Adoption v. Abortion

Adoption v. Abortion
First of all, let me just say that this blog supports adoption. I’m strongly against abortion, but that’s not what this blog is about. This blog is about how adoption saves, joins, and strengthens lives.

Adoption is a subject very close to my heart; I was adopted as an infant, and I’m not embarrassed to say why; my father didn’t want anything to do with me. Apparently I wasn’t supposed to happen. He signed the adoption papers and left. My adoptive parents never saw him except for a picture. But you know what? I don’t care. I am with the most loving family I could ever want, and my adoptive parents are truly my mom and dad. I wouldn’t trade them for the world, and I wish every child that was aborted could’ve had what I have now.

I found some interesting statistics that show, even if the original mother didn’t want the baby, there is somebody who does. NO CHILD GOES UNWANTED.

Every year there are about 1.3 million abortions. Only 4% of women with unwanted pregnancies give their children up for adoption. Suppose somehow, incredibly, we were able to increase this from 4% to 50% tomorrow. Even at that rate (and assuming that all these children could make their way through the social services burocracy overnight), it would still take two to four years just to satisfy the present waiting lists of parents hoping to adopt. That's not accounting for any new couples who would decide to adopt in that three years. And if that many children became available for adoption, surely there are many people who have dropped off the waiting lists in discouragement who would get back on, or people who never got on a waiting list because it seemed too hopeless.

Meanwhile, there are 200,000 abortions in New York each year. 1,000 hard-to-place children is certainly 1,000 tragedies, but it is a drop in the bucket compared to literally millions of children who are being killed because they are "unwanted".

See that? That is proof that truly no child is unwanted, no matter what their mothers or fathers think. So many people would be so happy if they could just have a child; but many of them can’t. There are waiting lists for adoption in which many couples apply to adopt ONE baby. That’s a pretty special child, isn’t it? The sad thing is, many of these couples won’t get that baby. Many of these couples won’t get a baby at all! This can drive people into depression, separation, and divorce.

This means every baby that’s aborted because ‘they don’t matter’ or ‘they’re inconvenient’ or ‘not what I wanted’, one couple (or many couples) will be disappointed again. My mom told me that when she was told she couldn’t have a baby, it tore her apart.

Yet here are some people who have this baby, this miracle, this human being, this gift that so many women would love to have, and they KILL them. How sad is that? They could give somebody the greatest gift in the world, and instead chose to take it away. That doesn’t mean that they’re bad people; they’re far from that. It just means that they could’ve done something wonderful but chose not to because they just didn’t want to put in the work and time, which is in all honesty just cruel. Think about it.

Thank you for reading. Hope I didn’t offend anybody.
Posted on October 8th, 2008 at 03:49pm


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