
Being an easily attracted little guy, I have had my eyes on the opposite sex for quite some time. I remember my first crush, Emily, in first grade. I remember dreaming of being with my old best friend Victoria in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. I remember when I first started dating, it was online, because I wasn't attractive enough for the girls in town. So I pretended to be some kid I had classes with in middle school and I had girls swooning over my looks and personality. I remember being in a relationship with a nightmare of a girl that was on this website. The infamous flyday, if you remember.

But in all of my years of life, though not very many, I had never clearly understood or seen the beauty in women. A girl was just a girl to me before. A girl was just hot, a girl was just decent looking, and a girl was just not attractive to me. Nothing more than the three. I was the same as all of those guys who aspired to have sex with beautiful women. Of course, I would have at least liked to be in a relationship with these women, but I never had faith in my relationships.

Once I started dating my best friend, who is now my girlfriend of almost two years, I realized so many beauties that women have. I have never physically been in a relationship until my current one, and I have now been exposed to something entirely new. To me, a girl's body is so fascinating. Not just talking about the sexual organs, but everything else as well. The delicate, soft skin and the small features. The way that they do things and the way that they communicate.

I personally love to observe many things. When I observe the things that my girlfriend does, it is absolutely fascinating. I cannot get enough of what I have seen. There is a certain way that she blinks her eyes at me that gets me feeling so infinite, and the way that she giggles is incredible. I wish that all people could see the things that I have seen. I am very lucky to have seen some of the beauty that girls carry.

To those of you girls who have low self esteem or don't see the goodness in yourselves:
There IS someone out there who knows how beautiful you are.
Posted on January 3rd, 2009 at 07:32pm


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