Tré Cool Related Dreams

John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
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May 27th, 2006 at 12:17pm
The first dream I ever had of him, he was chasing me b/c he "wanted" me. And I was trying to get a way from him. But when I look back on it now, I wish I wouldn't have done that. I wish I would have just stopped, layed on the ground, and wait for him to come to me. Cool
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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May 27th, 2006 at 12:19pm
The first dream I ever had of him, he was chasing me b/c he "wanted" me. And I was trying to get a way from him. But when I look back on it now, I wish I wouldn't have done that. I wish I would have just stopped, layed on the ground, and wait for him to come to me. Cool

Twisted Evil thats so hot!
i remember when you told me that dream and i was like WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!
but god thats so hot Cool
snow job.
snow job.
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May 27th, 2006 at 08:17pm
I had a dream about Tre and I. We were dancing in the mall, then he took me to the bathromom, and i thinkya know what happened next...
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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May 27th, 2006 at 08:19pm
Rage & Love:
I had a dream about Tre and I. We were dancing in the mall, then he took me to the bathromom, and i thinkya know what happened next...

normally i would find that sort of situation revolting...
but with Tre i would def make an exception Raspa
The Doctor
Falling In Love With The Board
The Doctor
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Mibba Blog
May 27th, 2006 at 08:27pm
Never ever ever watch Braveheart before bedtime and then listen to Green Day...
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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May 27th, 2006 at 08:28pm
Joan of Arc of Suburbia:
Never ever ever watch Braveheart before bedtime and then listen to Green Day...

lmfao what was the result?
The Doctor
Falling In Love With The Board
The Doctor
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Mibba Blog
May 27th, 2006 at 08:33pm
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade:
Joan of Arc of Suburbia:
Never ever ever watch Braveheart before bedtime and then listen to Green Day...

lmfao what was the result?

Tre became William Wallace and Mike - Murren....

Twas so sad... and Billie was that git Edward 1

Jason was in it at some point... and me! I was that guy who fought with him Very Happy

But still... was all sad until Dr Who came in on a unicycle (of all things) and saved the day Cool
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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May 27th, 2006 at 11:29pm
Joan of Arc of Suburbia:
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade:
Joan of Arc of Suburbia:
Never ever ever watch Braveheart before bedtime and then listen to Green Day...

lmfao what was the result?

Tre became William Wallace and Mike - Murren....

Twas so sad... and Billie was that git Edward 1

Jason was in it at some point... and me! I was that guy who fought with him Very Happy

But still... was all sad until Dr Who came in on a unicycle (of all things) and saved the day Cool

Shocked i wish i had interesting dreams like that!
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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May 28th, 2006 at 07:29am
i had a strange tre dream.. i was kinda backstage after like a concert and tre billie and mike came. mike and billie sat on a chair and there was no more room so me and tre had to sit on the floor.. then he spilled coffee.... Hail worship tre...
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May 28th, 2006 at 08:29am
I had a dream Tre was a mushrrom.... A very happy mushrrom it was like that time where I sleep walking and I started shouting "THE MUSHRROMS ARE EATING. THE MUSHROOMS ARE EATING!!!!!!!
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May 29th, 2006 at 12:56am
I dream about Tré more than I should. I don't think there's a cure for this. But that's a good thing, it makes me happy. But I never wanna wake up in the morning!
1: I was Ramona, but still in my own body, I was still 13, but I was Ramona. Daddy, Tré, was coming to tuck me in g'night. I was like, 'DADDYY I'm cold! Can I sleep with yooou tonight?" and he was all, okay dear!
So. Imagine, having a ginormous crush on your own dad, and trying to get some action, nyeh? EH? YEAH Y'LIKE THE THOUGHT! I know it.
Hm, it was funny. And dirty. Mmm.
Maiku's Kind Ghost
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Maiku's Kind Ghost
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May 29th, 2006 at 08:25am
I had a dream where Green Day was at my school I was trying to find Tre to get something autographed.
I couldn't find him for a while but then I did and he was in the autotroium, big pimpin with all the High School girls (minus myself). XD
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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May 29th, 2006 at 01:26pm
ok last night i seriously had this long ass dream that Tre was chasing me...

one question...why the hell was i running? Confused
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May 29th, 2006 at 04:19pm
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade:
ok last night i seriously had this long ass dream that Tre was chasing me...

one question...why the hell was i running? Confused

Hm, confusing.
Maybe you were running from his cuteness.
I donno, I can ask my sister! She's into that kind of things.
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May 29th, 2006 at 04:35pm
all the ones are rated R soooo i cant really post them
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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May 29th, 2006 at 04:54pm
all the ones are rated R soooo i cant really post them

yeah i know what u mean Embarassed it would be fun if we could post them though. lol. but yeah..
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May 29th, 2006 at 05:11pm
lmfao!!! yeah...
but then they would think were pervs and creeps
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
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May 29th, 2006 at 06:55pm
right... i had this dream a month ago at night whilst on holiday sleeping in an uncomfy bunk bed.. right.. i was walking over a rickety bridge, way up high and there was a huge pool of burning lava and hot stuff below.. and I needed 2 get across to the other side coz Tre was there. I was doing fine but this fly kept buzzing round my head.. the flys head was tre.. and i was really scared coz the tre on the other side of the bridge had the head of a fly.. but tres tre so whatever.. k then james bond flew towards me and told me to watch out for the crocodiles. I was like righty o ... ok then Tre came along the bridge.. with a normal head and bright pink hair and told me to be careful. I was like hmm ok cheers, then a crocodile swooped up and tried to eat me, Tre got out his sword.. that was insie his jacket pocket :s and fought the croc but he lost his hand.. i was like nooo omg poor tre.. then basicly james bond came back, i blamed him 4 evrything and i pushed james bond in the hot lava and tre flew away wearing his hair in bunches. i couldnt get back on the bridge so i dangled there for a while then woke up.. dangling from my bunk bed. xD scary i think heehee good night evry1 x x
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade
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May 29th, 2006 at 06:58pm
right... i had this dream a month ago at night whilst on holiday sleeping in an uncomfy bunk bed.. right.. i was walking over a rickety bridge, way up high and there was a huge pool of burning lava and hot stuff below.. and I needed 2 get across to the other side coz Tre was there. I was doing fine but this fly kept buzzing round my head.. the flys head was tre.. and i was really scared coz the tre on the other side of the bridge had the head of a fly.. but tres tre so whatever.. k then james bond flew towards me and told me to watch out for the crocodiles. I was like righty o ... ok then Tre came along the bridge.. with a normal head and bright pink hair and told me to be careful. I was like hmm ok cheers, then a crocodile swooped up and tried to eat me, Tre got out his sword.. that was insie his jacket pocket :s and fought the croc but he lost his hand.. i was like nooo omg poor tre.. then basicly james bond came back, i blamed him 4 evrything and i pushed james bond in the hot lava and tre flew away wearing his hair in bunches. i couldnt get back on the bridge so i dangled there for a while then woke up.. dangling from my bunk bed. xD scary i think heehee good night evry1 x x

wow what the hell did you eat that night before going ot bed?! Laughing
Board Parasite
Age: 35
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May 29th, 2006 at 07:10pm
My Tre dreams can not be shared with anyone under the age of...16 maybe lol
Although i did have this one where we went swimming....nope that one is dirty too Shifty