Barrie, ON Molson Park, August 11th, 2005

Cheyenne, Amy, Amy's Dad and my Dad went to the Green Day concert on August 12th at the Barrie Park Place. We got there a little while before the gates opened. When the gates opened we rushed in fast. So fast in fact, that Cheyenne managed to push Amy head first into a garbage can. That was a moment to remember. We got checked for cameras and drugs and stuff next. It was funny. There was some lady yelling at the security manager. Then we bought our T-shirts. Mine is the best! It's pink with a picture of them all on it. We got changed into our shirts and then we went to see the stage and the place they would be performing. The gates to there were closed so we sat on a picnic bench and waited. When the gates opened we rushed in. We found a good place to sit because we would have to be there a long time. It was only about 4:30pm and the show started at 7. Of course we were kept amused by laughing at people. We're so nice. Me and Cheyenne bought wristbands with the warning sign and the words "GREEN DAY." They were 8 bucks each. That's a lot… but oh well.

Anti-flag came on a couple minutes after 7. They were really loud and they swore a lot, but basically they were good. They kept the crowd entertained. Most people there (me and my friends) had never heard of them. They had one song "Die for your Government" which was particularly good.

Next came Jimmy Eat World. They are really amazing live. They didn't swear very much and the audience was getting really excited by this point.

Then they left and we were left to stare at the stage without blinking, waiting to treasure the moment Green Day would hit the stage. We waited on baited breath. Then we heard the Y.M.C.A. come on and we knew the guy in the pink bunny costume would prepare us for Green Day. The bunny came on stage, drank beer and danced. We cheered for him and eventually he left. The lights were dimmed and then Green Day ran on stage. We screamed so hard. They didn't start playing immediately though. Billie Joe stood at the front observing the whole audience to see what he had to work with. The he raised his hands and we cheered and screamed. Then he lowered his hands and we stopped. They started with American Idiot which made everyone in the crowd jump, scream and sing along.
Billie Joe constantly kept us screaming and laughing with his stage antics. He would point at one side of the crowd and they would scream. Then he would point to the other side to see who screams louder. If we both sucked, he would step back and fold his arms looking disappointed. The audience (not wanting to disappoint Billie), would scream as loud as we could. Then he would laugh and start another song. He would command us to do the wave, freak out, clap and jump.

After a few songs, Billie decided to introduce the band. He introduced two guys who play a variety of instruments such as accordion, piano, trumpet and so on. Then he showed us Jason White. Someone I don't particularly care about. Then he introduced Mike Dirnt as "a man I've been standing beside for 16 years. "A man who looks very good naked." Mike got a big applause but not as big as the scream for Tré Cool, "a man I like to shower with naked" as Billie so bluntly put it. And then most people expected Billie to introduce himself, but instead he said, "and I'm George Bush." We all booed him. He laughed and said "How about Asshole?" and we all cheered. He laughed and they played the next song.
They played songs as old as "Maria" and "Longview" and also the newer songs like "St. Jimmy" and "Jesus of Suburbia." With "King for a Day" Billie put on his crown, Tré put on a big pink hat and Mike put on cat ears. Billie entertained the crowd by pulling down his pants and smacking his butt. He did this twice so each side of the crowd could see. About half-way through the show Billie wanted a rest so he lay down in the middle of the stage and someone laid his cape over him. He sung "Stand by me" while lying on his stomach. This was a great performance that had the crowd doing the wave and holding up their lighters. Billie also amused the spectators by making everyone yell "oh" and then "ah" until he was pretending to masturbate. Then he would yell, "somebody f**k me!" and of course all the girls (and some of the guys!!) went wild. The TV screen then went to Tré who was laughing.

Billie also announced that they were going to make a band up on stage. He asked the audience who could play the guitar. Many people raised their hands. Billie scanned the audience until he chose someone. He yelled "Can you play the guitar? Do you swear to god? How old are you? 17? How long have you been playing the guitar?" then the kid started to come closer to the stage. Billie yelled, "wait, I've got one more question." Many people in the audience, (me included) knew what was coming. "Ever had sex with a woman before?" Billie asked him smiling. The kid said no and Billie replied, "Well you're gunna get some tonight so get your ass up here!" When he got up on stage Billie kissed him. They showed their new band how to play and then the band performed a short act. It was cool and then as they were leaving Billie gave the guy the guitar. Then he yelled, "Wait! I want the drummer!" The drummer ran over and Billie commanded him to stage dive. What Billie says is law, so the guy ran and jumped off the stage. The audience caught him and then set him onto solid ground.

Green Day finished and left the stage but the audience wasn't willing to leave and we chanted "GREEN DAY!!!" until they came back onto the stage. They played a few more songs ending with "Time of your life" which was very appropriate because everyone knew the song and that is exactly what the concert was: the time of our lives. Then huge fireworks went on behind us and as we turned around to watch them, Green Day snuck off stage and left before we could call them back.
I didn't think it was possible, but Green Day is even better live. Billie Joe has such stage presence that everyone one was willing to do exactly what he said. He also smiles a whole lot more then I ever thought. Even Tré and Mike were smiling and having fun the whole time. If you ever want to see Green Day live, go for it. They are the most amazing band ever and they are so lovable.

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