Can you believe it its just my luck? thoughtful reasons why school is indeed,stupid.
You have heard it many times “I hate school,” “school is boring”, “homework sucks”. But few people approach this issue intelligently. The truth is that the educational system is extremely flawed.
Everyone is good at something and school is only one of those many things. Unfortunately those who excel in school are normally considered smarter then those who have talent in lets say, art or comedy. Schools often make lists of “top students”. This is a ridicules idea because all it does it makes the students not on the list feel horrible. When students don’t do well teachers assume it is because they “don’t care” or “didn’t work hard”. Truth is some people just struggle with certain subjects. Not everyone learns the same, but in school every student is taught the same way. Many subjects consist of mostly drilling random information into the students head. Some people are better at memorizing then others, that doesn’t make them smarter. Lets say Kate learns how to read at four, and Chris learns how to read at seven. By the time they are 11 one can’t really tell the difference, but at school Kate would have to spend kindergarten and first grade learning how to do something she already knows how to do. While Chris would be considered “learning disabled”. But by the time they are in middle school it makes no difference. Im sure almost all of the, if not all of the, people reading this has been bored in class before. Is it easy to learn something when your bored? No. That is why after kids learn the basics (reading, writing, addition etc.) they shouldn’t “have” to take courses like chemistry or algebra. Lets say Kate is really interested in rock music, she is fascinated with its impact on society and the sub cultures it creates. Well instead she has to take a course on algebra two. Will she regularly have to use knowledge about rock music or algebra two in her everyday life once she gets out of school? Most likely not, so why is she required to take algebra two when she could be spending her time researching something she is interested in?
Another issue is the work load. When students complain about having so much work it isn’t fair for teachers to just tell them to “manage time properly”. Believe it or not some people don’t want to spend every waking hour of there life on something they are not interested in. This doesn’t mean the kids are lazy, they could be doing something like art or playing sports. If people don’t have time to do what makes them happy they will become depressed. School work is a lose lose situation because if you take classes that don’t give a lot of work or choose not to do homework you wont get into college and wont be able to get a high paying job, which according to most people makes you happy. But if you do spend a lot of time on school work you will be sad because you might rather be spending time with friends or something like that.
I don’t think school should be mandatory after say, 8th grade. By then you have learned the basics. Kids who don’t like school simply wont pay attention, but by law they have to attend. We are paying for these kids with our tax money. But the kids are not benefiting. Once again it doesn’t mean the kids are stupid, it means they have other interests.
Everyone is good at something and school is only one of those many things. Unfortunately those who excel in school are normally considered smarter then those who have talent in lets say, art or comedy. Schools often make lists of “top students”. This is a ridicules idea because all it does it makes the students not on the list feel horrible. When students don’t do well teachers assume it is because they “don’t care” or “didn’t work hard”. Truth is some people just struggle with certain subjects. Not everyone learns the same, but in school every student is taught the same way. Many subjects consist of mostly drilling random information into the students head. Some people are better at memorizing then others, that doesn’t make them smarter. Lets say Kate learns how to read at four, and Chris learns how to read at seven. By the time they are 11 one can’t really tell the difference, but at school Kate would have to spend kindergarten and first grade learning how to do something she already knows how to do. While Chris would be considered “learning disabled”. But by the time they are in middle school it makes no difference. Im sure almost all of the, if not all of the, people reading this has been bored in class before. Is it easy to learn something when your bored? No. That is why after kids learn the basics (reading, writing, addition etc.) they shouldn’t “have” to take courses like chemistry or algebra. Lets say Kate is really interested in rock music, she is fascinated with its impact on society and the sub cultures it creates. Well instead she has to take a course on algebra two. Will she regularly have to use knowledge about rock music or algebra two in her everyday life once she gets out of school? Most likely not, so why is she required to take algebra two when she could be spending her time researching something she is interested in?
Another issue is the work load. When students complain about having so much work it isn’t fair for teachers to just tell them to “manage time properly”. Believe it or not some people don’t want to spend every waking hour of there life on something they are not interested in. This doesn’t mean the kids are lazy, they could be doing something like art or playing sports. If people don’t have time to do what makes them happy they will become depressed. School work is a lose lose situation because if you take classes that don’t give a lot of work or choose not to do homework you wont get into college and wont be able to get a high paying job, which according to most people makes you happy. But if you do spend a lot of time on school work you will be sad because you might rather be spending time with friends or something like that.
