Billie Joe - Song Writing Skills & Inspirations

Age: 38
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August 17th, 2006 at 05:13pm
I would read them all the time and probably laugh or just be extemely freaked out if i was them lol...Although they probably have better things to do with the little spare time they do get....But i like to think they have swung by a few times Smile
Board Parasite
Age: 35
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August 18th, 2006 at 09:58am
I have heard people talk about how Billie's writing style changed so much from Kerplunk to Dookie, and they have blamed it on them signing to a major label or what ever. But snce i have a new found love for early bootlegs (Gilman 92 I love you) I know thats horse shit, Billie was singing Longview (albeit comically and sounding like he was making it up as he goes along) and When I Come Around (R.I.P) in 92.
So yeah i dont know where that came from.. Very Happy but i had this umm urge to say it lol.. dork much? Laughing
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
January 18th, 2007 at 02:51pm
Billie Joe is definitely one of my inspirations as a poet and a songwriter. I think there's kind of a connection between the style of Blood, Sex and Booze and Give Me Novacaine. The verses are relaxed and then the chorus gets powerful and loud and it mellows out again and then goes really strong and stays that way. I suppose Longview follows that format too, but not in the same way. I dunno. Blood Sex and Booze and Give Me Novacaine just really remind me of each other.

But I think lyrically, Hitchin' A Ride is my favorite song. There's just so many awesome idioms in there that at first ,the song seems like utter nonsense about nothing. Happy hour, fountain of youth, "cold turkey's getting stale, tonight I'm eating crow". "off the wagon and hitchin' a ride."

The song is so genius its not even funny. Its not just a song about drinking. Its a cleverly diguised surrender to alcohol. He can't quit cold turkey so as far as staying sober, he's eating crow (being defeated). And off the wagon means giving up the fight to stay sober. It refers to when streets were cleaned with water carts. To be on the wagon was to vow that one would rather climb aboard a street-cleaning cart and drink that water rather than touch a drop of alcohol to quench thirst.
without a name
without a name
Age: 30
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Posts: 294
December 2nd, 2007 at 03:27pm
I just found this ..

I go into the darkness through me same only

which you would make?

what is it, which I would make?

I do not know myself.

at the moment.

Attacks of the concern of the fear crises

who are the brutal majority

my heart blows.

as if it to excape. would be??

I look at over.

of my environment.

everything is in-wound.

in the dark covering of the night.

My eyes begin themselves have lose in the darkness.

becomes more translucent. at my opinion.

I feel a feeling.

I am free.

in order to make, what I like.

Are you it?

by Billie Joe Armstrong

I look firmly upward on its face

I knew this smile on

I swim in its affectionate eyes, and see.

Its hochnaesigen lips over-accumulate up

I can only introduce itself, only one dream dun day.

I can only dream.

it seems I observes it in repetition.

As if the whole days, how it is, but the same.

Repetition again, but it is a Feenerzaehlung.

I can dream, but soon I see another day?

Does she dream about another night?

my dear, dear Adrienne

however, it is and always, another night

will be only another windy night

by Billie Joe Armstrong for Adrienne

Is that known ?

If that was on, no one knows for sure if it's him or not.

It says that Billie JOe is a Registerd Member In Poetry.Com
cabot gal
cabot gal
Age: 32
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December 2nd, 2007 at 04:44pm
Wow, well done on bumping a thread that was dead for almost a year, there Very Happy
Board Parasite
Age: 35
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Posts: 38824
December 2nd, 2007 at 05:24pm
Some threads are gonna come back anyways, Hannah. 'specially when the new album comes out. I think this is a good thread to revive, anways. What with Billie Joe doing interviews about writing songs and stuff.
I think that people could discuss where Beej is gonna get his inspiration from this time.

cabot gal
cabot gal
Age: 32
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December 2nd, 2007 at 05:33pm
I could understand if the post was actually stating something important and actually discussing his song writing skills, but all they did was state something we already knew.
Age: 32
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December 3rd, 2007 at 12:22am
Beat Up Car:
Some threads are gonna come back anyways, Hannah. 'specially when the new album comes out. I think this is a good thread to revive, anways. What with Billie Joe doing interviews about writing songs and stuff.
I think that people could discuss where Beej is gonna get his inspiration from this time.



