Do you believe...reincarnation

billy fuckwit.
billy fuckwit.
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Mibba Blog
December 22nd, 2006 at 11:45am
I have no idea if I believe.

Maybe after I'm gone I'll come back as catnip.
Rotting On Here
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Mibba Blog
December 23rd, 2006 at 07:28pm
1. If I don't know what to believe.
2. If I'm a buddhist.

Then, I'll believe in reincarnation.
Age: 29
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December 27th, 2006 at 02:08pm
nope. and for you people who do, how many people have you met that have been reincartated?
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
December 27th, 2006 at 02:30pm
I do believe in reincarnation. It's silly, I suppose, but that doesn't stop me.
Age: 34
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December 27th, 2006 at 08:28pm
Tré is GSB bitch!:
nope. and for you people who do, how many people have you met that have been reincartated?

This is an odd question. If you believe in reincarnation, then hey, everyoe ever is a reincarnation of someone else. So in answer to your question, thousands.
Age: 31
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January 6th, 2007 at 11:40pm
I totally believe in reincarnation and past lives. =D It's very interesting.
Age: 31
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Posts: 495

January 6th, 2007 at 11:42pm
I do believe in reincarnation. It's silly, I suppose, but that doesn't stop me.

Oh, it's not silly! It's very logical. I mean, your energy, (which is technically what your soul is), never dies right? Just like energy in an object never goes away, it's simply trasmitted to another object. Well, it would make sense for your energy to never die, even though your phisical body dies. It makes alot of sence, personally. =D
Age: 31
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January 6th, 2007 at 11:43pm
Actually, today I got to talking to my mom about past lives and such, and I did a regression for her. Turns out, she's never lived before. So, I had to tease her today about being a 'newbie'. Laughing
Age: 34
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January 7th, 2007 at 03:38pm
"I believed in reincarnation in a past life."

reason number 36 why everyone should read The Realist.
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 7th, 2007 at 07:27pm
I think that when you die you just re-live your life, start over and do everything again.


It's bad enough just going through it all once, never mind doing it all again!
Post Whore
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January 8th, 2007 at 12:33am
Actually, today I got to talking to my mom about past lives and such, and I did a regression for her. Turns out, she's never lived before. So, I had to tease her today about being a 'newbie'. Laughing
A regression? how can you determine how often a person has lived or not? i've heard the term "Old soul" but I wasn't aware you could pinpoint how many lives you've lived.
Dead End Girl
Dead End Girl
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January 8th, 2007 at 12:36am
I've actually been reading a book called 'Spook' that talks about reincarnation.
The author went to India to talk to a guy who researches claims of reincarnation.
Their's been lots of claims he's investigated.

Although most don't seem too convincing since the most strongly supported ones are usualyl of close relatives (uncles, aunts, grandparents)

Personally, I'm not really sure.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
January 8th, 2007 at 06:33am
According to Hinduism, reincarnation is the cycle of the soul. The people you meet and hang out with and stuff now were people that you knew in your past life. Ususally,serious lovers/spouses meet up again in every life, but don't always love in every life. They're either lovers, flings, close friends, family, maybe even casual aquantainces. But you'll meet them again. Maybe fall in love all over again...Wink

And a being is incarnated over and over and over. As a beetle, a tiger, a tree, whatevah. And if, as a human, you're kind and stuff, you can be born again as a human until you acheive piousness and learn to live without material and sin. then you go to Moksha, thus escaping the cycle and chillin' in heaven.

Also, if you die of the day of Sankranti, a kind of solstice, which happens in January, you go straight to Moksha. Sometimes, past lives can be remembered.

However, these memories of past lives have been cast off as genetic memories. There is a possibility (still being researched, I think) that some memories from your grandparents or whatever seep through the chromosomes and you inherit them.

ex: There's a very common nightmare that you're walking someplace with trees and a hawk or huge bird of some kind just landed on you and tore open your chest or summat. My dad used to have that dream (and scream like hell). A lot of people have that dream. While there may be some psychological factors, no one has crossed out the possibility that its a genetic memory. I think te theory is that the people whose dreams are most similar are more closely related.
Magazine Sickness.
Magazine Sickness.
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
January 8th, 2007 at 07:04am
I do believe in reincarnation. It's silly, I suppose, but that doesn't stop me.

Its not silly.
It is very logical.
I mean what a waste of a soul if it's only used ONCE.