I don’t think school should be mandatory after say, 8th grade. By then you have learned the basics. Kids who don’t like school simply wont pay attention, but by law they have to attend. We are paying for these kids with our tax money. But the kids are not benefiting. Once again it doesn’t mean the kids are stupid, it means they have other interests.
In my 4 years of campaigning against mainstream schooling, i completely sought out the flaws of this schooling and education system. We do see a lot of negative aspects to this system, i.e unnecessary course work, work load, homework, dealing with ridiculous people and what not.
Although most of us can't get out of it as it generally does impact a future of wanting to go to a university or a higher education unfortunately, this is where the system is flawed.
Depending on which school you go to really depends on attitudes. Years 7-10 posed the most pointless school work for myself and others, where as i look at myself now in year 12 and am choosing classes for myself, and generally doing what i like.
You dont have the choice to do this in earlier years as schools make these decisions for you. Very unfortunate.
Also, be open minded to other sources of education that can land you into a university, the door is really open, your just not looking hard enough sometimes.
Vegemite, May 27th, 2009 at 08:45:19am
is ridiculous.
"We are paying for these kids with our tax money." You're fourteen, YOU are not paying taxes anyway. So that is irrelevant.
"I don’t think school should be mandatory after say, 8th grade" Okay, would you like someone with an 8th grade education to be your doctor or would you rather have someone with further education taking care of you? The same could be said with any job.
Jesse Lacey, May 25th, 2009 at 01:09:39pm
I agree with Fionn Og completely.
If you didn't go to school you would have to learn everything through culture and what is happening in the world right now, and personally I think that would be awful. I don't see how "lists of top students” is a bad thing. People who make it on that list work hard to get there. Saying it's "ridicules"
Jesse Lacey, May 25th, 2009 at 01:02:09pm
We'll hit the nail on the head here, my name is Fionn Og, not Fionn. See even my name on GSB is Fionn Og.
Where did I say everyone is meant to be academic??
There's no jobs now, but there will be in the future.
If everyone walkes around acting like whiney wannabe rebel poser punks, then the current economic situation will continue.
Dr.Hymen, May 24th, 2009 at 06:05:11pm
"Schools often make lists of “top students”. This is a ridicules idea because all it does it makes the students not on the list feel horrible."
I like having an Honor Roll because those students who do well don't get praise. But all the Neanderthals on the sports teams get pep rallies and cheerleaders. I made the Honor Roll for last semester and I will for this semester.
School is there to guide you and help you. Its not a right, its a privilege. An education is extremely valuable. While you might not ever use your grade 10 math skills ever again, it teaches you to think a different way which will be useful after high school. When you're in the real world. So I think you should take total advantage of everything you're being taught. What if you lived in a third world country and you didn't have any education? You'd be far more appreciative of your schooling then.
"School work is a lose lose situation because if you take classes that don’t give a lot of work or choose not to do homework you wont get into college and wont be able to get a high paying job, which according to most people makes you happy."
No, it doesn't necessarily make you happy. But it makes life a whole lot easier. What do you mean by taking a class that doesn't give a lot of work? ... Heck yes if you chose not to do your homework you won't get into college! By choosing not to do your homework you are saying that you're not a diligent worker and your future employer might not want to hire you because of that.
"Once again it doesn’t mean the kids are stupid, it means they have other interests. "
Like what? Those kids are stupid in a sense. They're stupid for not learning everything they can.
I'm sorry, I have no patience for people who aren't willing to educate themselves.
ROSLYNN, May 24th, 2009 at 04:01:34pm
But some kids dont have time for their own hobbies because of school.
Mycophobia, May 24th, 2009 at 10:25:45am
Ok, so maybe you're right. Hell, I know you're right. A lot of time I have to choose between drawing, or writing, or anything, and my schoolwork.
Are you saying because something isn't convenient for you, you shouldn't have to go? Putting personal interest aside is something you just have to get used to. A job would definately cut into hobby time, but can you give it up? I guess you could just not pay your bills. Food and electricity's overrated, anyway. [/sarcasm]
I know where you're coming from, and I totally agree that it sucks. A lot. I guess I just think that you have to just deal with some stuff. .______.
banquo, May 24th, 2009 at 02:09:19pm
But some kids dont have time for their own hobbies because of school.
