America: A Dystopian Society

Basket Case
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
January 11th, 2006 at 07:23am
Common traits of a dystopian society
A dystopian society usually exhibits at least one of the following traits from the following non-exhaustive list:

An apparent Utopian society, free of poverty, disease, conflict, and even unhappiness. Scratching the surface of the society, however, reveals exactly the opposite. The exact problem, the way the problem is suppressed, and the chronology of the problem forms the central conflict of the story.
Social stratification, where social class is strictly defined and enforced, and social mobility is non-existent (see caste system).
A nation-state ruled by an upper class with few democratic ideals
State propaganda programs and educational systems that coerce most citizens into worshipping the state and its government, in an attempt to convince them into thinking that life under the regime is good and just, e.g. Alan Moore's V for Vendetta
Strict conformity among citizens and the general assumption that dissent and individuality are bad
A state figurehead that people worship fanatically through a vast personality cult, such as Nineteen Eighty-Four's Big Brother, We's The Benefactor, or Equilibrium's Father
A fear or disgust of the world outside the state
A common view of traditional life, particularly organized religion, as primitive and nonsensical
Complete domination by a state religion, e.g Death-Worship in the Eastasia of Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Sisterhood of Metacontrol in FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions or the Technopriests in The Incal
The "memory" of institutions overriding or taking precedence over human memory
A penal system that lacks due process laws and often employs psychological or physical torture, e.g. Alan Moore's V for Vendetta
A lack of the key essentials of life for many citizens, like food shortages
Constant surveillance by government or other agencies, e.g. Alan Moore's V for Vendetta
Militarized police forces and private security forces
The banishment of the natural world from daily life
Construction of fictional views of reality that the populace are coerced into believing
Corruption, impotence or other usurpation of democratic institutions
Fictional rivalries between groups that actually operate as a cartel
Insistence by the forces of the establishment that:
It provides the best of all possible worlds
That all problems are due to the action of its enemies and their dupes
An overall slow decay of all systems (political, economic, religion, infrastructure. . .) resulting from people being alienated from nature, the State, society, family, and themselves. Yesterday was better, tomorrow will be worse.
Everything tends towards zero sum gain relationships rather than non-zero-sum relationships in a slowly decreasing system.


My question to you is that with constant surveillance of our culture, can America or any other leading nation be classed as a dystopian society?

dys·to·pi·a ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ds-tp-)
An imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror.
A work describing such a place or state: “dystopias such as Brave New World” (Times Literary Supplement).

u·to·pi·a ( P ) Pronunciation Key (y-tp-)

often Utopia An ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects.
A work of fiction describing a utopia.
An impractical, idealistic scheme for social and political reform.
Age: -
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Posts: 541
January 11th, 2006 at 12:24pm
I understand most of the points made (although I feel I will probably have to read V For Vendetta to understand to a better extent). But could you give an explaination of 'Everything tends towards zero sum gain relationships rather than non-zero-sum relationships in a slowly decreasing system.' Please?
Basket Case
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
January 12th, 2006 at 11:39am
I understand most of the points made (although I feel I will probably have to read V For Vendetta to understand to a better extent). But could you give an explaination of 'Everything tends towards zero sum gain relationships rather than non-zero-sum relationships in a slowly decreasing system.' Please?

zero-sum means that your gain and loss adds to the same, so it's a sum of zero. Most societies are a non zero-sum because you either gain more or lose more.

But in Dystopia you stay the same, so if you were working-class you will continue to be working-class and if you were rich you would continue to be rich.

The economy thrives on non zero-sum because it means products can increase in value and your opposers can fall. If everything stays the same other communitys will become better than you, so your system starts to decrease.
Age: -
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Posts: 541
January 12th, 2006 at 12:45pm
I understand most of the points made (although I feel I will probably have to read V For Vendetta to understand to a better extent). But could you give an explaination of 'Everything tends towards zero sum gain relationships rather than non-zero-sum relationships in a slowly decreasing system.' Please?

zero-sum means that your gain and loss adds to the same, so it's a sum of zero. Most societies are a non zero-sum because you either gain more or lose more.

But in Dystopia you stay the same, so if you were working-class you will continue to be working-class and if you were rich you would continue to be rich.

The economy thrives on non zero-sum because it means products can increase in value and your opposers can fall. If everything stays the same other communitys will become better than you, so your system starts to decrease.
Thank you, although I don't think I know enough about America or any other countries to class them as dystopian. But thanks for explaining that.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5688
January 12th, 2006 at 06:18pm
I would say that the world as a whole represents a very definitely dytopian theme. Things aren't getting consistently better or worse. Minimum wage rises, so do prices. We're stuck in this cycle.
Age: 34
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Posts: 466
February 13th, 2006 at 04:10pm
A penal system that lacks due process laws and often employs psychological or physical torture, e.g. Alan Moore's V for Vendetta

FUCK YEAH. The movie is coming ever closer as well. Are you pumped? You better damn well be!! Hooyah!

Sorry, my fanboy instincts just kicked in for a second there. But yes, the world today is remarkably dystopian. Ir's all a vicious, unending cycle...we need ourselves a V.

...Carry on.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 5688
February 13th, 2006 at 04:19pm
A penal system that lacks due process laws and often employs psychological or physical torture, e.g. Alan Moore's V for Vendetta

FUCK YEAH. The movie is coming ever closer as well. Are you pumped? You better damn well be!! Hooyah!

Sorry, my fanboy instincts just kicked in for a second there. But yes, the world today is remarkably dystopian. Ir's all a vicious, unending cycle...we need ourselves a V.

...Carry on.

Remind me to smack you for that tomorrow.
Rolling Eyes
Age: -
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Posts: 261
February 16th, 2006 at 10:05am
1984 is a good book. Cool
anti-christ of suburbia
anti-christ of suburbia
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 986

July 9th, 2006 at 12:00pm
you know what? i think you just described life in the 21st century. maybe its not that bad yet, but give it about 50 yrs, maybe less... tis a scary thought