I have a couple of questions for you, geekstinkbreath.net...
Well, more than a couple.
Why should I make my bed, when I'm gonna mess it up sleeping in it?
Why do I have to eat if I'm going to just get hungry again? (I'm not anorexic guys!)
Why say no to living on the edge if you're only going to live once?
Why not go to a rock concert, even though you probably won't see anything properly?
Why not throw yourself in front of a car, if you want to?
Why conform to society? Society is usually wrong?
Why do gossip magazines complain that celebrities act the way they do, when it's the very same magazine that has been spreading the gossip?
Why do we treat others like dirt, when we hate it ourselves?
What is the point of racism?
Why is abortion not considered murder>
Why is it worse for a man to rape a woman than it is for a woman to rape a man? The other person has been violated anyway.
What is the point of being prejudiced? It's stupid.
Why are vampires considered ugly monsters, who want to steal your soul? Why can't they be heroes?
Why are people scared of the dark?
Just some questions, hope you can answer em. And don't tell me I'm being stupid, coz most of us have asked at least one of these in our life time.
Why should I make my bed, when I'm gonna mess it up sleeping in it?
Why do I have to eat if I'm going to just get hungry again? (I'm not anorexic guys!)
Why say no to living on the edge if you're only going to live once?
Why not go to a rock concert, even though you probably won't see anything properly?
Why not throw yourself in front of a car, if you want to?
Why conform to society? Society is usually wrong?
Why do gossip magazines complain that celebrities act the way they do, when it's the very same magazine that has been spreading the gossip?
Why do we treat others like dirt, when we hate it ourselves?
What is the point of racism?
Why is abortion not considered murder>
Why is it worse for a man to rape a woman than it is for a woman to rape a man? The other person has been violated anyway.
What is the point of being prejudiced? It's stupid.
Why are vampires considered ugly monsters, who want to steal your soul? Why can't they be heroes?
Why are people scared of the dark?
Just some questions, hope you can answer em. And don't tell me I'm being stupid, coz most of us have asked at least one of these in our life time.
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I'm supposed to be doing French coursework so I'm not gonna answer them all. One that jumped out at me was the abortion question, and it's a question that kind of irks me off yet it's very easy to answer, so here goes:
Abortion is not murder, because if you look in any dictionary it will state that murder is the UNLAWFUL act of killing, and since abortion is within the law, it's not murder.
Zwitter, May 10th, 2009 at 02:08:41pm
Have y'all not of Angel??? You should google 'vampire angel TV show' and check it out, bcoz i think y'all are just focusing on the one thing...... so there :file:
u r a smeghead, April 9th, 2009 at 02:33:22am
I'm not answering right now. But tbh you sound so much like Ari it's insane. Let's hope you're not a psycho like she is. Vampires are dark creatures, just because Stephanie Myer made them out to be good, that doesn't mean that's always the case, most likely it isn't. Pfft. Twilight.
Joel McHale., April 8th, 2009 at 01:14:07am
u r a smeghead, April 7th, 2009 at 05:01:56am
Why should I make my bed, when I'm gonna mess it up sleeping in it?
- a clean room helps you think better, makes you feel more relaxed, etc
Why do I have to eat if I'm going to just get hungry again? (I'm not anorexic guys!)
- that's the stupidest thing ive ever heard
Why say no to living on the edge if you're only going to live once?
- define "living on the edge". Often, not living on the edge will result in you having a better life down the road.
Why not go to a rock concert, even though you probably won't see anything properly?
- because that's stupid. if i wanted to blindly listen, i'd listen to a live album.
Why not throw yourself in front of a car, if you want to?
- go for it if you want?
Why conform to society? Society is usually wrong?
- because if you don't, you're likely just conforming to a sub-culture.
Why do gossip magazines complain that celebrities act the way they do, when it's the very same magazine that has been spreading the gossip?
- money
Why do we treat others like dirt, when we hate it ourselves?
- it makes us feel better about ourselves, subconsciously
What is the point of racism?
- .. are you actually asking this?
Why is abortion not considered murder>
- to kill something, it first has to be alive. in other words, it had to have been born.
Why is it worse for a man to rape a woman than it is for a woman to rape a man? The other person has been violated anyway.
