
- Name
- Gabriele Christine
- Age
- 31
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- East Texas
Member since May 30th, 2006
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1. Full Name:Gabriele Christine
2. Nicknames:Kittie
3. Birthday:1/3/94
4. Place of Birth:Texas
5. Zodiac Sign:Capricorn
6. Male or Female:female
7. Grade:9th
8. School: ...dunno
9. Occupation:idk..
10. Residence:Kilgore,TX
11. MSN Screen Name:dunno
__Your Appearance___
12. Hair Color:Black(I dye it alot of colors)
13. Hair Length:long
14. Eye color:black
15. Weight:idk
16. Height:like4'11"
17. Braces?:no
18. Glasses?:no
19. Piercings:6,nose,ears,touguebout to get monroe done:]]
20. Tattoos:1 on my stomach
21. Righty or Lefty:righty
___Your 'Firsts'___
22. First best friends:uhh..idk
23. First Award:idk
24. First Sport You took part in:soccer
25. First pet:cat!!!
26. First Real concert:HIM and Bleeding Through
28. First Love:dillion..but i hate him now.wish he wasn't mii 1st lone>:[[
___ Favorites___
29.favorite movie:twilight
30. TV programme:moonlight
31. Colour:purple,Black,pink
32. Rapper:south park mexicans or Z-ro
33. Band:paramore
34. Song Right Now:You Know Enemy-Green Day
35. Friend:Starla.Haley,Jasmine,Blayne,Tara,Chelsea,Ambey
36. Sweet:uhh..idk
37. Sport to Play:softball or Vollyball
38. Restuarant:imexican
39. Favorite brand/ designer:ed hardy
41. School Subject:Art
42. Animal:wolf
43. Book:vampire romance
44. Magazine:Tattoo magz
45. Shoes:cool
46. Feeling:lonely
47. Single or Taken?:single
48. Have a crush:idkk..
49. Eating:nothing
50. Drinking:water
51. Typing: this.
52. Online?: uhh..what does it look like?!
53. Listening To:tha tv
54. Thinking About:when i get tha LG Xenon,,:]]YAY!!
55. Wanting To:for wedsenday..get mii new phone!!
56. Watching:True Life
57. Wearing:pj's:]]
___Your Future___
58. Want Kids?:1
59. Want to be Married?yea
60. Careers in Mind: pycoloist..i wanna help people wit their problems:]]
61. Where do you want to live:San Antonio:]]
62. Car:i don't care
__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___
63. Hair color:any
64. Hair length:either
65. Eye color:any
66. Measurments:taller than me
67. Cute or Sexy:either
68. Lips or Eyes:both
69. Hugs or Kisses
70. Short or Tall:tall
71. Easy going or serious:both
72. Romantic or Spontaneous:both
73. Fatty or Skinny:medium
74. Sensitive or Loud:Sensitive
75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship
76. Sweet or Caring:both
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One:kinda
___Have you ever______
78. Kissed a Stranger:not that i can remeber
79. Had Alcohol:lotz
80. Smoked:yea....
81. Ran Away From Home:no
82. Broken a bone:yea
83. Got an X-ray:yea
84. Been with someone:yea
85. Broken Someones Heart:yea
86. Broke Up With Someone:yea
87. Cried When Someone Died:yea
88. Cried At School:lotz!
___Do You Believe In___
89. God:yea
90. Miracles:yea
91. Love At First sight:sumtimes
92. Ghosts:idk
93. Aliens:idk
94. Soul Mates:kinda
95. Heaven:yea
96. Hell:no
97. Angels:ya
98. Kissing on The First Date:yea
99. Horoscopes:no
___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't Have?
2. Nicknames:Kittie
3. Birthday:1/3/94
4. Place of Birth:Texas
5. Zodiac Sign:Capricorn
6. Male or Female:female
7. Grade:9th
8. School: ...dunno
9. Occupation:idk..
10. Residence:Kilgore,TX
11. MSN Screen Name:dunno
__Your Appearance___
12. Hair Color:Black(I dye it alot of colors)
13. Hair Length:long
14. Eye color:black
15. Weight:idk
16. Height:like4'11"
17. Braces?:no
18. Glasses?:no
19. Piercings:6,nose,ears,touguebout to get monroe done:]]
20. Tattoos:1 on my stomach
21. Righty or Lefty:righty
___Your 'Firsts'___
22. First best friends:uhh..idk
23. First Award:idk
24. First Sport You took part in:soccer
25. First pet:cat!!!
26. First Real concert:HIM and Bleeding Through
28. First Love:dillion..but i hate him now.wish he wasn't mii 1st lone>:[[
