Marie Antoinette

- Name
- Skittles
- Age
- 30
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- NJ but sadly moving 2 CT
Member since June 4th, 2007
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- x0AforbiddenWinter0x
- a skittles heart or x0loveorhateme0x
- Yeah but ask me
Click It!!
Bands that I Love!
Avenged Sevenfold

Boys Like Girls

Bullet For My Valentine


Fall Out Boy

Kill Hannah


My Chemical Romance

Panic! At The Disco

Papa Roach


The Used



The All-American Rejects

Avril Lavigne

Cute is What We Aim For

From First To Last

Good Charlotte

Green Day

Linkin Park


The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

The Misfits


Funeral For A Friend




The Smashing Pumpkins

The Academy Is…

The Pink Spiders

and many more
.........|||RIP PANSY! PUT
.........|||THIS ON YOU PAGE TO
......./|00|\TECHNICIAN!! ="[
...../|||/.\|||\R.I.P PANSY!!!
Leave it to MTV to screw shit up! Motherfucking MTV!!!!!!
Dearly Beloveds, we gather here today to mourn over the death of a loved one. That loved on would be Frank Anthony Iero's beloved guitar Pansy.
She was a sweet guitar. She always was in tune, and even after years of abuse, never managed to become seroiusly injured. That was until her fateful final song for her owner's band known as My Chemical Romance's Black Parade concert. She was overabused for many years, but this was the final time. Pansy was brutally murdered by a stupid MTV guitar tech.
Pansy leaves behind My Chemical Romance, two of many of her siblings Epiphone Elitist Les Paul and Bella, and of course her loving owner Mr. Frank Anthony Iero. If we could have a moment of silence in honor of Pansy and her loving memory
*92% of the teen population would be dead if Abercrombie and Fitch decided breathing wasn't cool!!
Put this in your profile if you would be one of the 8% laughing histarically in the background!!"
*92% of teens move on to rap music. If you're part of the 8% that rock out every day, put this in your profile"
***If you have ever pushed on a door that said "PULL" copy and paste this on to your homepage****
You know you’re a My Chemical Romance Freak when
1. Your carpet is soaked with drool after watching them play on TV
2. You cry when u hear them play your favorite song live
3. You hear someone say My Chemical Romance and you snap to attention
4. You stand your ground and defend them when someone tries to criticize them
5. You feel like burning the TRL building down
6. You read a story and claim you saw one of the band members names, though its not there
7. You have a MCR song for every point in your day
8. You lick the TV when there on it, Mmm..MCR
9. You recite the words to the song when someone even mutters just a word of it.
10. You Live by the words of My Chemical Romance
11. You've asked your parents millions of times if you could make MCR your religion!!
Gerard Way puts the "laughter" in "manslaughter".
Mikey Way can slam revolving doors.
The chief export of The Frank Iero is pain.
Mikey Way counted to infinity...twice.
Frank Iero can divide by Zero.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Unless Gerard Way has been there, then its soaked with tears and blood.
The Frank Iero once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.
Gerard Way sleeps with a night light. Not because Gerard Way is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Gerard Way.
Mikey Way is the reason Waldo is hiding.
A Tsunami is water running away from Bob Bryar.
Bob Bryar doesnt get brain freeze. Slurpees know when to back the fuck off.
Bob Bryar does not teabag the ladies. He potato-sacks them.
Mikey Way can speak braille.
Frank Iero jacks off to Monster Trucks.
Jeeves asks Ray Toro.
If The Bob Bryar is late, time better slow the fuck down.
Geico saved 15% a year by switching to Gerard Way.
Ray Toro went back in time and stopped the JFK assination by catching the bullet in mid air. JFK's head just exploded in sheer amazement.
Gerard Way has to sort his laundry into three loads: darks, whites, and bloodstains.
The most effective form of suicide known to man is to type "Frank Iero" into Google and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky!"
Jesus walked on water. Gerard Way walked on Jesus.
When Frank Iero gives you the finger, he's telling you how many seconds you have left to live.
Gerard Way doesn't use pick-up lines, he simply says, "Now."
Mikey Way is like a Tsunami, if you can see him coming it's already too late.
Bob Bryar ate the Stay Puff Marshmellow man.
Ray Toro didn't vote for Pedro. He deported him.
When God said, "Let there be light", Gerard Way said, "say please."
♥ If You Ever Felt Alone ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Rejected ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Confused ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Anxious ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Wrong ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Wronged ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Unclean ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Angry ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Ashamed ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Curious ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Used ♥
♥ Be Prepared To Feel Revenge ♥
♥ Feel The Romance ♥
♥ My Brutal Romance ♥
♥ My Beautiful Romance ♥
♥ My Innocent Romance ♥
♥ My Childish Romance ♥
♥ My Miserable Romance ♥
♥ My X-Rated Romance ♥
♥ My Harlequin Romance ♥
♥ My Selfish Romance ♥
♥ My Chemical Romance ♥
We've fired the bullets, and felt the revenge.
We are lacking the romance.
We've faced the bullies, and we gave 'em hell,
Then hung 'em high.
We've marched down Cemetery Drive
& we are now prepared to march in The Black Parade.
No one loves us, so we don't love you,
and these are our Famous Last Words.
Here's to the kids who were never okay,
who brought their bullets in return for your love.
To the kids who live life on the murder scene, seeking revenge on those who wronged them.
To the kids who lost their fear of falling,
who refuse to drink to show their support for Gerard's decision.
Here's to the kids who sign their name xoxo, fuck sincerely.
The kids who love demolition style, who would end their days in a hail of bullets for thy lover. Here's to the kids who will spend their nights dreaming of what life would be like if they were G. F. R. B. or M. instead of partying with others.
Here's to the kids who play with action figures instead of doing homework.
Here's to the kids who mourned over the loss of Mikey's glasses,
here's to the kids who put bars and X's over their eyes to be just like their heroes.
Here's to the kids who scream fuck you to anyone who starts shit with them.
Here's to the kids who believe they're vampires, just like the MCR boys.
Here's to the kids who were welcomed to the black parade.
Here's to the kids who are not afraid to keep on living or walk this world alone.
To the kids who could've been a better son.
Here's to the kids who raise their glasses high for tomorrow we die, and we all go to hell.
Here's to the kids who put sister to sleep, who set ferris wheels ablaze.
To the kids who take pills that counteract the booze they drink.
Here's to the kids with poison and pills.
To the kids who Fire At Will.
Here's to the kids who loved pansy, and all its glory.
To the kids who cried at the sight of Robert Bryar burning on the set of FLW.
Here's to every soldier, vampire, and parader, to every Fan.
Here's to each and every one of you My Chemical Romance fans.
Your dedication is what makes the world go round.