- because it usually doesnt happen that way. sexism yay
What is the point of being prejudiced? It's stupid.
- human nature
Why are vampires considered ugly monsters, who want to steal your soul? Why can't they be heroes?
- thats how the story goes. vampires are dark monsters.
Why are people scared of the dark?
- dark = unknown
Macfadyen, April 6th, 2009 at 05:39:22pm
I've never made my bed xD.
So you don't like.. die?
'Cos I can't be arsed.
Dunno, never been to a concert :|
Because it's probably painful.
Because I can't be bothered?
Because it's a gossip magazine..
The world is a cruel place.
It is to a lot of people.
Because hurting a woman is considered taboo to a lot of people.
Because vampires are killers?
lisbeth, April 6th, 2009 at 10:36:56am
1. I don't make it ;D
2. Food is good :)
3. I'm a scaredy cat!
4. I can still hear it ~~
5. It will hurt.
6. Why not?
7. Hahah, 'cause they get money for it.
8. Because we're hypacrits.(sp?)
9. Because some people see skin of a different colour as wrong and that's wrong :)
10. Some people consider it as murder.
11. It's quite difficult for a woman to rape a man. I mean he has to be..you know :)
12. I agree.
13. Because they suuck your bloood!
14. You can't see anything in the dark.
dramamine;, April 6th, 2009 at 05:52:52am
no, im not really doing an english assignment! well, my nest one is a book review, i chose twilight (being insanely in love with edward cullen...) SO DONT WORRY!
u r a smeghead, April 5th, 2009 at 02:46:32am
Why should I make my bed, when I'm gonna mess it up sleeping in it?
Because it looks all pretty when you go to sleep the next night and you're room is all neat and tidy so you feel good and organised.
Why do I have to eat if I'm going to just get hungry again?
Because you will die if you don't. Plus, eating is often lots of fun.
Why say no to living on the edge if you're only going to live once?
For exactly that reason - you only live once. Think about it.
Why not go to a rock concert, even though you probably won't see anything properly?
Why not... because, maybe you don't enjoy being in 6 personal bubbles at once, getting squashed, stomped on, screamed at, pushed around and drenched in other peoples bodily fluids. Personally..I love all of that.
Why not throw yourself in front of a car, if you want to?
Why would you want to?
Why conform to society? Society is usually wrong?
Society is not always wrong, for example, society as a whole don't "throw themselves in front of cars because they want to" and that seems to be working out pretty well for society.
Why do gossip magazines complain that celebrities act the way they do, when it's the very same magazine that has been spreading the gossip?
Because they make lots and lots of money to do just that.
Why do we treat others like dirt, when we hate it ourselves?
Speak for yourself. =]]
What is the point of racism?
To make hilbillies and fools feel superior to SOMEONE. Cause they don't get much of a chance otherwise. Personally, I think that's telling them that there's something drastically wrong with them, rather than everyone else....but then again... Why conform to society?
Why is abortion not considered murder
Because it isn't.
Why is it worse for a man to rape a woman than it is for a woman to rape a man? The other person has been violated anyway.
Because stupid people think that if a man got raped he had to get it up, and if he got it up, he enjoyed it.
What is the point of being prejudiced? It's stupid.
Being prejudiced is where you get your instinct for survival. If I wasn't prejudiced, I might go swimming with Great White Sharks right now cause I feel they're hard done by, and everyone hates them. Or I might throw myself in front of a car, and disregard my prejudice that it'll hit me, and that it'll hurt.
Why are vampires considered ugly monsters, who want to steal your soul? Why can't they be heroes?
Because generally, vampires are fictional characters that suck your freakin' blood out. That's not very heroic, really.
Why are people scared of the dark?
Because there could be anything in the dark.
waiting_a_long_time, April 4th, 2009 at 10:03:13pm
was that comment real?..
NiMrOd_1995, April 4th, 2009 at 06:34:27am
excuse moi, The SuirrellMeister, I so did NOT steal this! lol Robert Pattinson rocks. He's my hero, kinda. In a sexy vampire way.
And btw Slappy, I am a full-time vampire. my parents dont believe me obv, but meh.
And good answers guys! 'll so get awesome marks on this english assignment! lol jk jk it's not for school. :}
u r a smeghead, April 4th, 2009 at 03:52:21am
Why should I make my bed, when I'm gonna mess it up sleeping in it? -Because it makes your room look cleaner so your parents aren't always on your back about it.
