Adoption v. Abortion
Adoption v. Abortion
First of all, let me just say that this blog supports adoption. I’m strongly against abortion, but that’s not what this blog is about. This blog is about how adoption saves, joins, and strengthens lives.
Adoption is a subject very close to my heart; I was adopted as an infant, and I’m not embarrassed to say why; my father didn’t want anything to do with me. Apparently I wasn’t supposed to happen. He signed the adoption papers and left. My adoptive parents never saw him except for a picture. But you know what? I don’t care. I am with the most loving family I could ever want, and my adoptive parents are truly my mom and dad. I wouldn’t trade them for the world, and I wish every child that was aborted could’ve had what I have now.
I found some interesting statistics that show, even if the original mother didn’t want the baby, there is somebody who does. NO CHILD GOES UNWANTED.
Every year there are about 1.3 million abortions. Only 4% of women with unwanted pregnancies give their children up for adoption. Suppose somehow, incredibly, we were able to increase this from 4% to 50% tomorrow. Even at that rate (and assuming that all these children could make their way through the social services burocracy overnight), it would still take two to four years just to satisfy the present waiting lists of parents hoping to adopt. That's not accounting for any new couples who would decide to adopt in that three years. And if that many children became available for adoption, surely there are many people who have dropped off the waiting lists in discouragement who would get back on, or people who never got on a waiting list because it seemed too hopeless.
Meanwhile, there are 200,000 abortions in New York each year. 1,000 hard-to-place children is certainly 1,000 tragedies, but it is a drop in the bucket compared to literally millions of children who are being killed because they are "unwanted".
See that? That is proof that truly no child is unwanted, no matter what their mothers or fathers think. So many people would be so happy if they could just have a child; but many of them can’t. There are waiting lists for adoption in which many couples apply to adopt ONE baby. That’s a pretty special child, isn’t it? The sad thing is, many of these couples won’t get that baby. Many of these couples won’t get a baby at all! This can drive people into depression, separation, and divorce.
This means every baby that’s aborted because ‘they don’t matter’ or ‘they’re inconvenient’ or ‘not what I wanted’, one couple (or many couples) will be disappointed again. My mom told me that when she was told she couldn’t have a baby, it tore her apart.
Yet here are some people who have this baby, this miracle, this human being, this gift that so many women would love to have, and they KILL them. How sad is that? They could give somebody the greatest gift in the world, and instead chose to take it away. That doesn’t mean that they’re bad people; they’re far from that. It just means that they could’ve done something wonderful but chose not to because they just didn’t want to put in the work and time, which is in all honesty just cruel. Think about it.
Thank you for reading. Hope I didn’t offend anybody.
First of all, let me just say that this blog supports adoption. I’m strongly against abortion, but that’s not what this blog is about. This blog is about how adoption saves, joins, and strengthens lives.
Adoption is a subject very close to my heart; I was adopted as an infant, and I’m not embarrassed to say why; my father didn’t want anything to do with me. Apparently I wasn’t supposed to happen. He signed the adoption papers and left. My adoptive parents never saw him except for a picture. But you know what? I don’t care. I am with the most loving family I could ever want, and my adoptive parents are truly my mom and dad. I wouldn’t trade them for the world, and I wish every child that was aborted could’ve had what I have now.
I found some interesting statistics that show, even if the original mother didn’t want the baby, there is somebody who does. NO CHILD GOES UNWANTED.
Every year there are about 1.3 million abortions. Only 4% of women with unwanted pregnancies give their children up for adoption. Suppose somehow, incredibly, we were able to increase this from 4% to 50% tomorrow. Even at that rate (and assuming that all these children could make their way through the social services burocracy overnight), it would still take two to four years just to satisfy the present waiting lists of parents hoping to adopt. That's not accounting for any new couples who would decide to adopt in that three years. And if that many children became available for adoption, surely there are many people who have dropped off the waiting lists in discouragement who would get back on, or people who never got on a waiting list because it seemed too hopeless.
Meanwhile, there are 200,000 abortions in New York each year. 1,000 hard-to-place children is certainly 1,000 tragedies, but it is a drop in the bucket compared to literally millions of children who are being killed because they are "unwanted".
See that? That is proof that truly no child is unwanted, no matter what their mothers or fathers think. So many people would be so happy if they could just have a child; but many of them can’t. There are waiting lists for adoption in which many couples apply to adopt ONE baby. That’s a pretty special child, isn’t it? The sad thing is, many of these couples won’t get that baby. Many of these couples won’t get a baby at all! This can drive people into depression, separation, and divorce.
This means every baby that’s aborted because ‘they don’t matter’ or ‘they’re inconvenient’ or ‘not what I wanted’, one couple (or many couples) will be disappointed again. My mom told me that when she was told she couldn’t have a baby, it tore her apart.
Yet here are some people who have this baby, this miracle, this human being, this gift that so many women would love to have, and they KILL them. How sad is that? They could give somebody the greatest gift in the world, and instead chose to take it away. That doesn’t mean that they’re bad people; they’re far from that. It just means that they could’ve done something wonderful but chose not to because they just didn’t want to put in the work and time, which is in all honesty just cruel. Think about it.
Thank you for reading. Hope I didn’t offend anybody.
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uh i dunno. life is not always worth living for. i cant count the times i've wished i was never born.
princess consuela, October 14th, 2008 at 02:43:22pm
Miss Neurotic, even if life is painful sometimes, it's not always like that. There's always at least one part of life worth living, and that shouldn't be taken away from anyone. Life is a gift, it all depends on what you do with it.
