Coping with your Sexual Orientation

Age: 32
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Posts: 122

December 24th, 2007 at 07:20pm
Good Relationships can never be based on secrecy and dishonesty, so you may decide to "come out of the closet" and admit to yourself, your family, and your closest friends that you have sexual feelings for someone of the same sex. If you do come out to your family, a period of stress, strained relationships, and severed communication may ensue, but in time the relationship may be reestablished, Gay people come out because they want to bring people INTO their lives, not shut them out.

Okay Now that you have read that(hopefully), Here are some questions.
1.-Why does Society makes it very difficult for people to admit that they are homosexual?
2.-Do you believe that Heterosexuals should only be accepted?
3.-Do you think that Homosexuality is a "Disease" or that a person who likes someone of the same sex, has medical problems?

Here is Melanie's Story
During the past few days Melanie had noticed a watery discharge from her vagina, and she knew she needed to see her gynecologist. After careful examination, Dr. Diemer told Melanie not to worry, but she did have chlamydia, an infection that needed to be treated right away. While Dr. Diemer was writing out a prescription, she told melanie that it was very important for her boyfriend to be treated also. Melanie panicked. She had never told Dr. Diemer that she was a lesbian, and she didn't know what to say. What would you do if you were Melanie? What harm may result if she is not honest with her physician?

Discuss! Very Happy
Age: 32
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Posts: 1808

December 25th, 2007 at 09:27pm
1. Society makes the minority feel like they're doing something wrong when they aren't the same as the majority. that was a badly composed sentence, but you get the idea. They think they're not accepted because some people make it seem that way, most of the people are actually fine with it or just can't be bothered by stupid questions lol. I actually believe, that be who or what you are, as long as you dont harm others, so yah. If someone is gay and they're not being total *insert plural noun here* then i'm fine with it. (I'm bi, tbh)
2. Naah, thats no fair and no fun at all. What would bi, lesbian and gay people do then?
3. Never. You can't help who you like, its who you are. Treating homosexuality is like taping together a cut-up apple in hopes to fix it XDXD it has no point and it just makes the given person feel bad. And thats not what we're aiming for, now is it.

AS for Melanie. I think she could either
a) NOT tell her doctor, get herself sorted out, have her girlfriend sorted out by her own doctor. No harm done, no nothing. And they can go on. They dont neccessarily HAVE TO tell the doctors. They weren't asked if they were lesbian, so they don't have to answer unless they feel like it. or
b) DO TELL her doctor, in hopes of her acceptance. If she does accept it, good for her, if she doesnt, too bad. She shouldn't have wasted herself on someone who can't be accepting of her patients, which is expected from a good doctor.
Miley Cyrus
Basket Case
Miley Cyrus
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December 26th, 2007 at 05:15pm
All doctors HAVE to treat paying people regardless.

She should tell him and not risk something bad happening.
Ol' Blue Eyes.
King For A Couple Of Days
Ol' Blue Eyes.
Age: 35
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December 27th, 2007 at 02:49am
1.- Society has been based around a heterosexual lifestyle. As I've stated in another thread, heterosexuality is the most publicized and easily accessible lifestyle. Almost every sitcom on national networks feature a heterosexual couple. Every single fairytale I've ever been told is about a girl and a boy. Children are raised in this enviroment, and when they realize they are attracted to the same sex, it goes against everything they've ever been taught. I think that while society will someday accept homosexuals entirely, it's going to take a long time, just as it took years for African Americans to be accepted as equals in society.
2.- No. Heterosexuality is only one type of lifestyle, and it is by no means the only right option.
3.- No. I think that homosexuality is something you're born with, although I do believe that a person makes the choice as to how they wish to live their life.

And Melanie doesn't necessarily need to tell her doctor that she is a lesbian, as I don't really understand how it would affect the diagnosis. I mean, sex is sex and you run almost all the same risks, with the exception of pregnancy. If she isn't comfortable, or worried about how her doctor will react, she doesn't have to say anything. However, her doctor should know that she's sexually active, but that's all the information I feel needs to be exchanged.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 122

January 2nd, 2008 at 08:41am
According to what Ol' Blue Eyes typed, I do think and also it may or is true that it will take quite awhile for Homosexuals/Bisexuals to be accepted.
Age: 34
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Posts: 88

January 9th, 2008 at 10:40am
why should it matter to a doctor, they have to act proffesional in all circumstances
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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Posts: 8866
January 10th, 2008 at 02:15am
In reference to acceptance of homosexuality in society, do you think male homosexuality has become more accepted then female homosexuality? I think it has especially with shows such as queer eye...
Basket Case
Age: 34
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Posts: 15914

