Thank You.

As I write this I’m about 5 minutes shy of going to the stables, so it’ll be quick. But this is a thank you to anyone who has ever commented or read my “Interesting Fact Of The Days”, or now iFod, as I like to commonly call it- credit to Lizzie. You may notice that I am on a lot less than I used to, but this is due to a levels and such with sadly cannot be avoided. I used to love sitting there, refreshing, reading your comments and commenting back, but now I have to dash off somewhere else to do something else at every opportunity. But unless I’m away, there’s always time for the iFod. Just because I can’t comment back doesn’t mean I don’t care; this blog is for you guys though, because every time I hear that a fact has made you happy it just makes it all worth it.

So again, thanks.

As well as a thank you, I’m going to answer some FAQ, and if you think of anymore, comment and I’ll reply in a message when I get time as well as posting the answer here.

When Did The iFod Start?
2nd September 2006

What Was The First Fact?
***the rubber bands on braces are made out of the same thing as condoms***
It was an amusing thing and I just posted it thinking “yeah, I might do this for a week or so” back on old GSB. Turns out it’s been a little over 7 days.

And the most popular:
Where Do You Get Your Facts From?
Google. Every month or so I have to change what I search to locate a website from which to obtain facts. This can get tricky because I have to remember every fact I have ever posted so not to duplicate, but even if it takes a small lifetime, it’s worth it every time.

Yeah…short FAQs…but…yeah…

Thank you for reading, and thank you for being GSB.
Posted on March 29th, 2009 at 05:09am


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