"I will always stand by them no matter what they do or decisions they make... as a die-hard soldier of the MCRmy..I solemnly swear to give my blood,sweat and tears for the sake and well being of Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Ray Toro, Mikey Way and Bob Bryar... "
This is for all the kids who doodle MCR lyrics instead of paying attention in class.
This is for all the kids who listened to 'I'm Not Okay' on repeat because it made them feel like they weren't alone.
This is for all the kids who have seen 'Life On The Murder Scene' twenty bajillion times.
This is for all the kids who bought 'The Black Parade' the second it came out and clung to it like a security blanket for a month.
This is for all the kids who love Gerard, no matter what color his hair is.
This is for all the kids think Mikey is awesome, with or without glasses.
This is for all the kids who wish they could play guitar like Frank.
This is for all the kids were worried about Bob when he burnt his leg.
This is for all the kids who secretly fantasize about playing with Ray's hair.
This is for all the kids who know that as long as there is a My Chemical Romance, they will never be alone.
This is for all the kids who love My Chemical Romance with all their hearts.
This is for all the kids who wear their t-shirts not just to look cool, but to promote them too.
This is for all the kids who saved up their allowance for months, babysat, and mowed lawns to go to their concert and sing every word.
This is for all the kids who were never okay.
This is for the MCRmy.
the following i got from horsie890
Ten Commandments of the Black Parade
1. Thou shall accept death as it comes
2. Thou shall march and sing without question
3. Thou shall face fear and regret
4. Thou shall never let go of thy dreams
5. Thou shall give blood
6. Thou shall not fear thy sins
7. Thou shall protect thy brothers in arms
8. Thall shall darken thy clothes
9. Thou shall walk this world alone
10.Thou shall carry on!
The Ten Commandmenths of My Chemical Romance
1. Thou shall not put a gun to thy lover's head.
2. Thou shall be willing to die for love.
3. Thou shall seek revenge on those who wrong you.♥♥♥♥♥♥
4. Thou shall be a demolition lover.
5. Thou shall unleash the bats.
6. Thou shall protect thy lover from everything (even vampires)
7. Thou shall respect the lords, Gerard,Mikey,Frank,Ray,and Bob.
8. Thou shall sing the holy hymns of the chemical romance
9. Thou shall see beauty in bloody love.
10. Thou shall carry on.
The Ten Commandments of Gerard Way
1.Thou shall never let them take you alive.
2.Thou shall drink Starbucks coffee
3.Thou shall play World of Warcraft as an Undead Warrior
4.Thou shall admit that they are not okay freely
5.Thou shall unleash the fucking bats
6.Thou shall strike violent poses
7.Thou shall stay out of the light
8.Thou shall suck thy enemies blood
9.Thou shall overcome thy weaknesses
10.Thou shall not be afraid to keep on living
The Ten Commandments of Frank Iero
1. Thou shall run around until thou can no longer breathe
2. Thou shall eat skittles
3. Thou shall let the singer feel thou up
4. Thou shall wear a badge on thy shirt collar or hood
5. Thou shall get tattoos
6. Thou shall kick random objects if they are in thy way (yes that means if they are in Gerard/Mikey too)
7. Thou shall grin with all teeth
8. Thou shall change hair style every year
9. Thou shall wear sunglasses in situations of conflict
10. Thou shall burn everything and call it Cajun
The Ten Commandments of Mikey Way
1. Thou shall move as little as possible on stage
2. Thou shall choose coffee as thy poison
3. Thou shall straighten hair with dignity
4. Thou shall love sushi as much as thineself
5. Thou shall be the spiritual advisor to thy peers
6. Thou shall wear glasses as close to falling off as possible
7. Thou shall have epic battles with brick walls
8. Thou shall hate small spaces, large spaces and grocery shopping
9. Thou shall love unicorns with all thy heart
10. Thou shall be dangerous around toasters/heaters
The Ten Commandments of Bob Bryar
1. Thou shall never get mad at those more annoying than thou
2. Thou shall look cool with sunglasses
3. Thou shall declare that Gerard makes thou heart burn openly
4. Thou shall love cats
5. Thou shall walk in the other direction/lash out if a camera is shown
6. Thou shall T.P New York
7. Thou shall drum until thou can drum no more
8. Thou shall give out Mikey Way’s phone number
9. Thou shall be the hardest working drummer ever
10. Thou shall love Mr. Bean as thou equal
The Ten Commandments of Ray Toro
1. Thou shall head bang till thou can head bang no more
2. Thou shall stick thou hands in cupcakes
3. Thou shall hide thy contacts well (I never even knew he wore them)
4. Thou shall not like to read
5. Thou shall not bother to cook
6. Thou shall play until thou gets ‘Guitar Burn’
7. Thou shall hate thou hair when straightened
8. Thou shall sing back up as if it were the most important part
9. Thou shall ask Gerard to not do ‘that’ in thy direction
10. Thou shall be proud of thou afro
credits to car_crash_hearts
Real MCR Fans:
Real MCR fans are not the people who know everything about them.
They don’t care what color Gerard’s hair is on any given day.
They aren’t the people who shop for a jacket for hours just to copy the band.
Real MCR fans are not the people who know every detail of each band member’s pre-MCR life.
They don’t ask for various band members for dinner.
They don’t start smoking because “they think they will be hott like Frank and Gerard.”
Instead they know what smoking can do to people and wish Frank and Gerard would stop because we don’t want to lose them before their time.
Real MCR fans don’t ask for Bob for Christmas because that’s just stupid.
They don’t have to own the MCR action figures.
They don’t sleep with a picture of MCR and drool all over it.
They don’t spend hours searching the TV guide to find anything MCR-related.
They are excited when they just happen to see MCR on TV because the surprise makes it all the more exciting.
Real MCR fans don’t randomly break into song just because of hearing one phrase of lyrics in everyday speech.
They don’t spend hours scouring the Internet to find out what Ray’s favorite color is.
They don’t hound people about “MCR sav3d mi life!!!!” because they know that would make people think MCR only breeds annoying fans.
The real MCR fans are the people who don’t own their CD’s just to own them.
They are the people who only know the lyrics to “I’m Not Okay” and “Welcome to the Black Parade” because those are the only songs they’ve ever heard on the radio…and that’s all they can afford to listen to.
They borrow CD’s from their friends at every possible moment.
They don’t memorize the lyrics to all the B-side songs just to show off to the people who haven’t heard them.
The real MCR fans are the people who get thrown out of the arena where MCR is playing. Not for moshing too hard or trying to steal merchandise…but because they can’t afford the tickets and tried to sneak in.
They have never seen a picture of the band and don’t care because it’s not about the image.
They don’t dress to the “emo” stereotype because it’s a label MCR is trying to get rid of, not endorse.
They don’t always wear black just to prove a point.
They wear whatever they want because that is true self-expression…black, blue, pink, or otherwise.
Because it’s not about how much you know.
Because it’s not about the stuff you own.
Because it’s not about what you wear, the lyrics you’ve memorized, or how many songs you know.
Because the real MCR fans care about the music.
