I hate this.

Happy Easter, everyone.

So, I want to church, and I had to acolyte, which is probably gonna be my last time since it's only 6-8th grade. I'm getting confirmed soon so I won't be able to do it anymore. But to the point, I don't think I want to be called a Christian anymore. That term is so stereotyped, so overused and overrated. I'd rather say that I believed in God than I was a Christian. When someone says that they're a Christian, I know a lot of people are thinking, "so they must be stuck up!" No. I don't want that to happen to me. I just want to be a believer than a Christian.

I'm not worrying about my reputation when I say I'm a Christian. I just don't like the term. When I say I'm a Christian, I don't want people to think I'm going to shove religion down their throats. I hate doing things like that to people, even if it is to save them from damnation. I'll do servant events, but I hate being called Christian. It's like, calling me Goth. I hate that so much; because I'm not Gothic. Christianity is a good thing, I guess. But I hate being called it. From now on, I'm no longer saying I'm a Christian. I'll just say that I strongly believe in God.

You know what else I hate? When people get biblical on me. I was talking to my friend Cal, who's from Lincoln college, and we were talking about My Chemical Romance and The Used. He brought up the fact that both Gerard from MCR and Bert from The Used are bisexual, and they even dated for a while. I told him that I didn't care what people were. He asked me why I didn't think it was wrong and then said that it wasn't biblical. I almost was a smart ass and said, "so? Jesus loved everyone, didn't he?"

(Cal, if you're reading this, I actually didn't know what to say when you asked me that. I thought about the question after I left and that's what I came up with)

So, I guess that's it. I thought I'd update my blog since I haven't in a long time.

Peace out-


Posted on April 8th, 2007 at 10:49pm


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