the theories of draco malfoy


draco malfoy, born 5th june 1980, is the one of the main characters in harry potter and harry's enemy. he's described as a 'pale-faced boy with white-blond hair and cold grey eyes' and harry calls him a 'spoiled, arrogant and selfish person'.

for a couple of months now i've been thinking about malfoy a lot (i know how shocking this is) and his status as a death eater in training. there're theories practically strewn across the internet about his role in killing dumbledore and fighting against the light side and i have many theories to add to this along with others about other aspects of malfoy's life.

firstly, we see the way that draco treats the weasley clan in the books even though they're pureblood like himself. he taunts them for their financial situations and sometimes the colour of their hair. perhaps draco envied how they came together as a family whereas his family were serving voldemort for most of his childhood and teenage years. the need to be loved probably spurred him on as he taunted harry, hermione and ron throughout their school years.
one of the big theories about malfoy is whether or not he wanted to be a death eater. draco spent his life falling under his father's shadow but was probably told that he was the best malfoy thus making him arrogant. he was the carbon copy of lucius malfoy - white-blonde hair, distinct air of 'i'm better than you' and malfoy senior's racist views were probably drummed into draco from a small boy. we see in a duel in half blood prince where draco was just about to cast crucio on potter but was struck by the sectumsempra curse - there's a chance draco was taught that, along with the other unforgiveable curses, by his father at a young age. this in mind however, we know that lucius was an intelligent man and knew not to let people know that his son aspired to be a death eater.
a theory often talked about is the malfoy/potter rivalry. it's been proven that draco 'hated' potter because he was envious of the way he was treated for being cursed as a little boy. growing up, he was most probably constantly compared to harry potter and when he rejects his friendship in their first year at hogwarts, that was the tip of the iceberg for draco. as said before, draco was probably compared to potter a lot as he was growing up so when he gets to hogwarts and potter is praised for breaking rules, better at quidditch and has loving friends from the word go. in the books, snape says that his hatred for james potter was because of his ability to play quidditch better than snape himself could but we eventually find out that it was because james was hateful towards snape during hogwarts and managed to get the girl that snape loved - perhaps the problems that draco has with potter are the same as these except for the reason he has adoring fans and support whereas draco has nothing and he's been cruel so he could get the support of his father.
lastly i firmly believe that as an adult draco regretted being a death eater and ever getting the dark mark. although his mother, narcissa malfoy, lied to voldemort to save potters life and he and his father escaped azkaban after the war, his malfoy reputation was ruined. in the epliogue of harry potter and the deathly hallows, the seventh and final installation of the harry potter series, draco greets potter, ron and hermione with a 'curt nod' showing that although they're not the best of friends, they were on level terms.

well that was a load of bullshit!
Posted on October 2nd, 2008 at 02:10pm


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