And real MCR fans have this on their profiles.
Started by horsie890
got this from horsie890
The Ten Commandments of a Green Day
(with slight editing by me)
1. Thou shalt not leave thy friends in need.
2. Thou shalt live in the minority as sons of rage and love.
3. Thou shalt thank thy lucky stars.
4. Thou shalt whine about nothing and everything all at once.
5. Thou shalt spend a day of pot and blow off steam with methamphetamine.
6. Thou shalt say thy 1,000 hours love in a song if thy pen writes wrong.
7. Thou shalt respect the Messiah, Michael, the king, Tre, and the lord, Billie Joe.
8. Thou shalt sing the holy hymns of the sweet children.
9. Thou shalt not ask why. Tis a lesson learned in time.
10. Thou shalt rock hard.
My Chem Qoutes
Cigarettes and coffee: an alcoholic"s best friend!" - Gerard
"It takes a while to tell stories, I think it"s because I was drunk for three years." - Gerard
"Well, I"m half Italian, so last year on warped tour i got this really good tan and I was like, bummer" - Gerard
"This ain't gonna cut the mustard" - Gerard
"Now all you need do is catch the flu, have your mum yell at you for not calling, and your in My Chemical Romance" - Gerard
So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black tee shirts?" - Gerard
"Is that a boa?? I sure do loveee boas" - Gerard
"My biggest addictions have been chocolate cake, mashed potatoes, and butter sandwiches." - Frank Iero
Cameraman: So, did you read Ellen DeGeneres"s new book?
Frank: Yeah.
Cameraman: How was it?
Frank: It made me a lesbian.
First kiss. With who and where? - Leah Miller of Much Music
That was actually how I met Bob - Frank
Frank: Has goldfinger ever had a flock of mooses advancing on him? It"s a terrifying sight.
Mikey: That"s not the plural of moose, it"s moosi.
Gerard: Fuck off, it"s meese.
Frank: I"d date Gerard.
The world is less violent when people are using hula-hoops.
Mikey Way
This band is metal in that we have a lot of metal in our instruments and there"s quite a lot of metal on my belt buckle as well.
- Mikey Way
Which of your band mates is most likely to accidentally stick a fork in a toaster?
Frank: Mikey.
And who would yell "Hey! It"s still plugged in!"?
Mikey: That would be me.
Gerard: I would definitely be the one yelling. I think we"re all very protective of Mikey for things like sticking forks in toasters.
Frank: It"s funny because when we were recording, me and Mikey lived together and I would go to Gerard after and be like, "I can"t believe he did this today."
Mikey: Yeah, I would leave the tea on overnight.
Frank: God forbid that kid ever lives alone!
Gerard: He had to promise he would watch him because he likes to do this thing where he"ll take a heater into the shower and plug it in...
Frank: Oh god!
Gerard: ...and there"s water everywhere!
Mikey: I did that one time...
Gerard: What about the times with the radio?
Mikey: ...and I was pretty warm when I did it though.
Okay guys these are some tough questions you up for it?
Gerard: Go for it
Frank: Shoot
Gerard: wow uh, yeah have to agree with Mikey on that. Skittles all the way.
Frank: I prefer sweet stuff over chocolate anytime.
Ray: Dude no way M&M's are way better
Frank: But they all taste the same!!!! Put some variety in your life man!!!!
Bob: Gummy bears
Gerard: Dumbass that wasn't one of the choices
Bob: ...oh well it is now.
Just so you know I didn't come up with this one: Which would you rather do impregnate a cow or eat road kill squirrel?
Frank: Are there any alternate answers?
Gerard: I'd rather eat road kill anything than get near a cow.
Mikey: he hates cows. But seriously eating a road kill squirrel? That would be just plain weird. And disgusting.
Gerard: Cows smell like shit.
Frank: How about neither
Ray: C'mon Frankie you know you wanna fuck a cow or two
Bob: Dude impregnating a cow just means you stick-
Mikey: EEEEWWWW!!!!!KEEP IT PG-13!!!PG-13!!!!!
So what's the meanest thing your band mates have ever done to you while on tour?
Ray: Don't even get me started the list could go on for hours.
Gerard: Come on. You know we pick on Mikey more than anyone
Frank: We've all had our days.
Gerard: you guys fucked up my samich and let me eat it.
I always thought it was sandwich
Gerard: When I was little I would say samich and it just kind of stuck.
Bob: tell Them what we did to the sandwich!!!
Mikey: Oh God NOOO!!!!!
Gerard: I was making a tuna and whip cream samich and I left for a second to go check on something. When I came back my samich was no longer whip cream and tuna it was a Mikey's cum and tuna samich. It was so fucking disgusting. I swear I'll get you back for that.
Mikey: Yeah and you did. I remember this one time when you and Frankie zipped me up in a sleeping bag and dumped my in the pool at that one Sheraton hotel because I wouldn't go up to that creepy floor with you guys.
What was so creepy about it?
Gerard: There was this fucking psycho Satanists cult up there and Mikey was scared shitless.
Ray: those guys were so cool!
Frank: there was this one guy who was chasing us around the floor they were on and shouting at us in latin. Or I think it was latin. We really pissed them off. I guess he was trying to curse us or something.
Do you guys believe in that kind of thing?
Gerard: well we've had a few incidents with a Ouijia board and we're all very superstitious.
Frank: don't go walking under ladders.
Okay new subject.Boxers briefs man thong or commando.
Mikey: (laughing so hard he fell off the chair)
Gerard: FUCK YEAH!!!!!
Ray: boxers for me thanks
Bob: No comment
Mikey: AHHH he's commando aren't you?
Bob: like I said no comment.
Gerard: Well I take long hot pleasurable showers, and I touch and scrub my whole entire body.
Mikey: Ewwwww
Ray: Oh Mikey you've thought about that before
Mikey: Eeeeewwwww NO!
Gerard: Dont deny it!
Mikey: Shut up back to the question.
Gerard: That is part of the question.
Frank: you guys are fucked up.
Ray: Hey Mikey, don't you take toasters in the bath?
Gerard: YES he does!
Mikey: Well not anymore, every once in a while I do like to watch T.V. in the bath but I guess it's not a safe thing to do!
Frank: Your are such a dumbass!
Frank: Yes actually. But it was nothing too dirty or anything. I just,-there was this one pair of pants Gerard had that really showed off his ass and uh...package.
Gerard: Yeah everyone knows I'm sexy.
Definitely Gerard. Anyway one of your fans wanted to know how far you've gotten with Bert
Gerard: Okay, I haven't fucked him haven't sucked him or vice-versa.Well i nearly did, but I have seen him naked.
Frank: I think Bob and Ray left us.
Mikey: Wussies can't handle the sex talk
Gerard: You're one to be talking.
Mikey: FUCK YOU!
Frank: and On behalf of all the rest of MCR and myself WE'LL SEE YA AT THE SHOW!!!!
Gerard: GO FUCK A WHALE!!!!
Girl: Do you like me?
Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: No.
Girl: If I left would you cry?
Boy: No.
..Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: No.
.Girl: Do I ever cross your mind?
Boy: No.
Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No.
Girl: Which would you pick, me or your life?
Boy: My life.
Hearing this, the girl turns and starts running away with tears. The boy chases after her and stops her.
Boy: You don’t cross my mind because you are always on my mind. I don’t like you because I love you. I don’t want you because I need you. If you left I would die, not cry. I wouldn’t live for you because I would die for you. I wouldn’t do anything for you because I would do everything for you. But I would still pick my life because you are my life.
I Wish a Guy would say that to me

