
when it gets dark i'll hold your body close to mine

well then omg. i just actually wrote out a whole blog and my browser closed and lost it all, so this is a rewrite so i apologise if it isn't any good. i've tried so many times to put everything that i feel into words and each time the product hasn't been amazing but i've realised a lot more since my last blog so i hope it'll work.
this is about jo. my joey bum, my bumhole, my twiggster, my best friend - my everything tbh.
everything that i'm about to say has all been said before but i honestly can't describe how happy she makes me. when i'm talking to her on msn, my lips are literally turned into a smile until we stop talking. we may talk about utter shite every single time but really i wouldn't have it any other way. she makes me smile and i hope that i make her smile and that, really, is all that matter.
if i'm honest, we have many a soppy moment on msn or in the pms, so all that i'm about to say has been said before (lol again) but i mean every word. i wholly believe that jo's my soulmate. she means so so much to me like i can't put it into words omg ugh. i can tell her anything and i'd like to think that she can tell me anything as well and that thought makes me feel v.warm and tingly inside omg. she lives 2 hours away from me, and sometimes that takes its toll, but i can't remember ever feeling as safe and as secure as i do with her. i love her very very much and she is my lovor.
and one day we're going to lie in bed, watching mean girls and various other twowen films and eating our weight in ice-cream. and it will happen because we're for forever.
also p.s. i am sry this isn't very long omg i fail at ~writing~
p.p.s. i am sry if this makes ur lip quiver bumhole but i do not care it needs to be said ok
Posted on August 27th, 2008 at 11:55am


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