Why do I have to eat if I'm going to just get hungry again? (I'm not anorexic guys!) -Because food tastes really good. Who doesn't enjoy it?
Why say no to living on the edge if you're only going to live once? -Because it may cut your short life even shorter. That's why people wait until their midlife crisis or three days before death like in movies.
Why not go to a rock concert, even though you probably won't see anything properly? -Some people just don't like noise. They suck.
Why not throw yourself in front of a car, if you want to? -Well, aside from the fact that it would hurt like hell, it goes with the whole "cut your short life shorter" thing aforementioned.
Why conform to society? Society is usually wrong? -Because people are freaking morons, that's why. They have to be a Goddamn herd. f*ckin' cattle.
Why do gossip magazines complain that celebrities act the way they do, when it's the very same magazine that has been spreading the gossip? It makes those sleazy scumbags a little extra cash.
Why do we treat others like dirt, when we hate it ourselves? -It's a psychology thing. And people are dumbasses.
What is the point of racism? -To make idiots feel better about themselves.
Why is abortion not considered murder> -Because there are too many morons in the world. A fourteen-year-old in my school just got one.
Why is it worse for a man to rape a woman than it is for a woman to rape a man? The other person has been violated anyway. -It's that whole "Women are inferior" idea that noamount of women's rights activism can get rid of.
What is the point of being prejudiced? It's stupid. -Exactly. There is no point.
Why are vampires considered ugly monsters, who want to steal your soul? Why can't they be heroes? -They can, but it always gets corrupted by idiots like Robert Pattinson. *coughcoughTwilightcoughcough*
Why are people scared of the dark? -Because humans fear the unknown and they don't know what's in the dark because they can't see. That's the reason they fear death and the future and such.
PCG, April 3rd, 2009 at 03:53:01pm
1- It feels a lot more comfotable especially after a long, stressful day. However, studies have showed tha not making your bed in the morning, may actually improve your health. In studies it has shown that Dust mites, which cause asthma and allergies, cannot survive in the heat conditions of an untidy bed that we've just jumped out of.
2- Because if you don't eat you'll starbe to death.
3- Because you might land yourself in a very sticky situation which will ruin your life.
4- Because you're more vulnerable to death.
5- Because it may injure the car driver and other people in the area.
6- Because you live in society and if you don't follow the rules, you suffer.
7- Becaus it makes them moe money and that's what a job is about, getting money.
8- Becuase it makes us feel superior.
9- In some cases, a want to maintain a certain culture or race and it's also down to upbringing and other nurture methods.
10- Because in many people's views, a feutus is a parasite.
11- Because people are highly sexist against males. (Which is where I usually rant bout men hittine woman and about how unfair it is that we're always expected to step down and let the woman hit us)
12- Again, the nurture nture debate.
13- Because majority of them kill you.
14- Imagination. Mental health issues.
Dr.Hymen, April 3rd, 2009 at 02:56:10pm
You mean people still do that?
Food is delicious Duh.
Cause Aerosmith tells us to.
Wtf kind of question is this?
Tried it. Failed.
Society is for the weak minded, yes.
Cause those magazines are usually the gay kind.
Because we have no lives?
There isn't one, people don't have lives, once again.
Cause people are stupid.
Can't rape the willing ~~
isn't this the same as racism?
I am a vampire. In my spare time, that is.
Are you afraid of the dark? <Good show, by the way.
captain america, April 3rd, 2009 at 02:05:05pm
1. Because it feels nice
2. Because food are nyom
3. Livin on the edge *air guitar moment*
4. Are you on crack? ROCK FTW!
5. You might bounce off.
6. Penis.
7. Fo teh moneh.
8. Instinctual reaction, b*tch
9. See above, love.
10. Because it's quite often mercy killing
11. You ain't gonna rape a man unless you got a raping device. Now, if you use something that will penetrate, fo shp, you are just as bad.
12. Listen, quit asking the same question!
13. Every read about the ORIGINAL vampires? They didn't want your soul, they wanted you to die in disgusting ways for the lulz.
14. Things get fallen over in the dark.
TO BE DELETED, April 3rd, 2009 at 12:46:32pm