Tell Me I'm A Failure.

Tell me that I'm not suitable to date any person on this planet. Tell me that I should never leave the house, because I'm never aware of anything that I'm supposed to do outside of the walls of my house. Tell me that my band teacher was right about how much of a piece of shit I am. Tell me that anything I say doesn't matter, because we all know that it's true. Tell me that my father probably wanted me aborted because he didn't want to have another asshole like him living in this world. Tell me that my father left my mom so that he wouldn't have to deal with me. Tell me that I'm just another guy who doesn't respect women. Tell me that I don't deserve any good part of life that comes at me. Tell me that I deserve to burn through every gate in Hell that there is. Tell me that I lost all of my friends after 6th grade because I'm a no-good freak to them, and that's all I'll ever be. Tell me that the reason I was stood up at my own birthday party is because I deserved to have that part of my heart shredded apart. Tell me that you wish you had the heart to cheat on me. Tell me that you would rather lose your virginity to someone else before you would ever make love with me. Tell me that the last time you kissed someone else, it meant more than any kiss I've ever given you. Tell me that you don't love me and that you don't want me anymore. Tell me you love someone else.

Just tell me the truth about myself, so that I can leave this world and you can finally be happy.
Posted on March 15th, 2009 at 12:32am


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