___ Favorites___
29.favorite movie:twilight
30. TV programme:moonlight
31. Colour:purple,Black,pink
32. Rapper:south park mexicans or Z-ro
33. Band:paramore
34. Song Right Now:You Know Enemy-Green Day
35. Friend:Starla.Haley,Jasmine,Blayne,Tara,Chelsea,Ambey
36. Sweet:uhh..idk
37. Sport to Play:softball or Vollyball
38. Restuarant:imexican
39. Favorite brand/ designer:ed hardy
41. School Subject:Art
42. Animal:wolf
43. Book:vampire romance
44. Magazine:Tattoo magz
45. Shoes:cool
46. Feeling:lonely
47. Single or Taken?:single
48. Have a crush:idkk..
49. Eating:nothing
50. Drinking:water
51. Typing: this.
52. Online?: uhh..what does it look like?!
53. Listening To:tha tv
54. Thinking About:when i get tha LG Xenon,,:]]YAY!!
55. Wanting To:for wedsenday..get mii new phone!!
56. Watching:True Life
57. Wearing:pj's:]]
___Your Future___
58. Want Kids?:1
59. Want to be Married?yea
60. Careers in Mind: pycoloist..i wanna help people wit their problems:]]
61. Where do you want to live:San Antonio:]]
62. Car:i don't care
__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___
63. Hair color:any
64. Hair length:either
65. Eye color:any
66. Measurments:taller than me
67. Cute or Sexy:either
68. Lips or Eyes:both
69. Hugs or Kisses

70. Short or Tall:tall
71. Easy going or serious:both
72. Romantic or Spontaneous:both
73. Fatty or Skinny:medium
74. Sensitive or Loud:Sensitive
75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship
76. Sweet or Caring:both
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One:kinda
___Have you ever______
78. Kissed a Stranger:not that i can remeber
79. Had Alcohol:lotz
80. Smoked:yea....
81. Ran Away From Home:no
82. Broken a bone:yea
83. Got an X-ray:yea
84. Been with someone:yea
85. Broken Someones Heart:yea
86. Broke Up With Someone:yea
87. Cried When Someone Died:yea
88. Cried At School:lotz!
___Do You Believe In___
89. God:yea
90. Miracles:yea
91. Love At First sight:sumtimes
92. Ghosts:idk
93. Aliens:idk
94. Soul Mates:kinda
95. Heaven:yea
96. Hell:no
97. Angels:ya
98. Kissing on The First Date:yea
99. Horoscopes:no
___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't Have?
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what kind of boots are they? i want some please reply =)
ajpunx2000, August 10th, 2009 at 11:05:30pm
about 3 years
i made a new account last year
i forgot my password and couldn't remeber my old email.
PinkFloyd, June 19th, 2009 at 08:01:40am
helloo, i'm alright thanx
you? xx
welcome back!
PinkFloyd, June 18th, 2009 at 10:37:01am
haha if you have talked to me here before then I am sort of scared because that means I have an evil twin stalking the message boards O_o
I've only been here a little over a week, I wanted to make an account years ago but I never got around to it.
Dale Cooper, June 16th, 2009 at 07:02:39pm
Welcome back GSB :D
I'm sure the boards are happy to have you back ^_^
I'm Kaylin, it's nice to meet you.
Dale Cooper, June 12th, 2009 at 01:31:12am
as you seem to be from texas, i guess so.
BREASTS, June 10th, 2009 at 08:50:27pm
Do you have an accent?
BREASTS, June 7th, 2009 at 04:32:30pm
i know
i missed you!
i have been good!
Idiot Parade, November 3rd, 2007 at 05:26:46pm
hey....I haven't talked to you in a while
how is my vampire kitteh doing?
Joni., May 21st, 2007 at 12:47:28am

..Im Well Bored.
Just Incase You Dont Remember... You Posted A Comment On My Profile..
&& Thats Whyy I'm Here. *Tehe**Pokeeeeeee*
Miss_Cool_24-7, March 23rd, 2007 at 02:40:28pm
i'm good...i'm on here most the time only to check
Gerard Way., March 3rd, 2007 at 03:07:13am
the heart thingy copied and pasted from's you?
Gerard Way., March 2nd, 2007 at 01:13:35am
that's good 8)
Mike's_#1_Babe!, February 14th, 2007 at 11:35:20pm
I'm good, you?
Mike's_#1_Babe!, February 12th, 2007 at 10:15:02pm
I love FOB!!!!!!
hollywood tragedy., February 8th, 2007 at 03:04:39pm