. It can be in more than one object, place or person.
My girlfriend told me that she doesn't feel at home where she is. She said to me, "when I'm with you, I'm home." That caused me to realize that though I do feel at home in my house, I don't feel as at home as I could. The saying home is where the heart is is more true to me now than it was before I had that conversation. My heart is my girlfriend, and my girlfriend is my home. Before, I probably couldn't tell you what love was, because I had no way to explain it. I finally know now.
When my girlfriend and I are 18 and graduate high school, we will finally get the chance to close the six hundred mile gap between us and be home for the rest of our lives.
This is another blog inspired by Stevie.
Good blog. I've never really met anyone else who thinks about 'home.' =]
banquo, June 28th, 2008 at 03:55:14am
my house is in Tranås, Sweden.
but I don't think I've really found home yet.
I liked this blog a lot (:
Lissie!, June 27th, 2008 at 11:46:18pm
My best friend, and lover Michael is my home...he's the only one besides my best friend, my little sister, and my brother who can truly make me happy. I've been crying lately 'cause I haven't talked to him in awhile...I miss him so much...
The Evil Alchemist, June 27th, 2008 at 01:52:18am
I agree also with this. I live in a house, but I don't feel at home unless I'm in a certain place with certain people.
Addison Dewitt, June 26th, 2008 at 12:59:16am
This is a really great blog.
I just moved away from a place I really really really considered home. I loved it there, I still love it there.
But now I'm here. And since we've gotten here its been a world of sh*t. For everybody.
There are no memories here, there's no good times, only really horrible ones. And its temporary. I'm going to go away to school in three years and slowly but surely get the hell out of here. This place means nothing to me.
And the more I think the fewer places I consider home.
nyeh., June 26th, 2008 at 12:11:31am
My home is Thunder Bay, ontario.
But my house is.. my house, my grandma's house and my Nana's house. I have 3 :] I feel at home at all 3. After that, there's my elementary school and my church.
ROSLYNN, June 25th, 2008 at 10:50:25pm
Strait up man.
I read this blog and the whole thing shouted this song I know at me. Its another one of those mushy love songs, simply named "You're My Home".
I don't know if this will work or not, but heres a URL to how it sounds:
Blarg!, June 25th, 2008 at 10:22:30pm
awesome blog...I agree with u! :) xoxoxoxoxoxx
PenguinPunk, June 25th, 2008 at 04:19:35pm
moody fallon, June 25th, 2008 at 04:08:14pm
wow. this is incredible.
I completely agree with you, I really do. It basically made me almost cry though. Just thinking about the one person that makes me feel at home..well, long story short I barely see them and I'll never have a chance. But other things are my friends and music.
I love this blog. Good luck to you and your girlfriend♥
Bubble Wrap., June 25th, 2008 at 03:46:36pm
i consider a home a place that makes you feel happy, no matter how
hard the times. a home can be another person, like you two. you
love eachother and feel at home with eachother. to me home is really
just something that you live for.
get famous, June 25th, 2008 at 03:35:49pm
That's really amazing. I agree, and I guess home is where you make it. As for my "home" I think it comes to me in the form of music. Oh yeah, and good luck to you and your girlfriend. =)
threeam., June 25th, 2008 at 03:23:09pm
I can relate to you on so many different levels,
my house isn't home... It doesn't hold good memories and the smell of my mother baking cookies.
But my finance, was and still is, my home.
He was the one who finally set me to peace with his serene outlook on things.
He is what settled me down into the person I am now.
Even though they say we're too young to be in love,
by the looks of things you definately understand the true meaning of love.
Jessie.Tastic!, June 25th, 2008 at 03:22:41pm