----///-\\\----Put This
---|||---|||---On Your
---|||---|||---Site If
---|||---|||---You Know
-----\\///-----Who has or has
------///\-----died of
-----///\\\----cancer xxx
One day skittles and gummybears will take over the world. But they need our help. Please put this in your profiles and signatures to help them on their way to world domination! Hooray for world domination that tastes really good!
We are The Sexy Party <3

Bands that I Love!
Avenged Sevenfold

Boys Like Girls

Bullet For My Valentine


Fall Out Boy

Kill Hannah


My Chemical Romance

Panic! At The Disco

Papa Roach


The Used



The All-American Rejects

Avril Lavigne

Cute is What We Aim For

From First To Last

Good Charlotte

Green Day

Linkin Park


The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

The Misfits


Funeral For A Friend




The Smashing Pumpkins

The Academy Is…

The Pink Spiders

and many more
.........|||RIP PANSY! PUT
.........|||THIS ON YOU PAGE TO
......./|00|\TECHNICIAN!! ="[
...../|||/.\|||\R.I.P PANSY!!!
Leave it to MTV to screw shit up! Motherfucking MTV!!!!!!
Dearly Beloveds, we gather here today to mourn over the death of a loved one. That loved on would be Frank Anthony Iero's beloved guitar Pansy.
She was a sweet guitar. She always was in tune, and even after years of abuse, never managed to become seroiusly injured. That was until her fateful final song for her owner's band known as My Chemical Romance's Black Parade concert. She was overabused for many years, but this was the final time. Pansy was brutally murdered by a stupid MTV guitar tech.
Pansy leaves behind My Chemical Romance, two of many of her siblings Epiphone Elitist Les Paul and Bella, and of course her loving owner Mr. Frank Anthony Iero. If we could have a moment of silence in honor of Pansy and her loving memory
*92% of the teen population would be dead if Abercrombie and Fitch decided breathing wasn't cool!!
Put this in your profile if you would be one of the 8% laughing histarically in the background!!"
*92% of teens move on to rap music. If you're part of the 8% that rock out every day, put this in your profile"
***If you have ever pushed on a door that said "PULL" copy and paste this on to your homepage****
You know you’re a My Chemical Romance Freak when
1. Your carpet is soaked with drool after watching them play on TV
2. You cry when u hear them play your favorite song live
3. You hear someone say My Chemical Romance and you snap to attention
4. You stand your ground and defend them when someone tries to criticize them
5. You feel like burning the TRL building down
6. You read a story and claim you saw one of the band members names, though its not there
7. You have a MCR song for every point in your day
8. You lick the TV when there on it, Mmm..MCR
9. You recite the words to the song when someone even mutters just a word of it.
10. You Live by the words of My Chemical Romance
11. You've asked your parents millions of times if you could make MCR your religion!!
Gerard Way puts the "laughter" in "manslaughter".
Mikey Way can slam revolving doors.
The chief export of The Frank Iero is pain.
Mikey Way counted to infinity...twice.
Frank Iero can divide by Zero.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Unless Gerard Way has been there, then its soaked with tears and blood.
The Frank Iero once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.
Gerard Way sleeps with a night light. Not because Gerard Way is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Gerard Way.
Mikey Way is the reason Waldo is hiding.
A Tsunami is water running away from Bob Bryar.
Bob Bryar doesnt get brain freeze. Slurpees know when to back the fuck off.
Bob Bryar does not teabag the ladies. He potato-sacks them.
Mikey Way can speak braille.
Frank Iero jacks off to Monster Trucks.
Jeeves asks Ray Toro.
If The Bob Bryar is late, time better slow the fuck down.
Geico saved 15% a year by switching to Gerard Way.
Ray Toro went back in time and stopped the JFK assination by catching the bullet in mid air. JFK's head just exploded in sheer amazement.
Gerard Way has to sort his laundry into three loads: darks, whites, and bloodstains.
The most effective form of suicide known to man is to type "Frank Iero" into Google and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky!"
Jesus walked on water. Gerard Way walked on Jesus.
When Frank Iero gives you the finger, he's telling you how many seconds you have left to live.
Gerard Way doesn't use pick-up lines, he simply says, "Now."
Mikey Way is like a Tsunami, if you can see him coming it's already too late.
Bob Bryar ate the Stay Puff Marshmellow man.
Ray Toro didn't vote for Pedro. He deported him.
When God said, "Let there be light", Gerard Way said, "say please."
♥ If You Ever Felt Alone ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Rejected ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Confused ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Anxious ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Wrong ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Wronged ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Unclean ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Angry ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Ashamed ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Curious ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Used ♥
♥ Be Prepared To Feel Revenge ♥
♥ Feel The Romance ♥
♥ My Brutal Romance ♥
♥ My Beautiful Romance ♥
♥ My Innocent Romance ♥
♥ My Childish Romance ♥
♥ My Miserable Romance ♥
♥ My X-Rated Romance ♥
♥ My Harlequin Romance ♥
♥ My Selfish Romance ♥
♥ My Chemical Romance ♥
We've fired the bullets, and felt the revenge.
We are lacking the romance.
