Janie Jones

- Name
- Annie
- Age
- 33
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- Boston (Pittsburgh at heart)
Member since April 3rd, 2005
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I've had the same profile pretty much since this incarnation of GSB happened, I guess it's time for a change.
In short:
+ I'm from western Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh, which is the best place in the world, if you ask me. We also have the best hockey team. That part is indisputable.
+ Despite the above, I will be spending the next four years at college in Boston (which is also a pretty decent place).
+ When I'm at home, I spend a lot of time driving around with my friends, startling random passersby by leaning out the window and singing Fergie at them.
+ When I'm at school, I spend a shitload of time writing (as I'm a journalism major) and trying not to get hit by overly aggressive Boston drivers while crossing the street.
+ I'm pretty much constantly rereading one Chuck Klosterman book or another.
+ I like driving, looking at maps, road trips, and Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate.
+ I wear one pair of shoes full time until they literally can't be worn anymore.
+ George Harrison is my favorite Beatle.
+ Playing hockey usually makes me feel like life is manageable.
if for some reason you want to hear about my life and the Pittsburgh Penguins, this is the place where I ramble about things on LJ.
In short:
+ I'm from western Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh, which is the best place in the world, if you ask me. We also have the best hockey team. That part is indisputable.
+ Despite the above, I will be spending the next four years at college in Boston (which is also a pretty decent place).
+ When I'm at home, I spend a lot of time driving around with my friends, startling random passersby by leaning out the window and singing Fergie at them.
+ When I'm at school, I spend a shitload of time writing (as I'm a journalism major) and trying not to get hit by overly aggressive Boston drivers while crossing the street.
+ I'm pretty much constantly rereading one Chuck Klosterman book or another.
+ I like driving, looking at maps, road trips, and Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate.
+ I wear one pair of shoes full time until they literally can't be worn anymore.
+ George Harrison is my favorite Beatle.
+ Playing hockey usually makes me feel like life is manageable.
if for some reason you want to hear about my life and the Pittsburgh Penguins, this is the place where I ramble about things on LJ.

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Aha, I know exactly what you mean. My friends would come over and ask who those "weird looking men in black suits with the matching hair cuts were" when they looked at my Beatles poster.
Ol' Blue Eyes., September 21st, 2008 at 02:24:12pm
Gah, you commented on my profile back in August, and I completely missed it. I don't get on this site much as the Specific Discussion threaed has sort of died.
And when I refer to it becoming trendy to listen to the Beatles, I'm mostly referring to the teeny boppers who saw Across the Universe, know perhaps three songs from the movie, and fancy themselves HOMG!HUGEFANZSRSLY. It bothers me to no end, really. Sigh.
Ol' Blue Eyes., September 20th, 2008 at 10:42:00pm
"I'm old for my age."
That PERFECTLY describes me also, you couldn't have said it any better. :p
High Fidelity, July 28th, 2008 at 11:31:55am
woah!! i am jealous of your concerts. i love both of them. promise to think of me in spirit when you go.
i know i flipped out when eddie vedder showed up. as did everyone else.
your vacation soudns like fun though, i dunno the last time we took one. i tinhk we went to hershey park a couple of times....which was fun. it smells like chocolate EVERYWHERE :)
peace love and applesauce :)
Minority_Under_Dog, July 11th, 2008 at 06:09:19pm
being lazy = paradise.
that sounds like fun!! how was the "outdoorsey" vacation? the grand canyon mustve been cool though im not sure what else you do there besides go "woah thats deep" and maybe but a t shirt. i would deffinitly do that. you know one of those "i survived the grand canyon and all i got was this stupid shirt"
anyways.... REM was killer live. micheal stipe (the lead singer) goes absolutly nuts and dances all over which makes it even better. plus they had a really sweet lights show too. and eddie vedder (from pearl jam) came on in the encore to do a song.
Minority_Under_Dog, June 28th, 2008 at 08:51:47pm
i started working. i work at a summer camp for little kids (like 18 months to 4 yrs) so its been fun and exausting. and i think one of them got me sick, but oh well. working there and seeing my friends is the only thing that gets me through the school year.
and umm... i had a birthday last week. and went to the shore for the first time. and saw REM with modest mouse and the national in concert.
how about you??? :)
Minority_Under_Dog, June 24th, 2008 at 06:27:33pm
havent talked to you in awhile so...
and happy summer :)
Minority_Under_Dog, June 20th, 2008 at 03:32:18pm
ugh i cant believe we lost game 2.
ugh. but on the plus side we don't have to be in uniform tomorrow because it's "flyers spirit day". so they did something right.
.... i wish it would stop being cold and rainy. and i cant wait for summer so i can start living my life.
Minority_Under_Dog, May 12th, 2008 at 05:49:36pm
i have stupidly pointless award ceremonies too. the biggest is called "prize day" and we get to watch the same 3 athletes and same 3 overly intellegent know-it all smart kids win stuff. and the same people win every award. it's the ideal palce for sleeping.
im excited for the hockey series :) go flyers!!!!!
by the way anything new with you?
Minority_Under_Dog, May 9th, 2008 at 05:02:08pm
it workedddd!
thank you mucho!!
yeah but watch the flyers play the peguins, that would be quite the battle.
well we have a house system at my school (like in harry potter) cuz we're the typical wanna-be brit boarding school but we're just some stuck up preppy jock private school. and today was the seniors last day of school so we had an "olympics" and did random events. everything from ultimate frizbee to pie eating. it kinda sucked but it beats school.
Minority_Under_Dog, May 2nd, 2008 at 08:57:12pm
trust me.... i've been there with the phillies. though recently i've been proud of them.
so how was your day? and how do you get that last.fm thing in your profile. ive been trying to do that for ages.
Minority_Under_Dog, May 1st, 2008 at 07:46:46pm
gracias :)
and i love your profile. and chuck kloisterman, and the clash and foo fighters and "fake news" and im pretty sure we could get married and everyrthing would be ok lol. :)
Minority_Under_Dog, April 25th, 2008 at 06:03:58pm
Happy Strummerday, Annie!!! :D
High Fidelity, December 22nd, 2007 at 04:38:00pm
djfidsofjdoisjfdsi I still need to snazzify your profile!
High Fidelity, December 15th, 2007 at 03:21:07am
haha. awsome
and thanks. i love penguins
MikesCoffeeCup, December 5th, 2007 at 11:21:36pm