My Long Distance Relationship. (pt.2)
Most of you on GSB know me very well by now. At least I'd hope so. You all probably know that I have been dating Stevie off of here. We met on GSB in June of 2006, and we started dating on March 20, 2007. I first met her in person on October 19, 2007 in a local mall of mine. Between then and now, we have taken turns making trips from Illinois to West Virginia.
I last saw Stevie only a few days ago. I had made my trip to West Virginia between a period of six days, and it had been a year since we'd seen each other last. Of course we were anxious, yet awkward about the whole first day. But over the course of those six days, I have never felt happier. This last visit between us was by far the most important, the most memorable, and the most fulfilled so far. I had brought my best friend with me, and though he had been nothing but rude most of the time, Stevie was nice enough to chauffeur him around and buy him a few things here and there.
This may be a somewhat pointless blog, and it may not be very good. I am here to show you that long distance relationships can be extremely successful, though they need a lot of work. Stevie and I were hitting a huge rough patch for a long time. It had been a rough relationship for months on end until I had made this trip. We have been extremely happy, and things have been going very well. On Wednesday, June 10, Stevie and I had our first official 'date'. We got dressed in formal wear and went to have dinner at Olive Garden. Of course it was wonderful. Full of laughs, giggles, I love you's and more. After we'd had dinner, I decided to propose to her. I bought a ring for Stevie some time last year, and it was a quite expensive one, so I had decided to pop the question to her.
So now, Stevie and I are engaged, and it is all thanks to the strange connections of GSB. Stevie is the most amazing girl I have ever encountered in my 17 years of living, and I am sure that there is no one I will ever find in this world that is as perfect as she is to me. We are now closer than ever, more in love than ever, and happier than we have ever been, and I assure you that this 2 year relationship has yet to find a weakness worse than the 621 miles between it.
Baby, nothing is going to tear us apart. I promise. <3

I last saw Stevie only a few days ago. I had made my trip to West Virginia between a period of six days, and it had been a year since we'd seen each other last. Of course we were anxious, yet awkward about the whole first day. But over the course of those six days, I have never felt happier. This last visit between us was by far the most important, the most memorable, and the most fulfilled so far. I had brought my best friend with me, and though he had been nothing but rude most of the time, Stevie was nice enough to chauffeur him around and buy him a few things here and there.
This may be a somewhat pointless blog, and it may not be very good. I am here to show you that long distance relationships can be extremely successful, though they need a lot of work. Stevie and I were hitting a huge rough patch for a long time. It had been a rough relationship for months on end until I had made this trip. We have been extremely happy, and things have been going very well. On Wednesday, June 10, Stevie and I had our first official 'date'. We got dressed in formal wear and went to have dinner at Olive Garden. Of course it was wonderful. Full of laughs, giggles, I love you's and more. After we'd had dinner, I decided to propose to her. I bought a ring for Stevie some time last year, and it was a quite expensive one, so I had decided to pop the question to her.
So now, Stevie and I are engaged, and it is all thanks to the strange connections of GSB. Stevie is the most amazing girl I have ever encountered in my 17 years of living, and I am sure that there is no one I will ever find in this world that is as perfect as she is to me. We are now closer than ever, more in love than ever, and happier than we have ever been, and I assure you that this 2 year relationship has yet to find a weakness worse than the 621 miles between it.
Baby, nothing is going to tear us apart. I promise. <3

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Jesse, that is the sweetest thing ive ever heard in my life! wish you both nothing but happiness
dotheanorexagogo, April 27th, 2010 at 04:53:29pm
i'm honestly so happy for you Jesse and i hope the best for you guys.
YEZZY., June 18th, 2009 at 11:46:56pm
to: nimrodidiot.
i may be young, but i know who i want to spend the rest of my life with.
we've been through enough for me to say that i'm completely sure about my decision.
that's why. :]
jesse rulez d00d., June 16th, 2009 at 08:37:59pm
Ha, awe.
I haven't talked to you in forever but I'm glad to hear that you two are doing well.
Congratulations on being engaged and good luck to both of you. :)
Jesse Lacey, June 15th, 2009 at 11:20:11pm
you two are so f*cking adorable im so proud and happy for you two :) :)
omg yall are growing up so fast
moody fallon, June 15th, 2009 at 05:30:37pm
Yeah, I know for a fact long distance can work, I've been through it for most of my relationship. Congrats, :D
But why propose at such an early age?
No offence, just wondering.
nimrodidiot, June 15th, 2009 at 04:20:16pm
Just goes to show that GSB was once an amazing place(:
hollywood tragedy., June 15th, 2009 at 05:24:19am
I'm really glad you two worked it out. I know it's really hard work to get there but all those ups and downs only make your relationship stronger. Keep it going =)
Congrats and Good luck to you two!
Love, June 15th, 2009 at 06:06:02am
Skippy., June 15th, 2009 at 05:23:13am
This is, without a doubt, the cutest blog I've read in a while.
Just goes to show that GSB was once an amazing place(:
And now it's just kinda..dead. D:
I kinda remember when you two first got together.
You two were one of "the couples" bahaa.
I miss that gsb.
hollywood tragedy., June 14th, 2009 at 11:24:19pm
I've always kinda' known who you guys were and that you were dating and stuff. I wasn't really going to comment because I usually dunno what to say when commenting blogs but when I read the part where you proposed to her I was like "" It's quite funny - you met on GSB and stuff and now you're engaged. I'm in a long distance relationship as well and I hope things work out for me as they did for you. Congratulations!
Mr. Teatime, June 14th, 2009 at 09:30:23pm
Awhheeee. ^^
LostInStereo, June 14th, 2009 at 06:59:16pm
oh man, i'm so happy for you.
i know all about the rough times, and i know it's been difficult for you over the past few months and everything. it's great you got to go see her and everything. i'm really glad this worked out, and i know it will continue to get better. i've also gained a lot more respect for you too. as rough of a time as you've been having, you've dealt with it, and kept working, and didn't give up.
this isn't a bad blog either. it's great. =)
pseudo superhero, June 14th, 2009 at 06:22:23pm
i do know you. :]
jesse rulez d00d., June 14th, 2009 at 06:13:53pm
Im so happy for you
I'm so glad you to have figured out things and it's really great that you're engaged and you only met her through GSB
(you don't even know me I just stalk you)
Joshua Gayward., June 14th, 2009 at 06:08:08pm
yes yew kan !
jesse rulez d00d., June 14th, 2009 at 05:52:44pm