Speaking of which, what interview is it where BJ says that's where he gets some of his ideas?
Board Parasite
Age: 35
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Posts: 38824
December 3rd, 2007 at 04:39pm
Oh yeah, I remember that interview, when he says that some lyrics come to him during sex, while out shopping or in the shower during hand sex

Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
December 3rd, 2007 at 06:26pm
I remember he once said he'd probably be Spiderman because he's always sneaking around and eavesdropping and he gets a lot of material from that.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
December 3rd, 2007 at 08:37pm
Wow, well done on bumping a thread that was dead for almost a year, there Very Happy
But I made this thread, so it kicks ass and it was too hard to resist the urge to bump such a glorious thread. Coffee
Age: 32
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Posts: 195
December 30th, 2007 at 09:21am
I think Jesus Of Suburbia is political in way.
It depicts modern America and how this war has torn families apart.
But it also has a drug related side.
It's just another "you need to do something" song.

Green Day have become so popular because they can write songs in so many different styles yet staying a punk rock band.
They cater for almost everyone.
Age: 32
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Posts: 62283
December 30th, 2007 at 07:47pm
Wow, well done on bumping a thread that was dead for almost a year, there Very Happy
But I made this thread, so it kicks ass and it was too hard to resist the urge to bump such a glorious thread. Coffee
The bumping rule is ridiculous anyway, except for like Birthday or Happy 2005 threads.

edit okay I'm aware that's offtopic ranting but I needed to tell you my very important own opinion woo. Cheese
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
December 30th, 2007 at 09:48pm
french dog blues.:
Wow, well done on bumping a thread that was dead for almost a year, there Very Happy
But I made this thread, so it kicks ass and it was too hard to resist the urge to bump such a glorious thread. Coffee
The bumping rule is ridiculous anyway, except for like Birthday or Happy 2005 threads.

edit okay I'm aware that's offtopic ranting but I needed to tell you my very important own opinion woo. Cheese

No one understands the bumping rule Think

Making a good post in an old thread is ok., but posting like... "Surprised" in all the old threads in the Green Day forum to get your post count up would be bumping. Bumping is just spamming in old threads.

Age: 32
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Posts: 195
May 20th, 2008 at 06:25am
I love they way Billie Joe writes the Melodies for his songs.
Like most song writing will write lyrics or music first.
But he just hums vowel sounds out of nowhere and thats how he comes up with the melodic pop punk extravaganza that is Green Day and it also allows you to write in a vast variety of styles as we all saw on Nimrod and Warning.

One of the greatest songwriters ever.
And one hell of an underated one as well.
90% of people i know will call him untalented.
He desrves so much more respect in the music community than what he gets.
Age: 29
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Posts: 412

June 2nd, 2008 at 04:01pm
on it says billie writes poetry or something.
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 412

June 2nd, 2008 at 04:08pm
i think green day has like different music w/ every album, or even song. but it still has that green day part in it, so every song is good.i luv green day like alot.... but i dont really like fbht that much. i mean i listen to it, and it would be so kool to see them play someime, but for me thats only cuz its green day. some times i will like one song and listen to it all the time, then ill like a different song and listen to it all the time, and it keeps going on like that. like awhile ago i liked the song reject, then i liked grouch, then i liked wake me up when september ends, i still like that one, but now its mostly waiting. and its keeps going on and on. like i still luv reject and all. wait nvm, im just going on and on with just random crap that no one cares about.
Rocker Chic
King For A Couple Of Days
Rocker Chic
Age: 31
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Posts: 2001

June 2nd, 2008 at 04:23pm
What I love so much about the way he writes is that he's not trying to copy anything. I don't know any bands that sound quite like Green Day - they pretty much have their own little genre. Also, I have to say that the lyrics he writes are fantastic, because he's not trying to be anything he's not. No Green Day song uses big words or are particularly "poetic", but it's raw. You can tell he's saying exactly what he wants to, without sugar-coating it. Very few songwriters actually write like they're normal people, they try to be more eloquent. I love that he doesn't do that.
Age: 29
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Posts: 412

June 5th, 2008 at 09:04pm
the thing about green day, besides their awesome lyrics, is that they have been popular for over a decade and they are still doing good, still a band, still great, and like that is truly amazing.... lol. i think that they are really good and i luv them SOO fricken much