Spiral Static:
i don't believe in it.
you just can't re live your life over and over again.

Technically you're not reliving your life over and over again.
The belief is that the soul incarnates somewhere else after you die.
Like.. another country, etc etc.
You are not you.
You are you once and once only.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
January 8th, 2007 at 09:29am
You're basically reborn as someone else. Somewhere else.
Magazine Sickness.
Magazine Sickness.
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
January 8th, 2007 at 09:51am
You're basically reborn as someone else. Somewhere else.

Clap exactly!!
Age: 31
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Posts: 495

January 8th, 2007 at 10:18pm
Actually, today I got to talking to my mom about past lives and such, and I did a regression for her. Turns out, she's never lived before. So, I had to tease her today about being a 'newbie'. Laughing
A regression? how can you determine how often a person has lived or not? i've heard the term "Old soul" but I wasn't aware you could pinpoint how many lives you've lived.

A regression is pretty much a trance. You go into a trace and discover more about your past life. There's lots of diffrent ways of going about this trancing, (I suggesst looking it up on the internet and finding the way that most suits you). And, some people can exactly tell you what they were, what they did and how many lives they've had. I'm pretty sure I've lived twice, more than that, I dunno. I say my mom's a newbie because I did a regression for her, (put her into a trance), and did two diffrent ways of finding her past life, and nothing came up for either of them.

But, this life your living right now probably has clues about your past in it. Are you drawn to a certain place or time period? Are you scared of something for no apparent reason? Have you ever gone somewhere or seen a picture or movie about a place and thought, Oh my god, I've been there before! ?These are all good questions to ask yourself. Or, you may even have an unexplained pain or something that wont go away. That could be an injury that carried over from a past life. (ie, you've got this horrible pain in your leg all the time. It's got the doctors and your parents and yourself stumped. You do a regression and find out that you were living in the Civil War era and were shot in the leg).

And, an old soul is just someone who's lived a few lives, or it's also refered to as someone who acts older than they are. =] If you have any other questions, feel free to pm me any time!
Magazine Sickness.
Magazine Sickness.
Age: 33
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Posts: 443

Mibba Blog
January 8th, 2007 at 10:56pm
A regression is pretty much a trance. You go into a trace and discover more about your past life. There's lots of diffrent ways of going about this trancing, (I suggesst looking it up on the internet and finding the way that most suits you). And, some people can exactly tell you what they were, what they did and how many lives they've had. I'm pretty sure I've lived twice, more than that, I dunno. I say my mom's a newbie because I did a regression for her, (put her into a trance), and did two diffrent ways of finding her past life, and nothing came up for either of them.

But, this life your living right now probably has clues about your past in it. Are you drawn to a certain place or time period? Are you scared of something for no apparent reason? Have you ever gone somewhere or seen a picture or movie about a place and thought, Oh my god, I've been there before! ?These are all good questions to ask yourself. Or, you may even have an unexplained pain or something that wont go away. That could be an injury that carried over from a past life. (ie, you've got this horrible pain in your leg all the time. It's got the doctors and your parents and yourself stumped. You do a regression and find out that you were living in the Civil War era and were shot in the leg).

And, an old soul is just someone who's lived a few lives, or it's also refered to as someone who acts older than they are. =] If you have any other questions, feel free to pm me any time!

Have you ever researched the indigo children.
i suggest you should.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
January 13th, 2007 at 10:03am
I think I was a Buddhist servant girl in a past life. I had this dream once, a few years ago that I had some kind of broom in my hand and I was sweeping a marble floor. Then someone called me, I looked back and said I was coming. And I saw a Buddha sitting in kind of a mandir-type pedastal. And I remember looking at that Buddha through three statues of three different types of woman. One was very Indian and made of white something. She had flowers and everything. The one in the middle was red and I think represented a demon woman (according to Indian mythology) and the third was an Asian-looking woman. I remember I saw something different when I looked at the Buddha while standing near each statue. And I remember a wooden doorframe.

I never had that dream again, but I haven't forgotten it.
Basket Case
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January 13th, 2007 at 12:31pm
I think I was Anne Boylen in one of my former lives. I used to have dreams. This theory has been partially abandonned by me over the years, but I still think it's cool how we have such similar names. Who knows, my dad does do a lot of geneology, maybe a part of our family was from France in the 1500's.