We've faced the bullies, and we gave 'em hell,
Then hung 'em high.
We've marched down Cemetery Drive
& we are now prepared to march in The Black Parade.
No one loves us, so we don't love you,
and these are our Famous Last Words.
Here's to the kids who were never okay,
who brought their bullets in return for your love.
To the kids who live life on the murder scene, seeking revenge on those who wronged them.
To the kids who lost their fear of falling,
who refuse to drink to show their support for Gerard's decision.
Here's to the kids who sign their name xoxo, fuck sincerely.
The kids who love demolition style, who would end their days in a hail of bullets for thy lover. Here's to the kids who will spend their nights dreaming of what life would be like if they were G. F. R. B. or M. instead of partying with others.
Here's to the kids who play with action figures instead of doing homework.
Here's to the kids who mourned over the loss of Mikey's glasses,
here's to the kids who put bars and X's over their eyes to be just like their heroes.
Here's to the kids who scream fuck you to anyone who starts shit with them.
Here's to the kids who believe they're vampires, just like the MCR boys.
Here's to the kids who were welcomed to the black parade.
Here's to the kids who are not afraid to keep on living or walk this world alone.
To the kids who could've been a better son.
Here's to the kids who raise their glasses high for tomorrow we die, and we all go to hell.
Here's to the kids who put sister to sleep, who set ferris wheels ablaze.
To the kids who take pills that counteract the booze they drink.
Here's to the kids with poison and pills.
To the kids who Fire At Will.
Here's to the kids who loved pansy, and all its glory.
To the kids who cried at the sight of Robert Bryar burning on the set of FLW.
Here's to every soldier, vampire, and parader, to every Fan.
Here's to each and every one of you My Chemical Romance fans.
Your dedication is what makes the world go round.
"I will always stand by them no matter what they do or decisions they make... as a die-hard soldier of the MCRmy..I solemnly swear to give my blood,sweat and tears for the sake and well being of Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Ray Toro, Mikey Way and Bob Bryar... "
This is for all the kids who doodle MCR lyrics instead of paying attention in class.
This is for all the kids who listened to 'I'm Not Okay' on repeat because it made them feel like they weren't alone.
This is for all the kids who have seen 'Life On The Murder Scene' twenty bajillion times.
This is for all the kids who bought 'The Black Parade' the second it came out and clung to it like a security blanket for a month.
This is for all the kids who love Gerard, no matter what color his hair is.
This is for all the kids think Mikey is awesome, with or without glasses.
This is for all the kids who wish they could play guitar like Frank.
This is for all the kids were worried about Bob when he burnt his leg.
This is for all the kids who secretly fantasize about playing with Ray's hair.
This is for all the kids who know that as long as there is a My Chemical Romance, they will never be alone.
This is for all the kids who love My Chemical Romance with all their hearts.
This is for all the kids who wear their t-shirts not just to look cool, but to promote them too.
This is for all the kids who saved up their allowance for months, babysat, and mowed lawns to go to their concert and sing every word.
This is for all the kids who were never okay.
This is for the MCRmy.
the following i got from horsie890
Ten Commandments of the Black Parade
1. Thou shall accept death as it comes
2. Thou shall march and sing without question
3. Thou shall face fear and regret
4. Thou shall never let go of thy dreams
5. Thou shall give blood
6. Thou shall not fear thy sins
7. Thou shall protect thy brothers in arms
8. Thall shall darken thy clothes
9. Thou shall walk this world alone
10.Thou shall carry on!
The Ten Commandmenths of My Chemical Romance
1. Thou shall not put a gun to thy lover's head.
2. Thou shall be willing to die for love.
3. Thou shall seek revenge on those who wrong you.♥♥♥♥♥♥
4. Thou shall be a demolition lover.
5. Thou shall unleash the bats.
6. Thou shall protect thy lover from everything (even vampires)
7. Thou shall respect the lords, Gerard,Mikey,Frank,Ray,and Bob.
8. Thou shall sing the holy hymns of the chemical romance
9. Thou shall see beauty in bloody love.
10. Thou shall carry on.
The Ten Commandments of Gerard Way
1.Thou shall never let them take you alive.
2.Thou shall drink Starbucks coffee
3.Thou shall play World of Warcraft as an Undead Warrior
4.Thou shall admit that they are not okay freely
5.Thou shall unleash the fucking bats
6.Thou shall strike violent poses
7.Thou shall stay out of the light
8.Thou shall suck thy enemies blood
9.Thou shall overcome thy weaknesses
10.Thou shall not be afraid to keep on living
The Ten Commandments of Frank Iero
1. Thou shall run around until thou can no longer breathe
2. Thou shall eat skittles
3. Thou shall let the singer feel thou up
4. Thou shall wear a badge on thy shirt collar or hood
5. Thou shall get tattoos
6. Thou shall kick random objects if they are in thy way (yes that means if they are in Gerard/Mikey too)
7. Thou shall grin with all teeth
8. Thou shall change hair style every year
9. Thou shall wear sunglasses in situations of conflict
10. Thou shall burn everything and call it Cajun
The Ten Commandments of Mikey Way
1. Thou shall move as little as possible on stage
2. Thou shall choose coffee as thy poison
3. Thou shall straighten hair with dignity
4. Thou shall love sushi as much as thineself
5. Thou shall be the spiritual advisor to thy peers