Mycophobia, May 24th, 2009 at 01:25:45pm
In all honesty Fionn. Not everyone is meant to be an academic and having those qualifications aren't going to help you get a job when there is no jobs
schooldropout, May 24th, 2009 at 12:04:51pm
I have a hard time trying to stay focused in school.
I have "ADHD" and I refuse to take the medicine for it. I don't want to feel like a zombie.
But I don't see why I have to be put in higher math classes that I don't understand, just so I can't move up. I know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, I think I'm good in the math department.
Everything else is just way too easy. I've had my book for english completely read now for two weeks. Other kids in my class haven't even got past the fifth chapter. I do pretty well in school.
Except for the math O_O
And group work.
I'd rather be anti-social when it comes to group projects ._.
captain america, May 24th, 2009 at 11:10:05am
I've said this before and I'll say it again, we are blessed to even have the chance to go to school. As Fionn said, if a person has an interest in rock music, they should be able to keep their hobbies aside from school. School teaches us important lessons, some of which will, in fact, be completely useless depending on what carreer path we take, but there's always the second thought that something WILL come up. Like me, I go to a vocational school, where we do one week of academic studies (english, algebra, science, history, related), and every academic day, we have double blocks of the same period. But, after academics, we go to shop week, which we picked in April. So yes, the work is overloading, but it presents a challenge to me, and I love it.
In my opinion, school sometimes does get annoying and at times does seem unfair, but what if we didn't have it? We'd sit at home all day, vegging in our rooms. Not to mention we wouldn't make as many friends as we do.
Good blog.
Jello Biafra., May 24th, 2009 at 10:41:02am
Chris would not be considered "Learning Disabled" and if he was, whoever plonked that ridiculous idea in anyone's minds should not have a bloody degree in their area. Of course, I do realise you're speaking hypotetically.
If someone has an interest in rock music, like you mentioned, then that should make no difference to their education and they should keep their hobbies outside of school. They can work on it outside of the educational system. Alternatively, they can pick up a class like art or music or media.
She'll probably spend more time having to think about algebra two, if she's to keep such things as accounts and finances in hand. Unless she can afford an accountant, roll on the algebra.
"...people don’t want to spend every waking hour of there life on something they are not interested in."
You don't spend every waking moment of your life doing it. You spend your childhood doing it and yes, it is VITAL that school be there. It doesn't waste childhood, it develops everyday skills we need.
School should be mandatory and it always will be mandatory, because there's people like me out their with enough brains in our heads to see that it's needed.
Thank you and lovely blog.
Dr.Hymen, May 24th, 2009 at 02:41:42am
when i write this comment, it's probably going to be all over the place, but oh well, here goes.. i partially agree with you. i don't really think i get loads of homework, i truely think that im just too lazy to do it, so that's my fault. except for that time that my art teacher gave us heaps of stuff to do, and now she has our books for marking. at least half of my class didn't complete every task. & yes, i have been bored in class before, not often though. usually i enjoy learning and such. and when i get math homework (probably my worst subject), if i actually end up doing it and finishing it, i get all happy and satisfied because i know im making at least a little bit of progress and that i am learning. sure, school may not be the right place for some people, but what can they do about? if people don't like school, i think they should just try to take a more positive approach. last year, i thought school was so so so sh*t, but this year, i was like 'chin up' and so far it's been pretty great. and wow, i think this is the longest comment i have ever left on a blog.
Skippy., May 24th, 2009 at 01:41:34am
In a lot of places school isn't mandatory after 8th grade, or sixteen.
I get what you're saying about how the competition of things can make people feel stupid, and I don't think that things like rank should be too important. Lately, competition in schools -valedictorian and such- has actually fallen out of favor. But I think you should have to learn past the basics, for a few reasons.
First of all, how do you know you aren't interested in something until you've tried it? Some people actually find algebra or chemistry interesting after they've tried it. They go off and study it in college, and make all sorts of awesome discoveries throughout their career. That couldn't happen if they hadn't been pushed in the right direction.
Second, its a sort of no harm no foul situation. What do you lose by going through high school? Nothing but time that wouldn't do much at advancing your future anyway. What do you lose if you stop school at sixteen? An opportunity. High school gives you a basic education, a foundation of educated ideas and concepts so that you can go off and build more knowledge. Without that, you're kind of screwed.
I dunno. ^.^ Pretty good blog.
banquo, May 23rd, 2009 at 10:37:20pm
*raises hand* I AGREE WITH YOU.
CanYouFeelIt, May 23rd, 2009 at 10:25:24pm