
Harmony(maria) Gates Dirnt
syn's fedora

Member since February 17th, 2006


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i love green day and rock music in general. i love Punk Rock and I love heavy metal. i tend to like older bands so don't hate me just because you like all the new stuff ok? ok. and i'm not the skinniest person in the world and i don't give a flying fuck what you think of me because i'm perfectly happy the way i am and i will not change for anybody or anything. if your shallow enough to waste your time trying to make someone elses life a living hell just cause you have too much time on your hands, then get the fuck off my profile and away from me because i dispise people like you. ok, if your not one of those people, then welcome Very Happy lol PROUD MEMBER OF THE COOL BASS PLAYER'S CLUB =] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok heres my lovely Gsb family. ~Ashley and stephers are my lovely mothas! xXmothersoundXx Is my loving wifey!! santa_cruz_dude is my really awesome Hubby!!!! ..Jason..[lykwoah],vampiregirl are my kids xXxpunk*emoxXx,Your Mom is A Man Whore are my sistas!! ~sez-is-a-biatch~ is my cosin! potato chip is my crack addict sis!!~ Blinded In Chains Is My LLAMA!! you know your jelous. City Of Evil[Reverend x3] is my pet panda!!!!!! __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ASHLEY CHRIST(blinded in chains),NATTIE VENGEANCE(Zacky V_6661[MyHeartbeat]),MY WIFEY(xXMothersoundXx), ARE MY GSB BEST FRIENDS. THEY KICK MORE ASS THAN YOU!!!! Razz

Hobbies: anything with music, listening to it, writing it, playing it, eating it o_O writing stories, writing poetry, photography,and going to kick ass shows.

Things I like: Mike Dirnt,Synyster Gates, music, saftey pins, hobo gloves.

Things I hate: closed minded people, preps, people who look at just your apperence and give you this "ew your gothic" look even though i'm not gothic., people who can't accept others the way they are.

Favorite bands/artists: green day,avenged sevenfold ,pinkly smooth, the ramones, taking back sunday, led zeplin, black sabbeth, KISS, sugarcult, the network,afi, the misfits. theres alot more, but those are my favorites

Favorite TV shows: anything on comedy central, some fuse, degrassi, south of nowhere, jackass, viva la bam, little people big world, and criss angel mind freak. don't watch much tv

Favorite movies: any movie that green day is in, the breakfast club, detroit rock city, jackass, jackass 2, rock in roll high school, wedding crashers, the exsorsisim of emily rose, the lost boys, the interview with the vampire,bevis and utthead do america, and alot of horror movies.

Favorite quote: "The world may mean nothing to you, but you may mean the world to someone else." Mike Dirnt

Favorite word: Dirnt, Mikegasum, bitch, fuck, shit, any cuss word

What I am proud of: being a musician

The best thing I've done lately: been to 2 a7x shows and got a 99 average in geometry

The worst thing I've done lately: getting replaced by best friends "boyfriend" :`(


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