Don't Bother Waking Me Up.

So. This is of course a blog about Green Day. A band that has been with me through the better, the good, the okay, the bad, the ugly and the 'i wanna kill myself'. And they're gonna be here through the rest of it.

I first heard of Green Day when I was almost 10 years old. American Idiot had come out the year before, and all the boys in class were obsessed. And so was I. But I didn't show it, because I never had many friends, and knew that even if I was into what they were into, they wouldn't care. So, as with everything else, I kept it to myself. I listened to the songs on the album when it was played in class, and I realised that Green Day would be more than a flash in the pan for me. This guy could sing. He was taking what I felt and putting it to music. I felt like I had never listened to music before. and it was a beautiful and painful thing.

So, after I was pulled outta school, I stopped listening. I listened to Thirsty Merc, they were my 'favourite' band at that time, and I was okay for a little while. It was good, I had fun, until Green Day came back into my life, in the form of MTV. I was up late at night, and The music video for Jesus Of Suburbia came on. I was blown away by the story, the video, the music, everything. I went to a friend of mine who has the CD and asked to borrow it. So I ripped it into my computer, and listened to American Idiot for the first time. And of course, I fell in love with it. I googled Green Day, found out everything I could, and I hadn't even heard half the album.

The best part for me was when I first listened to Wake Me Up When September Ends. I felt pain, I felt sad for Billie, I knew that he meant every lyric. And I had no idea that by the end of 2008, I would feel what he felt.

By the time I was 13, I was a self confessed Green Day fan. I listened to them all the time, screeched every time a Green Day song came on the radio, and had copies of American Idiot and International Superhits!... and I was feeling better than I had felt in ages. There was one thing upsetting me though. My Pop was sick. I knew he wouldn't make it to 2009, and that tore me apart. It was on my mind all the time, I cried about it. I didn't want to lose my Pop.

I had a favourite radio station in 2008, Hot FM. I would listen to it every afternoon, and in September, almost every afternoon, Wake Me Up would play. I remember one afternoon I was cutting up onions for Spag Bol for dinner, and the song came on. I remember crying and praying that Pop wouldn't die in September, so that I wouldn't be torn to pieces every time I heard that song. No one knew I was crying, I passed it off as the onions making me cry. I went to my room, and listened to the song again, and I prayed, but I knew that he wouldn't last the month. And as I thought, Pop passed away on September 28th, 2008. I even have a T-Shirt with that date on it, because it was the date that my favourite AFL team won the grand final. And everytime I wear that shirt, I think about him. I cry, when no one is watching, I don't like others to see my pain. And I think that although I didn't want him to go then, it happened for a good reason. Green Day were meant to help me through. I was supposed to hear that song and remember. And in four years, when it will have been seven years, I may cry, and scream, and possibly almost kill something. But Green Day will be there. I know they will. And I know that I will get through it. Eventually.

I think I got a little sidetracked with this, but I didn't know how to describe how much I love Green Day.

Summer has come and passed, the innocent can never last, wake me up when September ends
Posted on May 3rd, 2010 at 12:56pm


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