6. Thou shall wear glasses as close to falling off as possible
7. Thou shall have epic battles with brick walls
8. Thou shall hate small spaces, large spaces and grocery shopping
9. Thou shall love unicorns with all thy heart
10. Thou shall be dangerous around toasters/heaters
The Ten Commandments of Bob Bryar
1. Thou shall never get mad at those more annoying than thou
2. Thou shall look cool with sunglasses
3. Thou shall declare that Gerard makes thou heart burn openly
4. Thou shall love cats
5. Thou shall walk in the other direction/lash out if a camera is shown
6. Thou shall T.P New York
7. Thou shall drum until thou can drum no more
8. Thou shall give out Mikey Way’s phone number
9. Thou shall be the hardest working drummer ever
10. Thou shall love Mr. Bean as thou equal
The Ten Commandments of Ray Toro
1. Thou shall head bang till thou can head bang no more
2. Thou shall stick thou hands in cupcakes
3. Thou shall hide thy contacts well (I never even knew he wore them)
4. Thou shall not like to read
5. Thou shall not bother to cook
6. Thou shall play until thou gets ‘Guitar Burn’
7. Thou shall hate thou hair when straightened
8. Thou shall sing back up as if it were the most important part
9. Thou shall ask Gerard to not do ‘that’ in thy direction
10. Thou shall be proud of thou afro
credits to car_crash_hearts
Real MCR Fans:
Real MCR fans are not the people who know everything about them.
They don’t care what color Gerard’s hair is on any given day.
They aren’t the people who shop for a jacket for hours just to copy the band.
Real MCR fans are not the people who know every detail of each band member’s pre-MCR life.
They don’t ask for various band members for dinner.
They don’t start smoking because “they think they will be hott like Frank and Gerard.”
Instead they know what smoking can do to people and wish Frank and Gerard would stop because we don’t want to lose them before their time.
Real MCR fans don’t ask for Bob for Christmas because that’s just stupid.
They don’t have to own the MCR action figures.
They don’t sleep with a picture of MCR and drool all over it.
They don’t spend hours searching the TV guide to find anything MCR-related.
They are excited when they just happen to see MCR on TV because the surprise makes it all the more exciting.
Real MCR fans don’t randomly break into song just because of hearing one phrase of lyrics in everyday speech.
They don’t spend hours scouring the Internet to find out what Ray’s favorite color is.
They don’t hound people about “MCR sav3d mi life!!!!” because they know that would make people think MCR only breeds annoying fans.
The real MCR fans are the people who don’t own their CD’s just to own them.
They are the people who only know the lyrics to “I’m Not Okay” and “Welcome to the Black Parade” because those are the only songs they’ve ever heard on the radio…and that’s all they can afford to listen to.
They borrow CD’s from their friends at every possible moment.
They don’t memorize the lyrics to all the B-side songs just to show off to the people who haven’t heard them.
The real MCR fans are the people who get thrown out of the arena where MCR is playing. Not for moshing too hard or trying to steal merchandise…but because they can’t afford the tickets and tried to sneak in.
They have never seen a picture of the band and don’t care because it’s not about the image.
They don’t dress to the “emo” stereotype because it’s a label MCR is trying to get rid of, not endorse.
They don’t always wear black just to prove a point.
They wear whatever they want because that is true self-expression…black, blue, pink, or otherwise.
Because it’s not about how much you know.
Because it’s not about the stuff you own.
Because it’s not about what you wear, the lyrics you’ve memorized, or how many songs you know.
Because the real MCR fans care about the music.
And real MCR fans have this on their profiles.
Started by horsie890
got this from horsie890
The Ten Commandments of a Green Day
(with slight editing by me)
1. Thou shalt not leave thy friends in need.
2. Thou shalt live in the minority as sons of rage and love.
3. Thou shalt thank thy lucky stars.
4. Thou shalt whine about nothing and everything all at once.
5. Thou shalt spend a day of pot and blow off steam with methamphetamine.
6. Thou shalt say thy 1,000 hours love in a song if thy pen writes wrong.
7. Thou shalt respect the Messiah, Michael, the king, Tre, and the lord, Billie Joe.
8. Thou shalt sing the holy hymns of the sweet children.
9. Thou shalt not ask why. Tis a lesson learned in time.
10. Thou shalt rock hard.
My Chem Qoutes
Cigarettes and coffee: an alcoholic"s best friend!" - Gerard
"It takes a while to tell stories, I think it"s because I was drunk for three years." - Gerard
"Well, I"m half Italian, so last year on warped tour i got this really good tan and I was like, bummer" - Gerard
"This ain't gonna cut the mustard" - Gerard
"Now all you need do is catch the flu, have your mum yell at you for not calling, and your in My Chemical Romance" - Gerard
So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black tee shirts?" - Gerard
"Is that a boa?? I sure do loveee boas" - Gerard
"My biggest addictions have been chocolate cake, mashed potatoes, and butter sandwiches." - Frank Iero
Cameraman: So, did you read Ellen DeGeneres"s new book?
Frank: Yeah.
Cameraman: How was it?
Frank: It made me a lesbian.
First kiss. With who and where? - Leah Miller of Much Music
That was actually how I met Bob - Frank
Frank: Has goldfinger ever had a flock of mooses advancing on him? It"s a terrifying sight.
Mikey: That"s not the plural of moose, it"s moosi.
Gerard: Fuck off, it"s meese.
Frank: I"d date Gerard.
The world is less violent when people are using hula-hoops.