January 10th, 2008 at 09:43am
I've always thought that female homosexuality was more accepted than male.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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Posts: 8866
January 10th, 2008 at 06:40pm
Maybe that depends on your own gender...
Falling In Love With The Board
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January 10th, 2008 at 07:46pm
1. It's difficult for society to accept homosexuals because homosexuals are still a minority. I go to a school with a very small black population, but I work with a lot of black people. They aren't very accepted at school because there are so few, but where I work it's absolutely fine with everyone (except Chad, but screw him) because of the exposure. Sure, I could blame Christians, but Christians don't call anyone out for lying or gossiping or anything like that. So it's obviously a personal discrimination using religion as an excuse rather than a religious discrimination.

It's just difficult because there aren't many. Of course, homosexuals and bisexuals are more accepted than you would think. At least with the female gender in this day and age. But that's more because women are objects in this society. In Greek society when men were objects (which is why their paintings and sculptures all depict buff naked men) they were accepted as homosexuals and bisexuals by many.

2. I think all people are people, and there should be some other description of them for me to accept them. I accept black people, but not schovanists. I accept white people, but not whores. I accept gays, but not the stereotypical. There's a stereotype for everything, and I accept some.

3. Sometimes. But the same goes for womanizers. I have a friend who was pretty much a womanizer until he came to terms with being raped as a child. Now he's pretty femistic. And his step-dad's two siblings were both raped (repeatedly) as children. Both of them turned out homosexual. The way I see it, all three of them were affected by trauma. Other than that, it's a mixture between what you're born with and your environment. But of course it doesn't fit the description of a disease.

as for Melanie (I hope you didn't use that name because you hate a whore named Melanie), she should ask how the disease is transmitted so that way she knows what kind of sex transmits it. Doctor's usually say, "it can only be transmitted through vaginal/anal penetration" rather than "straight sex".
1. Because of homosexuals' feelings.
2. Because not everyone has normal genetalia (i.e. people in accidents, people with defects, transexuals, that guy from Nine Inch Nail's Broken video, etc.)
3. Because no matter what your orientation or gentalia is...someone else will find some kinky way of doing the same thing.

But this is definately a debate where everyone will agree
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 122

January 13th, 2008 at 05:05pm
1. It's difficult for society to accept homosexuals because homosexuals are still a minority. I go to a school with a very small black population, but I work with a lot of black people. They aren't very accepted at school because there are so few, but where I work it's absolutely fine with everyone (except Chad, but screw him) because of the exposure. Sure, I could blame Christians, but Christians don't call anyone out for lying or gossiping or anything like that. So it's obviously a personal discrimination using religion as an excuse rather than a religious discrimination.

It's just difficult because there aren't many. Of course, homosexuals and bisexuals are more accepted than you would think. At least with the female gender in this day and age. But that's more because women are objects in this society. In Greek society when men were objects (which is why their paintings and sculptures all depict buff naked men) they were accepted as homosexuals and bisexuals by many.

2. I think all people are people, and there should be some other description of them for me to accept them. I accept black people, but not schovanists. I accept white people, but not whores. I accept gays, but not the stereotypical. There's a stereotype for everything, and I accept some.

3. Sometimes. But the same goes for womanizers. I have a friend who was pretty much a womanizer until he came to terms with being raped as a child. Now he's pretty femistic. And his step-dad's two siblings were both raped (repeatedly) as children. Both of them turned out homosexual. The way I see it, all three of them were affected by trauma. Other than that, it's a mixture between what you're born with and your environment. But of course it doesn't fit the description of a disease.

as for Melanie (I hope you didn't use that name because you hate a whore named Melanie), she should ask how the disease is transmitted so that way she knows what kind of sex transmits it. Doctor's usually say, "it can only be transmitted through vaginal/anal penetration" rather than "straight sex".
1. Because of homosexuals' feelings.
2. Because not everyone has normal genetalia (i.e. people in accidents, people with defects, transexuals, that guy from Nine Inch Nail's Broken video, etc.)
3. Because no matter what your orientation or gentalia is...someone else will find some kinky way of doing the same thing.

But this is definately a debate where everyone will agree

No I did not use the name because of that
Just an example
Board Parasite
Age: 38
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Posts: 35331
January 16th, 2008 at 10:31am
no matter what your orientation or gentalia is...someone else will find some kinky way of doing the same thing.
Ol' Blue Eyes.
King For A Couple Of Days
Ol' Blue Eyes.
Age: 35
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January 17th, 2008 at 07:22pm
I've always thought that female homosexuality was more accepted than male.
I really think it depends. In America, I've noticed that male homosexuality seems to be more common in mainstream media, as opposed to British mainstream, which has more female homosexual couples.