And just for the record, if you can actually give birth to the baby in the usual way, there's always a C-section.
In My Insanity, October 12th, 2008 at 10:11:32am
i like what rage says.
but also... did you ever stop to think about that maybe life is not a gift?
lemme quote bad religion.
"is there anyone who lives a painless life? if there is show me so."
princess consuela, October 12th, 2008 at 09:46:17am
(final comment on this subject)
has anyone considered the fact of how scary it is to actually find out your pregnant? it's pretty much traumatizing. yes, adoption is a very very good thing. But people have died giving birth. if you are too young (13-17) your body is still growing. if you get pregnant and decide to have the baby, your hips have to be wide enough to have it. If they're not, there can be serious issues. a lot of people fear pain, pregnancy comes with pain, a lot of it. serious, if I ever found out I was pregnant, I would be scared to death because I wouldn't know what to do. I would never abort a baby, but I can't really blame people who do. Aborting a baby is also very traumatizing, but that's their choice, they're going to have to live with the fact that they did it. It's not on our heads it's on theirs. Adoption can be a hurtful thing too. If the woman has the baby, and holds it in her arms for the first time and then has to give it up. Don't you think the woman would be a little hurt by it? the fact that she had a baby and gave it away because it was an accident? Yes there are open adoptions, but some families who adopt don't want one. There are issues with all three things. Abortion, Adoption and Keeping the baby to raise. If you're going to believe abortion is wrong, then believe it's wrong in all cases, not just a select few. "it's okay to abort a baby if you were raped or if it has a mental issue" but you're STILL killing a baby, even there is something wrong with it. It's a baby you don't want, but isn't that all abortion babies? I hold nothing against people who believe abortion is wrong. I have nothing against abortion itself. I'm all pro-choice, but I would only choose it as a last resort.
Rage, October 11th, 2008 at 11:34:30pm
we aren't saying that all people who choose to have an abortion are evil people who want to kill babies
no, that's not what we mean.
We're saying there are better alternatives than killing an innocent child.
Of course if you're pregnant you're going to be scared and maybe desperate, but if you abort a child you'll have to live with the emotional and mental stress of knowing that you killed someone because you were scared for the rest of your life.
I wish that upon no one, and I beg people to reconsider.
It does no one any good to just terminate a growing baby.
Tyler Durden, October 11th, 2008 at 03:10:49pm
abortion is a personal choice. they are different reasons for not wanting a child and not wanting to go through pregnancy and giving birth that go beyond "killing them so they can't get adopted".
rollerpig, October 11th, 2008 at 01:37:56pm
this is a really jaded issue. everyone has different opinions and it should not be inforced in the law because half of the people don't like it. plus, people would just find desperate and dangerous ways to do it anyway if it was illegal.
Miley Cyrus, October 11th, 2008 at 01:25:06pm
I'm for and against abortions: If its a case where you've been raped then its alright because if u have it the baby will most likely turn into a rapist or a child molester.
If its a case where you've been sleeping with different people then its not ok. With cases like this I agree with wat ur sayin: give the baby up adoption, don't kill it.
My dad has a friend, Julie, who can't have kids, so she got in contact with a 16 year old girl who was pregnant but didn't want to keep the baby and Julie was gonna adopt it, but the girl who was carrying the baby aborted it because she didn't want to go through the pain of giving birth, I find that really selfish
Aussie! Oi Oi Oi, October 11th, 2008 at 02:57:14am
hehe yeahh this is to much of a touchy subject to be debating about..i mean it really confuses me and sometimes im for it and sometimes i think thats selfish..but yeahh..
icegirl., October 9th, 2008 at 11:57:28pm
yeahh I think I'm getting getting sick with all the abortion blogs tbh.
Rage, October 9th, 2008 at 07:49:26am
I don't believe this blog was intended to change any pregnant person's mind. She's stating her opinion in hopes of educating some people on here. -_-
I know for a fact that several people on here know/have known someone who got pregnant by accident (I'm referring to teenagers, of course). And the situation is gonna happen to another person, no doubt. So maybe someone who read this blog will be able to persuade their friend to carry the baby to term.
Sorry for the long comment, A.P. ;-)
MikeIsMine!!!, October 9th, 2008 at 02:51:23am
yeah, if the person talks to them
posting a blog on a website mainly 13-18 year olds go on (and not very many I must say) isn't really going to stop anyone.
Rage, October 8th, 2008 at 09:38:20pm
Rage, that's incredibly close-minded. Many women have changed their minds because someone talked to them.
Awesome blog. I agree 100%
MikeIsMine!!!, October 8th, 2008 at 09:04:36pm
I'm still pro-choice
what people say isn't going to change the mother's mind about it
Rage, October 8th, 2008 at 07:39:12pm
I love you Laura.
You're 100% right, this is how it should be.
The little bump on your belly is an inconvienience to you, so you kill it? Selfish. Not cool, icky, no.
Adoption, the best way to go.
You can even get an open adoption, where you would be able to get pictures and such of the child so you wouldn't be completely isolated if you didn't want to be. And no, that's not just straight from Juno :)
Great Blog Laura. :)
p.s., you might want to site the source where you got that quote ;)
Tyler Durden, October 8th, 2008 at 06:34:46pm