Mikey Way
This band is metal in that we have a lot of metal in our instruments and there"s quite a lot of metal on my belt buckle as well.
- Mikey Way
Which of your band mates is most likely to accidentally stick a fork in a toaster?
Frank: Mikey.
And who would yell "Hey! It"s still plugged in!"?
Mikey: That would be me.
Gerard: I would definitely be the one yelling. I think we"re all very protective of Mikey for things like sticking forks in toasters.
Frank: It"s funny because when we were recording, me and Mikey lived together and I would go to Gerard after and be like, "I can"t believe he did this today."
Mikey: Yeah, I would leave the tea on overnight.
Frank: God forbid that kid ever lives alone!
Gerard: He had to promise he would watch him because he likes to do this thing where he"ll take a heater into the shower and plug it in...
Frank: Oh god!
Gerard: ...and there"s water everywhere!
Mikey: I did that one time...
Gerard: What about the times with the radio?
Mikey: ...and I was pretty warm when I did it though.
Okay guys these are some tough questions you up for it?
Gerard: Go for it
Frank: Shoot
Gerard: wow uh, yeah have to agree with Mikey on that. Skittles all the way.
Frank: I prefer sweet stuff over chocolate anytime.
Ray: Dude no way M&M's are way better
Frank: But they all taste the same!!!! Put some variety in your life man!!!!
Bob: Gummy bears
Gerard: Dumbass that wasn't one of the choices
Bob: ...oh well it is now.
Just so you know I didn't come up with this one: Which would you rather do impregnate a cow or eat road kill squirrel?
Frank: Are there any alternate answers?
Gerard: I'd rather eat road kill anything than get near a cow.
Mikey: he hates cows. But seriously eating a road kill squirrel? That would be just plain weird. And disgusting.
Gerard: Cows smell like shit.
Frank: How about neither
Ray: C'mon Frankie you know you wanna fuck a cow or two
Bob: Dude impregnating a cow just means you stick-
Mikey: EEEEWWWW!!!!!KEEP IT PG-13!!!PG-13!!!!!
So what's the meanest thing your band mates have ever done to you while on tour?
Ray: Don't even get me started the list could go on for hours.
Gerard: Come on. You know we pick on Mikey more than anyone
Frank: We've all had our days.
Gerard: you guys fucked up my samich and let me eat it.
I always thought it was sandwich
Gerard: When I was little I would say samich and it just kind of stuck.
Bob: tell Them what we did to the sandwich!!!
Mikey: Oh God NOOO!!!!!
Gerard: I was making a tuna and whip cream samich and I left for a second to go check on something. When I came back my samich was no longer whip cream and tuna it was a Mikey's cum and tuna samich. It was so fucking disgusting. I swear I'll get you back for that.
Mikey: Yeah and you did. I remember this one time when you and Frankie zipped me up in a sleeping bag and dumped my in the pool at that one Sheraton hotel because I wouldn't go up to that creepy floor with you guys.
What was so creepy about it?
Gerard: There was this fucking psycho Satanists cult up there and Mikey was scared shitless.
Ray: those guys were so cool!
Frank: there was this one guy who was chasing us around the floor they were on and shouting at us in latin. Or I think it was latin. We really pissed them off. I guess he was trying to curse us or something.
Do you guys believe in that kind of thing?
Gerard: well we've had a few incidents with a Ouijia board and we're all very superstitious.
Frank: don't go walking under ladders.
Okay new subject.Boxers briefs man thong or commando.
Mikey: (laughing so hard he fell off the chair)
Gerard: FUCK YEAH!!!!!
Ray: boxers for me thanks
Bob: No comment
Mikey: AHHH he's commando aren't you?
Bob: like I said no comment.
Gerard: Well I take long hot pleasurable showers, and I touch and scrub my whole entire body.
Mikey: Ewwwww
Ray: Oh Mikey you've thought about that before
Mikey: Eeeeewwwww NO!
Gerard: Dont deny it!
Mikey: Shut up back to the question.
Gerard: That is part of the question.
Frank: you guys are fucked up.
Ray: Hey Mikey, don't you take toasters in the bath?
Gerard: YES he does!
Mikey: Well not anymore, every once in a while I do like to watch T.V. in the bath but I guess it's not a safe thing to do!
Frank: Your are such a dumbass!
Frank: Yes actually. But it was nothing too dirty or anything. I just,-there was this one pair of pants Gerard had that really showed off his ass and uh...package.
Gerard: Yeah everyone knows I'm sexy.
Definitely Gerard. Anyway one of your fans wanted to know how far you've gotten with Bert
Gerard: Okay, I haven't fucked him haven't sucked him or vice-versa.Well i nearly did, but I have seen him naked.
Frank: I think Bob and Ray left us.
Mikey: Wussies can't handle the sex talk
Gerard: You're one to be talking.
Mikey: FUCK YOU!
Frank: and On behalf of all the rest of MCR and myself WE'LL SEE YA AT THE SHOW!!!!
Gerard: GO FUCK A WHALE!!!!
Girl: Do you like me?
Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: No.
Girl: If I left would you cry?
Boy: No.
..Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: No.
.Girl: Do I ever cross your mind?
Boy: No.
Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No.
Girl: Which would you pick, me or your life?
Boy: My life.
Hearing this, the girl turns and starts running away with tears. The boy chases after her and stops her.
Boy: You don’t cross my mind because you are always on my mind. I don’t like you because I love you. I don’t want you because I need you. If you left I would die, not cry. I wouldn’t live for you because I would die for you. I wouldn’t do anything for you because I would do everything for you. But I would still pick my life because you are my life.
I Wish a Guy would say that to me