I don't know why, that's just my own personal observation. Faith
Age: 32
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Posts: 122

January 18th, 2008 at 09:59pm
I was reading something about People in Greece that they accepted male homosexuals. Thats why they have many statues of naked men.
Ol' Blue Eyes.
King For A Couple Of Days
Ol' Blue Eyes.
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 4816

January 21st, 2008 at 09:57pm
I was reading something about People in Greece that they accepted male homosexuals. Thats why they have many statues of naked men.
The statues nonwithstanding, in ancient Greece, it was not uncommon for two men to have sexual relations and the like. It was accepted as a form of brotherhood and male bonding.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 122

April 7th, 2008 at 09:23pm
And it was very uncommon for two women to do the same because they believed that it took a man to own something, which they owned the women, and they said that two pieces of "property" cannot own each other, right?
Rocker Chic
King For A Couple Of Days
Rocker Chic
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April 9th, 2008 at 10:32am
1.-Why does Society makes it very difficult for people to admit that they are homosexual?

It's in human nature, unfortunately, to not like things that we can't explain. We can't explain why someone would be attracted to the same sex (though it seems very simple to me, really), so we shun homosexuality. It's sickening, but I think it's true.

2.-Do you believe that Heterosexuals should only be accepted?

Absolutely not. I think people have the right to love whoever they want. You can't help that you're attracted to someone. And why should you be punished for loving? Love is the best thing known to man, I think, and it shouldn't be blocked from society in any way. We have so much hate in the world these days. We should be accepting all the love and happiness we can find.

3.-Do you think that Homosexuality is a "Disease" or that a person who likes someone of the same sex, has medical problems?

Not at all. You're either attracted to one sex or the other sex (or both). There's nothing wrong with that. It's not something a person chooses to be, its just a part of who they are. As I said, at least you're loving someone. It doesn't matter who.

As for Melanie - I'm not really sure if her being a lesbian would make a difference or not, but its really sad to think that someone would be forced to put themselves medically in danger because they're afraid of how society would react. I'm sure it happens in real life all the time, and its really disgusting, in my own opinion, that we'd make people feel that bad about who they really are. My aunt is a lesbian, and I think she's a really wonderful person. I hate thinking that people don't treat her right just because she loves another woman.
Basket Case
Age: 34
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Posts: 15914

April 12th, 2008 at 12:12pm
Ol' Blue Eyes.:
I've always thought that female homosexuality was more accepted than male.
I really think it depends. In America, I've noticed that male homosexuality seems to be more common in mainstream media, as opposed to British mainstream, which has more female homosexual couples.

I don't know why, that's just my own personal observation. Faith
I always thought it was based on one of those theories where apparently all women are really bisexual because it's OK for women (in the 'West' at least) to talk about another woman's looks but it's taboo for men to do so.

In Thailand, it's a bit different. Attitudes towards homosexuality and bisexuality are changing, but for a very long time transsexuals and transvestites have long been accepted and even rejoiced in our society. Our media loves using transvestites for programmes and characters in our horribly acted soap operas. Thailand is renowned for its lax stance with transvestites and you're bound to see one pretty much everytime you go out, they're everywhere.

In Western media and society transvestites seem outcasted and that general subject is rarely discussed except for movies like Boys Don't Cry and Kinky Boots where in the circumstances the transvestites/transsexuals are outsiders. In Thai movies, almost every movie has a transvestite and they always have a role in everyday life, living as an otherwise normal person often with a few gags directed at them, and it's OK to laugh too.

I find these differences absolutely fascinating.

I was looking at my birth certificate the otherday and I noticed something funny. On my Canadian and British birth certificates, there are two options for gender, the obvious male and female. On my Thai birth certificate, there are three options, male, female, and one which translates roughly as 'both' or 'together'. It's really interesting that the Western birth certificates don't seem to acknowledge that, though that was pretty much nineteen years ago, times could've changed, but still it's just as much of an issue now as it was then, in both societies.
Board Parasite
Age: 38
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April 15th, 2008 at 07:18am
Dude. How can you be born transsexual? They put male or female on a birth cert cos biologically, you're one or the other, at birth anyway. Even if there was some sort of 'hybrid' sex thing going on, it would be, biologically speaking.. a mutation, or something that was not designed by nature. I did Sexual Genetics in university, and life has evolved to have only two sexes. And two sex genes.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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Posts: 8866
April 15th, 2008 at 04:28pm
Can't some people be born hermaphredites?