How is tatooing a need?
I absolutly hate my grandfather's girlfriend. I wish my grandmother was back
[God rest her soul]
Anyways, the girlfriend's name is Lolly.
She's so ignorant and has a damn opinion about everything
Like, Friday night, everyone was having a good time, and completely wasted
One of my family members made a joke about the war or something
Then, she went on this whole policitcal rant!
I was like
"SHUT THE HELL UP! You're ruining everyone's time. We're drunk, we don't give two flying fucks!"
Ugh. Then she went on about tatoos.
She said that's the most horrible thing somebody could ever do to themselves
[don't know about you, but, I could list many many others.]
Now, about half my family has tatoos.
God bless my family for not taking about the shotgun when she was ranting about it.
I told her I planned on getting one
And she's like
"Blah blah. I don't see why people need tatoos. It's a need. I just don't understand why!"
I told her.
"I don't NEED a tatoo. As much as I want one, I'm not going to freak out if I never get one. It's a want. Not a need."
She said
"Oh yes it is a need young lady. Don't back talk me!"
And my grandfather wouldn't step in just cause he wants to get some. Arggg.
And I couldn't explain to her why I wanted to get a tatoo in the first place because she kept interrupting me.
My grandmother would have never put up with that shit.
So.... a lot of people on here are good debaters
Next time I come across the bitch, pardon me, Lolly, what should I tell her?
Like, how should I explain to her that tatooing isn't a bad thing?
[God rest her soul]
Anyways, the girlfriend's name is Lolly.
She's so ignorant and has a damn opinion about everything
Like, Friday night, everyone was having a good time, and completely wasted
One of my family members made a joke about the war or something
Then, she went on this whole policitcal rant!
I was like
"SHUT THE HELL UP! You're ruining everyone's time. We're drunk, we don't give two flying fucks!"
Ugh. Then she went on about tatoos.
She said that's the most horrible thing somebody could ever do to themselves
[don't know about you, but, I could list many many others.]
Now, about half my family has tatoos.
God bless my family for not taking about the shotgun when she was ranting about it.
I told her I planned on getting one
And she's like
"Blah blah. I don't see why people need tatoos. It's a need. I just don't understand why!"
I told her.
"I don't NEED a tatoo. As much as I want one, I'm not going to freak out if I never get one. It's a want. Not a need."
She said
"Oh yes it is a need young lady. Don't back talk me!"
And my grandfather wouldn't step in just cause he wants to get some. Arggg.
And I couldn't explain to her why I wanted to get a tatoo in the first place because she kept interrupting me.
My grandmother would have never put up with that shit.
So.... a lot of people on here are good debaters
Next time I come across the bitch, pardon me, Lolly, what should I tell her?
Like, how should I explain to her that tatooing isn't a bad thing?
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omf gpleez dont tell ur grandfatjher that i said this but she sounds really f*cked uo just from that!and the next time u see her just stare at her give her the evil eye and if she says something just yell out loud i f*ckin hate u old hag shut the f*ck up cause she needs to knoww at a b*tch she is!i mean omfg hes ur grandfathers girlfriend tell her how u feel and shell be out of ur life!so like totaly f*ck her!
dallascowboys9, May 4th, 2007 at 06:15:58pm
Your grandfather's girlfriend sounds a lot like my dad's girlfriend. You probably won't get anywhere with her; I know I've tried to talk some sense into my dad's girlfriend. I don't have a problem with tattoos. My brother has four of them. I don't think he needed them; he just wanted to get one. I know they can become addictive but that's up to the person getting them if they need them or not.
whyamIstillhere?, April 11th, 2007 at 08:07:20am
Shes hard headed. It's impossible to get anything through to people like that, best to just deal with it and try not to let this stuff bother you to easily.
i personally wouldn't want a tattoo... but that may change...and im not against it
razzledgirl, April 11th, 2007 at 12:29:12am
southernidiot, April 10th, 2007 at 10:43:31pm
She seems stubborn, so sitting her down will be difficult.
And chances are, by the next time you see her, she might have forgotten about the whole thing, so writing out a speech on Tattooing wouldn't serve a point is she doesn't remember.
Just stand up for what you believe in, and you should be right.
Stef., April 10th, 2007 at 05:47:55pm
In some cultures tattooing has a serious social relevance and can have multiple meanings, it can signify alot of things. It isn't really a need, but people do about 5 million things that aren't a need, its for enjoyment.
Kurtni, April 10th, 2007 at 05:45:45pm
this was funny
you should write a book.
BringMeTheHorizon_x, April 10th, 2007 at 11:44:21am
thanks for the advice guys!
Really helpful.
waiting_a_long_time... no offence taken =]
To post a blog... go into "My GSB" and on the side there should be a subtitle that says blogs.
southernidiot, April 10th, 2007 at 10:40:37am
I agree with angelic fruitcake (snort.. nice username..)
but dont read it. learn it off by heart.
waiting_a_long_time, April 10th, 2007 at 09:36:21am
no offence but the name Lolly makes me think about quite a few obscene things. Just me and my dirty mind. But back to your story. Its her opinion...but yet again she is wrong about it being a need. Maybe to some people it is a need, but its more of a want if you ask me. Sry for starting defensive on her part. Perhaps you should sit her down in a calm and relaxed setting and talk to her about them? But if she's not the talking type then just go get the damn tattoo and shove it in her face. But you could also write a speech about Why you want the tattoo...sounds provocative, sry...and read it to her in a clearvoice, when she starts interrupting, talk louder so you muffle up her voice with your own and she has no choice but to listen, and if anyone objects to what you're doing, just carry on talking loud until you've finished your business. Simple.
PaNcAkEs, April 10th, 2007 at 08:11:40am
WEll, im not the best person to ask advice from, but i guess, if you feel the need to prove yourself to her, then by all means do it. Just make sure, that if you are going to have an arguement, and if you are standing up, make sure that you use your height to your advantage so you look tougher' then her.
lmfao, works with teachers...
Vegemite, April 10th, 2007 at 04:41:27am
Sorry but.. How do you post a blog??!
Skippy., April 10th, 2007 at 03:07:44am
Lolly is quite a cool name.
I don't particurlary like tattoos.
Skippy., April 10th, 2007 at 02:21:47am
Don't take crap from that old hag.
Riot on the Radio, April 10th, 2007 at 02:00:31am
i think you should start a silent war with her.
she cant tell you not to talk back to her.
well she can.. but really, what authority does she pull over you?? Grandads accessory? (no offence sorry)
i just think, if she says other stuff and shes worse than she sounds (which she probly is) just ignor her. dont ogo to see your grandad when shes there, otr do go, then leave... i not a nice person so im probly not the best person to ask about this sort of thing.
waiting_a_long_time, April 10th, 2007 at 01:39:27am