----///-\\\----Put This
---|||---|||---On Your
---|||---|||---Site If
---|||---|||---You Know
-----\\///-----Who has or has
------///\-----died of
-----///\\\----cancer xxx
One day skittles and gummybears will take over the world. But they need our help. Please put this in your profiles and signatures to help them on their way to world domination! Hooray for world domination that tastes really good!
We are The Sexy Party <3

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very long and interestins profile :))
I like a bible part too xD
Mrs.Flying Squirrel, August 14th, 2007 at 12:41:46pm
i like the bible part!!
abcdef...Gee!, July 9th, 2007 at 06:27:42pm
thats gooood.
Rectophobia Rachel, July 2nd, 2007 at 03:48:48pm
Amazing, you?
Rectophobia Rachel, June 25th, 2007 at 03:54:52pm
i <3 urs too, it made me laff so frikkin hard!!
XD i thought i was gonna die!!
totally made my day!!
*saves MCR interview*
abcdef...Gee!, June 24th, 2007 at 03:44:34pm
Yours is cute as well.
Rectophobia Rachel, June 24th, 2007 at 02:01:12pm
I'm Kate period.
BillieJoezGurl, June 21st, 2007 at 06:49:01pm
thnx yours has a lot of..writing :\ haha
VonDimera, June 13th, 2007 at 09:10:14pm
no problem =]
Love, June 9th, 2007 at 01:49:05pm
Yeah, i have a mibba. I'm the squirrelmeister there too :)
TO BE DELETED, June 9th, 2007 at 12:13:08pm
totaly, dude :D
PaNcAkEs, June 9th, 2007 at 09:41:36am
thanx! i like yours too. you must have taken al hell lot of time to type so much.
Love, June 9th, 2007 at 12:32:38am
WHy thank you.
yours is v cute
Rozee., June 8th, 2007 at 11:25:37pm
Its a bit too long but i loved your profile. lol
Rozee., June 8th, 2007 at 10:06:03pm
mm, Thank you
Rozee., June 8th, 2007 at 09:25:27pm