And how do you feel?

This is not a random entry, this happens to be actual-factual.

So I'm sitting at my computer, about 12:30 am, and my little sister bursts into my room.
"Mark's here! Mark's here!"
Mark is my dad's friend. However, this is not normal because of the fact he hasn't seen my dad in 9 years.
I was anticipating and dreading that night.
So we're all tired. Mark gets most of his stuff inside, and he looks 100% different than he did last time I saw him. But that's okay.
So I go to sleep. When I wake up, I find not one adult, but two gone. So I begin to cook breakfast for my siblings. I figure my father and his 'best friend' were taking a walk or something.
Thankfully, I was correct.
When they returned, however, I found out that they didn't sleep the previous night, but stayed up until dawn talking and catching up. That was ok with me.
At about noon, the phone rang. My dad answered it, figuring it wasn't as important as it was. It was my mother.
My mother left me 10 years ago, and the tender age of 4. My dad and Mark raised me for a year, and Mark left. He had to, because he needed work, and wasn't finding it.
So my mother called. The first thing she said to me was "So what's your answer?"
Now, I should probably explain. My moms birthday is on the first of April (haha) and I decided I wanted to wish her a happy birthday. So we got back in touch, though now I wish we didn't. exactly three weeks later, she wants to fly all the way from Ontario, just to pick us up and fly us back for a 'visit.' Which, by the way, is illegal.
My mum and dad got divorced when I was 8. I deeply regret my parent's mistake.
So, after about an hour of fighting on the phone with my mom, I hand the phone to Mark, and within 30 seconds I can tell he's trying not to laugh.
After the phone was handed to my brother he tells me she was trying to convince him to persuade my father to let me go to mums.
After hanging up with my mum, washing my face, because I was crying, I had ruined my awesome makeup. I was informed I had to get a job.
Now, don't get me wrong, I would really like a job, but there isn't much work for someone my age who goes to school.
Now, because I have my own room, I have to pay room & board.
Well, here's news. My brother and my sister have their own room's too.

School tomorrow. I just got my report card back. B honors.
It would be much appreciated if someone would actually care about my achievements.
That's what I get for trying.
Posted on April 23rd, 2007 at 03:43am


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